邮储银行 YG 县支行小额贷款信用风险管理
Research on Optimization of Microfinance Credit
Risk of YG Branchof PostalSavingsBank
学 位 申 请 人 : 白曼
专 业 领 域 : 工商管理
校 内 导 师 : 周才云 教授
校 外 导 师 : 曹军新 高级经济师
银行 YG 分行的经营现状、小额贷款现状和对小额贷款贷前、贷中和贷后的信用风险管
理和控制有关的系列理论。第三章归纳总结邮储银行YG 县支行小额贷款业务的发展现
状、面临的信用风险以及风险的管理现状和存在的不足。第四章探讨邮储银行YG 县支
经过本文的研究,得出结论:小额贷款作为邮储银行YG 县支行的特色业务,它在
但是小额贷款存在的信用风险也不容小觑,邮储银行YG 县支行当前的信用风险管理办
监测、构造分层监控体系和预警体系,诸多采用 ACPM 产品、工具进行信用风险管理。
最后邮储银行 YG 县支行还要在发展战略、管理、人力资源和技术上做好保障。
I Abstract
With the state;s attention to Inclusive Finance, the microfinance products provided by
commercial banks are becoming more and more abundant, and the service objects are
becoming wider. However, the competitive pressure in the field of microfinance business
among commercial banks is also increasing, and it is more difficult to manage all kinds of
risks. The postal savings bank, especially its county level sub branches, is different from some
branches of large banks and small and medium-sized banks due to factors such as
restructuring, local scale and customs. Only by doing a good job in market positioning and
strategic development objectives, combining its own advantages and disadvantages,
developing its strengths and avoiding its weaknesses, and continuously improving its market
competitiveness, can the county level sub branches remain invincible in a large number of
This thesis first reviews the literature on microfinance and credit risk management at
home and abroad, grasps the current academic research trends and frontiers, explores the gaps
or deficiencies of the current research, in order to supplement and improve it, then introduces
the concepts and combs the theories of microfinance, credit risk and risk management, and
then uses the questionnaire survey method to understand the operation status of YG branch of
postal savings bank The current situation of microfinance and the methods used in the credit
risk management of microfinance before, during and after loan, it is found that there are many
deficiencies in the existing risk management methods, and finally put forward optimization
and relevant safeguard measures.
Specifically, this thesis is divided into seven chapters. The first chapter is the
introduction, which introduces the topic selection background, research significance, literature
review, research contents and methods, as well as the possible marginal innovation of the
article. The second chapter introduces a series of theories related to microfinance risk
management and control. The third chapter summarizes the development status, credit risk,
risk management status and shortcomings of the microfinance business of YG County branch
of the postal savings bank. The fourth chapter discusses the internal and external causes of the
deficiency of microfinance risk management in YG County branch of postal savings bank.
The fifth chapter puts forward corresponding countermeasures and suggestions according to
the problems existing in risk management. The sixth chapter puts forward some safeguard
measures. The seventh chapter is the conclusion and Prospect of this thesis.
Through the research of this thesis,it is concluded that as the characteristic business of
YG County branch of postal savings bank, microfinance not only solves the problem of
expensive financing of local farmers and small and micro enterprises, but also significantly
improves the income and profit of the branch. However, there is a lack of strict pre credit and
post credit rating management methods of postal savings and loan branches, and there is no
II Abstract
need to make use of the traditional pre credit and post credit rating system. However, there is
no need to make more rigorous credit risk identification and post credit management methods
of postal savings and loan branches in this paper, In the process of loan supervision, we
should standardize the operation, clarify the posts and positions, prevent the reform and
restructuring risks of borrowers, strengthen risk monitoring after loan, construct hierarchical
monitoring system and early warning system, and use acpm products and tools for credit risk
management. Finally, the postal savings bank YG County branch should also do a good job in
development strategy, management, human resources and technology.
Key Words: YG County sub branch; Microcredit; credit risks; Management optimization
第 1 章 绪论..................... 1
1.1 研究背景及意义.............. 1
1.1.1 研究背景............... 1
1.1.2 研究意义............... 2
1.2 国内外研究现状.............. 3
1.2.1 小额贷款的概念与发展............ 3
1.2.2 小额贷款风险因素及成因研究.............. 4
1.2.3 小额贷款的风险管理对策研究.............. 5
1.2.4 邮政储蓄银行小额贷款风险研究.......... 6
1.2.5 文献述评............... 7
1.3 研究内容与方法.............. 7
1.3.1 研究内容............... 7
1.3.2 研究方法............... 8
1.3.3 研究框架............... 9
第 2 章 风险管理相关理论概述............... 11
2.1 相关概念的界定............ 11
2.1.1 小额贷款............. 11
2.1.2 信用风险............. 12
2.1.3 信用风险管理............ 13
2.1.4 信用风险监管............ 14
2.2 小额贷款信用风险管理相关理论............ 15
2.2.1 信用风险管理策略........... 15
2.2.2 信息不对称理论............... 15
2.3 本章小结................. 16
第 3 章 邮储银行YG 县支行小额贷款风险管理现状..........17
3.1 YG 县支行基本概况 .............17
3.1.1 YG 县支行简介.................17
3.1.2 YG 县支行工作人员情况...............18
3.2 邮储银行 YG 县支行所处环境..........19
3.2.1 经营环境的变化............... 19
3.2.2 宏观经济的不确定性.............. 20
3.2.3 脱贫攻坚政策的需要.............. 22