摘要 中国经济发展水平的提升带来居民收入和家庭财富的不断增加,投资理财需 求越发旺盛,与此同时央行先后多次下调存贷款基准利率,使得银行利息收入骤降, 商业银行不得不大力发展中间业务提高非利息收入,因此个人理财业务越来越受到 商业银行等金融机构的重视。银行理财产品在长期的运作过程中一直存在刚性兑 付投资收益、资管产品层层嵌套、加大杠杆水平、通过表内转移到表外规避监管 等风险隐患,为促进资管业务健康发展,回归资产管理的本源,相关监管部门联 合制定全新的资产管理规定,即“资管新规”,并于2018年4月27日正式发布, 对商业银行来说最具影响力的的变化就是在此之后发行的银行理财必须打破刚性兑 付,统一实行理财产品净值化管理。 资管新规的落地对整个资管欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司形成强烈的冲击,银行理财业务同样遭遇强 监管带来的震荡,鉴于部分理财产品尚未到期,且广大投资者对理财产品转型需 要一定程度的适应和接受,资管新规并没有全面实施,而是严格限制商业银行预 期收益型理财产品的规模,同时加大净值型理财产品的研发和推广。经过两年多 的过渡转型,商业银行已陆续按照资管新规要求整改规范并逐步适应,2020年8 月央行再次公布资管新规将于2021年底全面实行,在过渡期内同时存在预期收 益型和净值型理财,投资者可以在理财转型期间逐渐体验和适应净值化理财产 品,这一过渡期对于银行理财业务的营销是挑战更是机遇。能够尽早适应净值化转 型并引导投资者进行资产合理配置的金融机构更能适应未来市场的变化。 本文选取中国银行SZ支行作为研究对象,运用PEST分析法分析了支行个人理 财业务当前所面临的宏观市场环境和欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司竞争情况,进一步利用SWOT横向分析SZ 支行个人理财业务发展的优势、劣势、机会和威胁,从而找出其营销中存在的问 题,以7Ps营销理论作为理论指导,主要从产品、价格、渠道、促销、人员、过程 管理、有形展示等七个方面为切入点提出系列有助于SZ支行做大个人理财业务的 营销策略优化建议。 关键词:资管新规;商业银行;个人理财业务;营销策略 II Abstract Abstract With the improvement of China's economic development level, the residents' income and family wealth are increasing, and the demand for investment and financial management is becoming more and more vigorous. At the same time, the central bank has lowered the benchmark interest rate of deposits and loans for many times, which makes the interest income of banks drop sharply. Commercial banks have to vigorously develop intermediary business to increase non interest income. Therefore, personal financial management business is more and more popular with commercial banks and other financial institutions Attention. For a long time, there have been hidden risks in bank financial products, such as rigid cashing, nested asset management products layer upon layer, increasing leverage and avoiding supervision through off balance sheet. In order to guide asset management business to return to its origin, the "new asset management regulations" officially came into effect on April 27, 2018, requiring bank financial management to break the rigid cashing and implement net worth management. The implementation of the new asset management regulations has a strong impact on the whole asset management industry, and the bank financial management business has also suffered from the shock brought by strong supervision. However, after more than two years of transition, the bank financial management business has been rectified and standardized in accordance with the requirements of the new asset management regulations and gradually adapted. In August 2020, the central bank announced that the transition period of the new asset management regulations will be extended to the end of 2021, during which the new and old financial products will be replaced Alternatively, investors can gradually adapt to the transformation of product net worth in the transitional period, which is not only a challenge but also an opportunity for the marketing of bank financial services. Financial institutions that can adapt to the transformation of net worth as soon as possible and guide investors to allocate assets reasonably can better adapt to the changes of the future market. Abstract III This paper selects SZ sub branch of Bank of China as the research object, uses PEST analysis method to analyze the macro market environment of SZ sub branch of Bank of China's personal finance business. On this basis, it uses SWOT analysis method to analyze the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats of the development of SZ sub branch's personal finance business. It uses Porter's five forces model to analyze the current industry competition of SZ sub branch, and points out that Based on the 7PS marketing theory, the marketing mix strategy is made from the aspects of channel, promotion, personnel, process management and tangible display. Key words : New regulations on asset management; Commercial bank; Personal financial services; Marketing strateg 目录 IV 目录 摘要 ................................................... I Abstract ................................................ II 第一章 绪论 .............................................. 1 第一节 研究背景及意义 ........................................... 1 一、研究背景 ............................................................ 1 二、研究意义 ............................................................ 2 第二节 国内外研究现状 ........................................... 3 一、国外研究现状 ........................................................ 3 二、国内研究现状 ........................................................ 5 三、研究评述 ............................................................ 6 第三节 研究目的与研究思路 ........................................ 6 一、研究目的 ............................................................ 7 二、研究思路 ............................................................ 7 第四节 研究方法与技术路线 ....................................... 8 一、研究方法 ............................................................ 8 二、技术路线 ............................................................ 9 第二章 相关概念及理论基础 ............................... 10 第一节 个人理财业务概述 ......................................... 10 一、个人理财业务定义 ................................................... 10 二、 个人理财业务特点 .................................................. 11 三、 个人理财业务分类 .................................................. 11 第二节 资管新规概述极其对个人理财业务的影响 ..................... 12 一、 资管新规概述 ...................................................... 12 二、 资管新规对个人理财业务的影响 ....................................... 12 第三节 个人理财业务的理论基础 .................................. 13 一、投资组合理论 ....................................................... 13 二、7Ps营销理论 ........................................................ 14 目录 V 三、波特五力模型 ....................................................... 15 四、现代主要营销模式 ................................................... 15 第三章 资管新规下中国银行SZ支行个人理财业务营销现状 ..... 18 第一节 中国银行SZ支行简介 ...................................... 18 一、中国银行概况 ....................................................... 18 二、中国银行SZ支行基本情况 ............................................. 18 第二节 中国银行SZ支行理财业务介绍 ............................... 19 一、SZ支行在售理财产品类型 ............................................. 20 二、SZ支行理财客户风险层级分类 ......................................... 22 三、SZ支行金融资产层级划分 ............................................. 23 四、SZ支行营销人员配置情况 ............................................. 24 第四章 资管新规下中国银行SZ支行个人理财业务营销策略存在的问题 ........................................................ 25 第一节 理财产品方面存在的问题 ................................... 25 一、产品同质化严重 ..................................................... 25 二、产品定价缺乏竞争优势 ............................................... 26 第二节 营销渠道和促销方面存在的问题 ............................. 27 一、营销渠道单一 ....................................................... 27 二、促销推广力度不够 ................................................... 27 第三节 营销人员