中国新能源商用车地方推广特点及发展趋势 Characteristics and Development Trends of Local Promotion of New Energy Commercial Vehicles in China 中国汽车技术研究中心有限公司 China Automotive Technology and Research Center Co., Ltd.01 新能源商用车地方政策特点 01 Characteristics of local policies for new energy commercial vehicles 02 政策作用下新能源商用车地方市场表现 02 Local market performance of new energy commercial vehicles under the influence of policies 03 未来发展趋势 03 Future development trend 21.1 前期政策回顾:国家层面主导,地方细则配套 Preliminary policy review: dominated by the central government and supported by local rules ? 新能源商用车政策支持主要体现在规划、购置运营补贴、基础设施配套建设补贴、空气污染防治等方面。 ? 国家政策与地方政策形成“主导-落实配套”关系特点。 ? Policy support for new energy commercial vehicles is mainly reflected in planning, purchase and operation subsidies, infrastructure supporting subsidies, air control, etc. ? National policies and local policies form the characteristics of "leading and supporting" relationship. 空气污染防治 Air pollution control 规划 Planning 补贴 Subsidy 国家:《节能与新能源汽车产业 国家:《打赢蓝天保卫战三年行 动计划》National: "Three-year Action + 发展规划(2012―2020年)》 National: "Energy-saving and New Energy Automobile Industry Development Plan (2012- 2020)" 国家补贴 State subsidies 地方补贴 Local subsidies (