题目: J 公司共享自习室营销策略研究
(英文):Rrsearch on Marketing Strategy of J Company Shared
study rooms
研究生学号: 20132301009
研究生姓名:李 博
指导教师姓名、职称: 李壮阔 教授
申请学位类别: 工商管理硕士(MBA)
专业名称: 工商管理
论文答辩日期:2022 年 6 月 独创性(或创新性)声明
本人签名:日期:2022 年 6 月 6 日
本人签名: 日期:2022 年 6 月 6 日
导师签名: 日期:2022 年 6 月 6 日 摘 要
摘 要
因此,本文选取 J 公司共享自习室作为研究对象,该公司产品服务体系较为完善,
其在欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司中处于被动地位。本文从 J 公司共享自习室的营销策略现状入手,结合市场
营销理论,首先,运用 PEST 分析法对我国共享自习室欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司发展概况进行分析;其次,
运用波特五力模型分析了欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司竞争情况;再者,用 SWOT 分析法对 J 公司共享自习
室发展策略分析研究;最后,阐明当前背景下 J 公司共享自习室面临的营销问题,例
如:风格偏好类似、价格偏高、销售渠道脆弱、促销效果有限等问题。并利用 STP
理论和 4C 理论提出了具有针对性的改进建议,认为 J 公司共享自习室在顾客策略方
策略上,采用需求导向定价法等方式。在便利性策略上,采用设置 24 小时无人自习
望通过一系列的营销策略,为 J 公司共享自习室选择合适的营销策略提供一定的参考
价值,帮助 J 公司共享自习室清晰未来的发展道路。
关键词:共享自习室 营销策略 4C 理论
I Abstract
With the change of consumption habits of young groups and the urgency of learning
time, the shared study rooms are born at the right moment. Compared with the departed
library, the shared study rooms rent sites to client in the form of payment, which is sought
after by the majority of consumerspared with traditional libraries and classrooms, the
shared paid study rooms rents the "learning atmosphere and sense of ceremony" to
customers in the form of daily charge, which is favored by the younger generation of
Therefore, this paper selects J company;s shared study rooms as the research object.
The product and service system is relatively perfect. However, except that the self-study
business service is representative in the local market, its service type is very single,
resulting in its passive position in the industry. Starting with the current situation of the
marketing strategy of the shared study rooms of J company, combined with the marketing
theory, this paper first analyzes the development of the shared study rooms industry in
China by using PEST analysis method; Secondly,using Porter;s five forces model to dissect
the industry competition;In addition, SWOT analysis is used to analyze and study the
development strategy of J company;s shared study rooms; Finally, it expounds the
marketing problems faced by J company;s shared study rooms under the current
background, such as similar style preference, high price, fragile sales channel, limited
promotion effect and so on. Using STP theory and 4C theory, this paper puts forward
targeted improvement suggestions, and holds that the shared study rooms of J company
should adopt strategies such as establishing an efficient service and marketing team,
promoting the upgrading of software and hardware equipment in terms of customer
strategy. In terms of cost strategy, demand-oriented pricing method is adopted. In terms of
convenience strategy, it adopts strategies such as setting up 24-hour unmanned shared
study rooms and optimizing wechat applet. In terms of communication strategy, it adopts
the form of increasing advertising exposure.It is hoped that through a series of marketing
strategies, it will provide some reference value for J company to choose the appropriate
marketing strategy for the shared study rooms, and help J company to clarify the future
development path of the shared study rooms.
Keywords: Shared study rooms,Marketing Strategy,Marketing Theory
II 目录
摘 要 ...................I
1 绪论........................1
1.1 研究背景及意义...............1
1.1.1 研究背景....................1
1.1.2 研究意义....................2
1.2 研究内容....................3
1.3 研究方法....................3
1.4 研究框架....................4
2 理论基础及文献综述.................6
2.1 相关概念....................6
2.1.1 共享经济....................6
2.1.2 共享自习室................6
2.2 相关理论和分析工具..............6
2.2.1 STP 理论....................6
2.2.2 4C 理论 ...............7
2.2.3 PEST 分析法 ....................8
2.2.4 波特五力模型..................8
2.2.5 SWOT 分析法 ..................9
2.3 国内外研究综述...............9
2.3.1 营销策略研究..................9
2.3.2 国外共享自习室的研究................9
2.3.3 国内共享自习室的研究..............10
3 J 公司共享自习室营销环境分析 ..................12
3.1 宏观环境分析.................12
3.1.1 政策环境.................12
3.1.2 经济环境.................13
3.1.3 社会环境.................14
3.1.4 技术环境.................15
3.2 竞争环境分析.................15
3.2.1 共享自习室欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司现状..................15
3.2.2 波特五力模型分析...............16