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Innovation Leadership Study Managing Innovation: An Insider Perspective April 2012 Table of Contents Introduction Results Implications Demographics 2 This Innovation Leadership Study provides insight into the formal and informal mechanisms for managing innovation Introduction (1/3) 3 Koen Klokgieters Vice President Business Innovation Dear Participant, This joint research by IESE Business School and Capgemini Consulting provides insight into both the formal and informal mechanisms for managing innovation. With respect to the formal part of managing innovation, we see that even though innovation is considered a highly strategic topic it is not organized in such a way. Innovation leaders understand the need to have an explicit innovation strategy and to support it with formal innovation governance mechanisms. However, only a minority of respondents agree they have an innovation strategy or an effective governance for innovation. I hope you will find these survey results useful for leading and managing innovation. Best regards, Koen Klokgieters Dear Participant, This Innovation Leadership Study aims to understand how those leading and managing innovation in their organizations think about the innovation function. When looking at the informal mechanisms for managing innovation we notice that the accountability for realizing growth is the main motivational driver for senior executives to be involved in innovation. Many of the innovation leaders and managers we surveyed have been tasked with creating a culture of innovation but interestingly enough it is the CEO and peers that are considered the main drivers of an innovation culture within companies. I would like to thank you for your contribution to this research. Best regards, Paddy Miller Paddy Miller Professor of Managing People in Organizations ? Introduction Results Implications Demographics 。。。以下略

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