The Global Financial Centres Index 31 March 2022 Financial Centre FuturesIn March 2007, Z/Yen and the City Of London released the ?rst edi provide evalu We are pleased to present the thirty-?rst edi In July 2016, Z/Yen and the China Development In partnership for research into ?nancial centres. We con The GFCI is updated every March and September and receives considerable ?nancial community. The index serves as a valuable reference for policy and investment decisions. Z/Yen is the City of London's leading commercial think-tank, founded in 1994 to promote societal advance through b - powered project managers, supported by experienced technical specialists so that clients get exper they need, rather than just resources available. The CDI is a leading n -tank that develops solu broad-scope and in-depth research to help advance China’s reform and opening-up to world markets. The CDI has been working on the promo ’s ?nancial system since its establishment in 1989. Based on rigorous research and objec providing inn corpor The authors of this report, Mike Wardle and Professor Michael Mainelli, would like to thank Bikash Kharel, Carol Feng, Peng Yu, and the rest of the GFCI team