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改革开放40年来,我国经济实现了快速增长。随着个人财富的不断累积,理财产 品市场不断壮大,凭借资金、资源和渠道等优势,迅速成为投资者稳资金、保增值的重 要途径,包括国有银行、外资银行、城市商业银行在内的各类银行机构纷纷推出相应个 人理财业务,成为各个银行收益的一项重要增长点。随着这项业务的迅猛发展,个人理 财产业的结构愈加复杂,也出现了刚性兑付、多层嵌套,以及规避监管等问题。党的十 九大提出,要防范重大风险,其中比较重要的内容就是防控金融风险,个人理财业务的 粗放发展对系统防控金融风险带来的严峻的挑战,亟待规范。因此,为了促进金融稳定 发展、有效防控系统性风险发生,2018年4月28日,国务院有关部门出台了《关于规 范金融机构资产管理业务的指导意见》,对于银欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司个人理财业务,特别是城市商业银 行的个人理财业务产生了极大的影响,城市商业银行的个人理财业务在这种大资管、严 监管的背景下,必将面临着转型与发展,对银行本身来说,这既是机遇,也是挑战。 本文对国内外相关理论进行了全面总结,全面梳理了LJ银行个人理财业务基本情 况、运作模式和盈利模式,对个人理财业务中存在的问题进行了深入分析,指出了收益 率缺乏竞争力、存款化现象突出、客户关系不够紧密、信息化水平不高、理财人员专业 性不够、资产管理能力还需增强等问题和不足,深入分析了LJ银行个人理财业务发展 的宏观环境和内部环境,对主要竞争者和竞争产品进行了对比分析,得出其竞争优势、 劣势、外部威胁、机会等,提出了LJ银行个人理财业务发展的组合策略,以及推进实 施的保障措施,期望通过研究,能够为LJ银行个人理财业务发展提出有针对性、可操 作的解决路径,为银行管理者和相关从业人员提供参考。 关键词:个人理财业务,资管新规,发展策略,实施保障 资管新规下LJ银行个人理财业务发展策略研究 Abstract In 40 years of reform and opening-up, our country has realized the rapid growth of economy. With the continuous accumulation of personal wealth, the market of financial products keeps growing. With the advantages of capital, resources and channels, financial products have quickly become an important way for investors to stabilize capital and maintain value added. Various banking institutions, including state-owned Banks, foreign Banks and urban commercial Banks, have launched corresponding personal financial services, becoming an important growth point for the income of all Banks. With the rapid development of this business, the structure of the personal finance industry has become more complex, and problems such as rigid payment, multi-layer nesting and regulatory evasion have emerged. The 19th national congress of the communist party of China proposed to prevent major risks, among which the prevention and control of financial risks is an important one. The extensive development of personal finance services has brought severe challenges to the systematic prevention and control of financial risks, which need to be standardized. Therefore, in order to promote the development of financial stability, effective prevention and control of systemic risk, on April 28, 2018, the relevant departments of the state council issued "the guidance on regulate financial institutions in the asset management business", for banking individual wealth management business, especially the city commercial bank personal financing business has a great influence, city commercial Banks' personal financial management business in such a big under the background of information technology, the strict regulation, will face the transformation and development, for the bank itself, it is not only an opportunity, is also a challenge. This paper makes a summarization on domestic and foreign relevant theory, the comprehensive combed the LJ bank personal finance business basic situation, operation mode and profit mode, the problems that exist in the personal finance business carried on the thorough analysis, points out the yield on the lack of competitiveness of deposit phenomenon outstanding