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WY 高速公路项目 PPP 模式选择及应用研究
导师姓名职称 张圣忠 教授
申请学位类别 硕士 工商管理
论文提交日期 2022 年 4 月 9 日 论文答辩日期 2022 年 6 月 12 日
学位授予单位 长安大学
Research on PPP Mode Selection and Application of WY
Expressway Project
A Thesis Submitted for the Degree of Master
Candidate:Yu Chengyun
Supervisor:Prof. Zhang Shengzhong
Chang’an University, Xi’an, China
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合理并建立完善的地方税收体系,我国自1994 年实行了“分税制”改革,但地方政府
在 GDP 考核指标和财权降低、事权不变甚至增加的压力下,大量使用单一的融资渠道
为了缓解地方政府债务压力,防范系统性金融风险,国务院2014 年印发了国发43 号文、
财政部 2014 年印发了财金 76 号文、财政部和交通运输部2015 年联合印发了财建 111
号文等多项政策文件,从顶层设计的角度鼓励和引导PPP 模式在我国的推广应用。但在
具体的 PPP 项目实施中,尚存在很多需要研究的问题,特别是高速公路 PPP 项目的模
基于此,本文在分析高速公路项目 PPP 运作模式选择现状及国内外 PPP 模式分类
研究的基础上,对高速公路项目 PPP 运作模式的选择与应用进行了研究。首先,分析高
速公路 PPP 项目模式选择存在的问题,并通过梳理国内外对 PPP 模式分类的研究成果,
归纳出高速公路 PPP 模式分类;其次,通过文献调研和专家问卷,在梳理基础设施项目
PPP 运作模式选择影响因素的基础上,确定了高速公路项目PPP 运作模式选择的影响因
素;再次,运用 AHP 法、三角模糊数和 TOPSIS 综合评价法构建了高速公路项目 PPP
运作模式选择模型;最后,将该模型应用于 WY 高速公路PPP 项目,并对该项目的 PPP
本文丰富了高速公路 PPP 模式研究理论,以期为提高政府的公共事业治理水平和管
理能力及社会资本的 PPP 项目模式选择效率与应用效果提供些许帮助。
关键词:PPP模式,高速公路,三角模糊数,TOPSIS 综合评价法,财务分析
i Abstract
As an important part of my country;s transportation infrastructure, expressways have
huge development space and development needs in the "14th Five-Year Plan" or even longer
period. However, in order to solve the unreasonable division of intergovernmental expenditure
responsibilities and some fiscal revenue and establish a sound local tax system, my country
has implemented the "tax-sharing system" reform since 1994. Under the pressure of GDP
assessment indicators and reduced financial power, unchanged or even increased
administrative power, local governments use a large number of single financing channels for
public utilities and infrastructure construction, resulting in a sharp increase in the debt risk of
local governments and a continuous deterioration in the financial situation. In order to
alleviate the debt pressure of local governments and prevent systemic financial risks, the State
Council issued Guofa No. 43 in 2014, the Ministry of Finance issued Caijin No. 76 in 2014,
and the Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of transport jointly issued Caijian No. 111 and
other policy documents in 2015 to encourage and guide the popularization and application of
PPP model in China from the perspective of top-level design. However, in the implementation
of specific PPP projects, there are still many problems that need to be studied, especially the
mode selection and application of expressway PPP projects, which need to be analyzed and
solved in depth.
Based on this, this paper studies the mode selection and application of expressway PPP
projects on the basis of the analysis of the status quo of expressway PPP project mode
selection and the research on the classification of PPP modes at home and abroad. Firstly,
analyze the problems existing in the mode selection of expressway PPP project, and
summarize the classification of expressway PPP mode by sorting out the research results of
PPP mode classification at home and abroad; Secondly, through literature research and expert
questionnaires, on the basis of sorting out the influencing factors of PPP operation mode
selection of infrastructure projects, the influencing factors of PPP operation mode selection of
expressway projects are determined; Thirdly, using AHP method, triangular fuzzy number and
TOPSIS comprehensive evaluation method to construct the PPP operation mode selection
model of expressway project; Finally, the model is applied to the WY Expressway PPP project,
and the PPP operation process, investment and financing financial analysis and risk
management are studied.
This paper enriches the research theory of expressway PPP operation mode, in order to
provide some help for improving the government;s public utility governance level and

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