异化优势。GF银行是最早一批成立的全国性股份制商业银行之一, 2016年 8月,中国
人寿通过股权收购成为 GF 银行最大股东,从此开始了 GF 银行与中国人寿的综合化经
营之路,保银协同工作也成为 GF银行重要战略导向以及主要业务增长渠道,在零售、
公司、投行与金融市场方面业务的发展都提供了丰富的资源基础。GF 银行零售银行的
保银协同工作取得了一定进展,其中,通过国寿渠道带动 AUM(Asset Under Management,
资产管理规模)超过 500亿元、储蓄存款月日均余额超过 200亿元,迁徙客户超过400
协同的综合化经营模式的 PA银行,其零售业务各项指标有 30%-40%来源于综合金融渠
论文通过对 GF银行、中国人寿以及 PA银行近几年公布年报数据的比较,采用 PEST
分析法,对 GF银行零售银行保银协同面临的政治环境、经济环境、欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司环境和集团环
境加以分析;运用 SWOT分析工具,总结出 GF银行零售银行开展保银协同工作面临的
论文通过构建 GF 银行零售银行保银协同业务的营销策略,力图为 GF 银行相关业
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Study on the Insurance-Bank Cooperation Strategy of China GF Bank
Retail Business
During the eleventh Five-Year Plan period, the financial regulatory authorities released
the requirements for the mixed operation of the banking industry. After that, the banking
financial institutions explored the effective path of coordinated development with insurance
companies through various forms, striving to find differentiated advantages in the fierce
competition. By the end of 2020, GF Bank's insurance-bank collaboration of retail banking
has made some progress. The insurance channel has driven the average daily balance of AUM
of 50000 billion yuan and the average monthly daily balance of savings deposits of 20000
billion yuan, and the comprehensive financial benefits are increasingly evident. However,
compared with China Life's huge customer base of nearly 400 million in China and the
situation that 30%-40% of the indicators of PA Bank's retail business are contributed by
comprehensive financial channels,there is stilla lot of roomfor improvement in the
Insurance-bank Cooperation of GF Bank's retail business.
Through the comparison of the annual report data published by GF Bank, China Life
Insurance and PA Bank in recent years, this paper concludes that GF Bank should mainly
focus on speeding up the migration speed and improving the quality of migration customers
whendevelopingretailbankingbusiness.By adoptingPESTanalysis,thepolitical
environment,economic environment,industryenvironment andgroup environmentof
Insurance-bank Cooperation of GF Bank's retail business are analyzed. SWOT analysis tool is
used to summarize the strengths and weaknesses, opportunities and challenges faced by the
retail business of GF Bank to carry out the coordinated work of bank protection. The research
found the following deficiencies: the agents of China life did not have enough understanding
of the existing products and value-added services of GF Bank, did not form fixed actions to
refer customers, the value-added services provided by GF Bank did not match the asset levels
of customers in the system of China life, and the physical branches of GF Bank did not
effectively cover the business scope of China life. This paper used the 4P theory to construct
the improvement plan and strategy in terms of product, price, promotion and channel. In
particular, suggestions were put forward in terms of exclusive products, exclusive services,
exclusive activities, professional capabilities and the enhancement of online construction
process, aiming to dig deeper the potential of Insurance-bank Cooperation in GF Bank's retail
business. Finally, through the personnel team construction, adhere to the law and compliance
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and protectionofconsumer rightsand interestsofthe threeaspects ofthe strategy
implementation safeguard measures.
It can be expected that the marketing strategy proposed in this paper aimed at the three
target customer groups of Insurance-bank Cooperation in the retail business of GF Bank will
help GF Bank and China Life deeply promote the development of their retail business on the
basis of win-win cooperation.
Key Words:China Life ; GF Bank ; Retail Business; Insurance-bank Cooperation
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