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分 类 号:密级:____________
学校代码:10414 学 号:202044400007
Research on the improvement strategy of
operating efficiency of Jiangxi Black Cat Carbon
Black Co., Ltd.
院 所:商学院 导师姓名:滕玉华
专业学位类别:工商管理硕士 专业领域:工商管理
二○二二 年三 月独 创 性 声 明
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研究公司经营现状的基础上,通过构建 DEA 模型对江西黑猫炭黑股份有限公司经
(2)运用 DEA 模型,以 2011-2020 年江西黑猫炭黑股份有限公司和 11 家炭
主要表现为综合效率在 2016 年之后明显下降,与其他11 家样本企业差距较大,
Jiangxi Black Cat Carbon Black Co., Ltd. is a leading enterprise in the domestic
Carbon Black industry. It not only occupies the first position in terms of output, but
also cooperates with many first-class tire enterprises at home and abroad, and is the
main and stable carbon black supplier. In the context of overcapacity in the carbon
black industry, severe export situation, fierce market competition, and slowing global
economic growth, Jiangxi Black Cat Carbon Black Co., Ltd. is facing severe
challenges. Therefore, it is of great significance to use scientific and reasonable
research methods to evaluate the operating efficiency of Jiangxi Black Cat Carbon
Black Co., Ltd., analyze the factors affecting the operating efficiency of Jiangxi Black
Cat Carbon Black Co., Ltd., and provide an effective guarantee for improving the
operating efficiency of Jiangxi Black Cat Carbon Black Co., Ltd.. This problem
concerns the overall operation level of China;s Carbon Black industry. It is an
important problem to be solved urgently in the academic circle.
Therefore, this paper takes Jiangxi Black Cat Carbon Black Co. , Ltd. as the
research object, on the basis of studying the company;s management status by using
the financial index analysis method, the operating efficiency of Jiangxi Black Cat
Carbon Black Co. , Ltd. is estimated by constructing DEA model. On this basis, the
paper explores the problems and causes of operating efficiency of the company, and
then puts forward the countermeasures and suggestions. The specific research
contents and conclusions are as follows:
(1)This paper analyzes the current situation of Jiangxi Black Cat Carbon Black
Co., Ltd. from the four aspects of profitability, development ability, solvency and
operation ability by means of financial index analysis. The research results show that
Jiangxi Black Cat Carbon Black Co., Ltd. has problems such as slowing development
speed, weak profitability and operating ability.
(2)Based on DEA model, this paper takes Jiangxi Black Cat Carbon Black Co.,
Ltd. and 11 listed carbon black companies from 2011 to 2020 as samples to measure
the comprehensive efficiency, pure technical efficiency and scale efficiency of carbon
black enterprises to evaluate their operating efficiency. The research results show that:
Jiangxi Black Cat Carbon Black Co., Ltd.;s operating efficiency is not good, mainly
reflected in the comprehensive efficiency decreased significantly after 2016, which is
IIIsignificantly different from the other 11 sample enterprises, specifically reflected in
the pure technical efficiency has been declining, while the scale efficiency remains
stable. It shows that the main factor of low operating efficiency of Jiangxi Black Cat
Carbon Black Co., Ltd. is the decline of pure technical efficiency, and the impact of
scale efficiency is relatively small.
(3)Combined with the current situation of the operation efficiency of Jiangxi
Black Cat Carbon Black Co., Ltd., this paper analyzes the reasons of its low operation
efficiency. The research found that the reasons for the poor operating efficiency of
Jiangxi Black Cat Carbon Black Co., Ltd. were mainly due to poor management level,
low technical level, single business structure, weak R&D capability and poor
employee enthusiasm.
According to the research conclusions, This paper puts forward countermeasures
and suggestions to improve the operating efficiency of Jiangxi Black Cat Carbon
Black Co., Ltd. from the following four aspects: improving and innovating the
management system;optimizing industrial layout;improving technological innovation
and strengthening cost control;strengthening the construction of talent team.
Key words: Jiangxi Black Cat Carbon Black Co., Ltd.; Operating Efficiency;
Data Envelopment Analysis

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