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2023 Global Software Outsourcing
Trends and Rates Guide Click on the titles below to go to the topic.
3Context: 20Software Outsourcing
Global Insider Point of ViewCost Considerations
2023 Global Software
Outsourcing Trends
and Rates
52023 Macro Software 28Global Analysis of
Outsourcing PerspectiveSoftware Developer Rates
82023 Software 37Putting Outsourcing
Outsourcing Trends Expertise to Work for You
16The Dynamics of Software
Developer Jobs and Skills
2 Economists surveyed by the Wall Street Journal in June of It’s a proven method of maintaining productivity and
2022 put the probability of the US economy heading into taking pressure off your in-house development team.
recession in the next 12 months at 44%. Rising interest If you;re apprehensive, we don’t blame you. Ambitious
rates, inflation and ongoing supply chain disruption are plans that were hatched early in the year may now need
hurting everyone, virtually everywhere.to be shelved due to the changing economic climate.
2023 Context: While the outlook for the software sector remains On the other hand, we are still seeing a strong appetite
relatively bullish – Forrester Research predicts 10.5% for digital transformation and cloud migration projects
Global Insidergrowth in technology investment globally this year – IT that improve efficiency and the customer experience.
leaders need to prepare for challenging economic While many tech companies are trimming headcount,
Point of View conditions ahead. the market for skilled tech workers remains incredibly
tight. We see developer rates slowing in the next year
They were already grappling with talent shortages, following two years of striking increases.
Another year, another crisis. ballooning developer costs and ongoing pandemic-related
Last year, our focus was ondisruption. Now they are preparing to make budget cuts The crippling war in Ukraine sadly challenges the country;s
and adjust revenue projections. ability to serve as a major outsourcing destination. We
pulling out of the pandemic.
stand in solidarity with our partners there who have
This year, it’s the specter of
We will all need to be adaptable to navigate what is ahead. distributed their people across safer regional locations to
a potential recession. In any Thankfully, software outsourcing helps us achieve that. If keep their projects on track. Ukraine will come back
case, Covid-19 isn’t done it plays an invaluable role in offering affordable access to stronger than ever, but rebounding will take time and
with us yet. talent and resources in boom times, it really comes into uncertainty remains.
its own in tough times.
The only constant at the moment seems to be uncertainty.
Outsourcing lets you adjust for economic uncertainty and But our 2023 Global Software Outsourcing Trends and Rates
keep operating and administrative costs low so you can Guide helps you cut through the chaos with expert facts and
pivot to meet the changing needs of your customers.insights. Recessions have forged many a great company.
Some of the biggest US companies weathered the 2008This is your opportunity to thrive.
global financial crisis by downsizing and outsourcing.
Andy Hilliard
Accelerance CEO
3About the 2023 Guide This guide reflects Accelerance;s
expert perspective along with insights
from software outsourcing thought
leaders including:
For more than 20 years, Accelerance hasThe detailed information in this guide is Association for Talent Development
had its finger on the pulse of the software designed to support your software investment Boston Consulting Group
development outsourcing sector. As the and decision-making in the coming year.CIO
leading Global Software Outsourcing Authority(R), CodinGame/CoderPad
Computer Economics
we’ve helped thousands of clients use It’s a go-to source for expert insights,Consortium for Information and Software Quality
outsourcing to drive strategic change benchmarking, proposals, skills gaps, tech Cyberseek
and navigate business cycles. priorities, professional development andDeloitte Consulting
predictions related to software development DevSkiller
DOU software professionals community
We bring that deep experience to our 2023 outsourcing. Forbes
Global Software Outsourcing Trends and Rates Forrester Research
Guide. Our insights are mined from our globalOur advantage lies in the combination of our Gartner
network – the world’s largest collection of vast global network allied with our professional Global Knowledge
Harvey Nash Group
certified software development firms across more consulting skills, our proprietary partner-selectionHired State of Software Engineers
than 30 countries and 60 industries. Now, moreprocess and our unique software outsourcing Infragistics/Reveal
than ever, a global view is critical to understanding lifecycle approach.IDC
the challenges and opportunities created by the
pandemic, geopolitics and the shifting This guide reflects our unmatched assessment IT Ukraine Association
economic climate. skills developed from personally scrutinizingKPMG
more than 8,000 software development LinkedIn
McKinsey & Company
We could all use a large dose of perspective to companies worldwide to certify the top 1%
help us process the tumultuous last few years.as premium enterprise-grade partners. SoftwareAG
Along with our proprietary insights, we’ve curated Statista
key trends and the latest data from industry Syntax
The Hackett Group
thought leaders and certified outsourcing partners. The Standish Group Chaos Report
US Bureau of Labor Statistics
West Monroe Partners
42023 Macro
Software Outsourcing Perspective

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