customer relations close enough information level is not high enough professional asset management capabilities of wealth managers also need to strengthen the 哈尔滨工程大学工商管理硕士学位论文 problems and the insufficiency, deeply analyzes the LJ bank individual financing business development of macro environment and internal environment, analyzed the main competitors and competitive products, obtain the competitive advantage disadvantage external threats Opportunity, etc. his paper puts forward the general idea of LJ bank's personal finance business transformation and development, as well as specific Suggestions and guarantee measures to promote the implementation. It is expected that through research, it can propose targeted and feasible solutions for the development of LJ bank's personal finance business, and provide references for bank managers and relevant practitioners. Key words:personal finance service, new regulation of asset management, transformation and development, Implementation of security 资管新规下LJ银行个人理财业务发展策略研究 目 录 第1章 绪 论 ··········· 1 1.1 论文研究的背景、目的及意义 ········· 1 1.1.1 论文研究的背景 ··· 1 1.1.2 论文研究的目的 ··· 1 1.1.3 论文研究的意义 ··· 2 1.2 国内外研究现状 ··············· 2 1.2.1 国外研究现状 ······· 2 1.2.2 国内研究现状 ······· 5 1.2.3 对国内外研究的评述 ·············· 7 1.3 论文的主要内容和研究方法 ············· 7 1.3.1 论文的主要内容 ··· 7 1.3.2 论文的研究思路 ··· 8 1.3.3 论文的研究方法 ··· 8 1.4 论文的创新之处 ··············· 9 第2章 LJ银行个人理财业务现状与存在问题 ·············· 10 2.1 相关理论基础 10 2.1.1理财业务的基本概念 ·············· 10 2.1.2 理财业务的相关理论基础 ····· 10 2.2 LJ银行概况与个人理财业务发展情况 ·············· 12 2.2.1 LJ银行概况 ·········· 12 2.2.2 LJ银行个人理财产品基本情况 ··············· 13 2.2.3 LJ银行个人理财业务运作模式 ··············· 16 2.2.4 LJ银行个人理财业务盈利模式 ··············· 16 2.3 LJ银行个人理财业务存在的问题分析 ·············· 16 2.3.1收益率缺乏竞争力 ················· 16 2.3.2存款化现象突出 ··· 18 2.3.3 客户关系不够紧密 ················ 18 2.3.4 信息化水平不高 ·· 18 哈尔滨工程大学工商管理硕士学位论文 2.3.5 理财人员专业性不够 ············· 19 2.3.6 资产管理能力还需增强 ········· 19 2.4 本章小结 ······· 19 第3章 LJ银行个人理财业务战略环境分析 21 3.1 LJ银行个人理财业务的宏观环境分析 ·············· 21 3.1.1 政策法律环境 ······ 21 3.1.2 经济环境 ·············· 26 3.1.3 社会环境 ·············· 26 3.1.4 技术环境 ·············· 27 3.2 LJ银行个人理财业务的内部环境分析 ·············· 28 3.2.1 产品品牌 ·············· 28 3.2.2 管理模式 ·············· 28 3.2.3 理财团队 ·············· 29 3.2.4 业务工作流程 ······ 29 3.2.5 从业人员资质 ······ 30 3.2.6 销售模式 ·············· 32 3.3 欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司竞争环境分析 ·········· 32 3.3.1 主要竞争者和潜在竞争者情况 ··············· 32 3.3.2 主要竞争银行和理财产品分析 ··············· 33 3.4 LJ银行个人理财业务发展SWOT分析 ············· 35 3.4.1 LJ银行个人理财业务竞争优势 ··············· 35 3.4.2 LJ银行个人理财业务竞争劣势 ··············· 36 3.4.3 LJ银行个人理财业务外部威胁 ··············· 36 3.4.4 LJ银行个人理财业务外部机会 ··············· 37 3.5 本章小结 ······· 39 第4章 资管新规下LJ银行个人理财业务发展策略的制定 ··········· 40 4.1 资管新规下个人理财业务发展目标和思路 ······ 40 4.2 资管新规下个人理财业务发展策略的制定 ······ 40 4.3 资管新规下理财产品策略 ················ 41 4.3.1 强化品牌管理 ······ 41 4.3.2 加大现有产品整合 ················ 42 资管新规下LJ银行个人理财业务发展策略研究 4.3.3 丰富产品种类 ······ 43 4.4 资管新规下理财营销策略 ················ 43 4.4.1 重视传统营业网点的营销功能 ··············· 43 4.4.2 适时发展网

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