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1 绍兴天马汽车试驾体验场 SHAOXING TIANMA MOTOR DRIVING EXPERIENCE CENTRE SHAOXING TIANMA MOTOR DRIVING EXPERIENCE CENTRE 绍兴天马汽车试驾体验场 INTERIOR CONCEPT DESIGN - V2 室内概念设计 - 02 30th June 2014 2014年6月30日 1 SHAOXING TIANMA MOTOR DRIVING EXPERIENCE CENTRE 绍兴天马汽车试驾体验场 VISION 影像 WELCOME CENTRE - LEVEL 1 迎宾中心 一层 VISION 迎宾中心 一层 WELCOME CENTRE - LEVEL 1 地下车库 BASEMENT CAR PARK The Welcome Centre basement car park is for members only and is formed by an in situ concrete arch structure. The vaulted space is a monochrome rough textured concrete finish which contrasts with the glossy white floor epoxy painted floor finish that presents the cars as the objects of the space. The vault will be lit to provide illumination to the textured concrete and lighting to the cars below. LEVEL 1 一层 迎宾中心 一层 WELCOME CENTRE - LEVEL 1 地下车库 BASEMENT CAR PARK 更多稀缺素材,请关注网站:lmsck ,微信:snsj222 树脂地面涂料- 浅灰 色,重型 RESIN FLOOR FINISH- LIGHT GREY, HEAVY DUTY. 自然着色阳极氧化铝板 ALUMINIUM PANELS LEVEL 1 一层 SCALE 1:1200 预制抛光清水混凝土 墙板和天花板 INSITU CONCRETE WALL SHAOXING TIANMA MOTOR DRIVING EXPERIENCE CENTRE 绍兴天马汽车试驾体验场 CONCEPT DESIGN 概念设计 04 WELCOME CENTRE - LEVEL 1 迎宾中心 一层 2 LEVEL 1 一层 SCALE 1:300 SHAOXING TIANMA MOTOR DRIVING EXPERIENCE CENTRE 绍兴天马汽车试驾体验场 CONCEPT DESIGN 概念设计 04 WELCOME CENTRE - LEVEL 1 迎宾中心 一层 3 迎宾中心 一层 WELCOME CENTRE - LEVEL 1 4 VISION 迎宾中心 二层 WELCOME CENTRE - LEVEL 2 展览厅入口 ENTRANCE EXHIBITION HALL - MODE 1 The main entrance floor to the Welcome Centre at level 2 is a double height adaptable exhibition space in which art and supercars are exhibited in a showroom space. The main space will have a neutral palette of finishes to be a white label space able to be lit and branded to maximise revenue opportunities. It’s day to day presentation will be ZRC branded. Cafe and support areas will be simple and modern, clean, light and airy with a monochrome palette. There will be splashes of intense colours from the exhibits, cars and interior features. SHAOXING TIANMA MOTOR DRIVING EXPERIENCE CENTRE 绍兴天马汽车试驾体验场 VISION 影像 WELCOME CENTRE - LEVEL 2 迎宾中心 二层 。。。以下略

版权所有: 欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司©2025 客服电话: 0411-88895936 18842816135
