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随着国家二胎政策的开放,婴幼儿人数也不断增长,给母婴产品欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司带来新的发展 机遇。“十三五”时期,正是母婴产品和玩具产品欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司实现转型升级的大好时期,我国 母婴产品企业要把握好时机,提升产品品质,提高有效供给水平,创建知名品牌,树立 中国制造良好形象,满足多样化消费新需求。然而,在我国当前的母婴产品市场中,行 业发展空间有限,多数企业还在运用传统的营销策略,不仅不符合当代市场需求,也制 约母婴产品企业的长远发展,企业亟待改变这种现状,优化调整母婴产品欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司的市场营 销策略,推动我国母婴产品欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司高速发展。 本文以上海YL公司为研究对象,通过文献研究法总结国内外母婴产品市场营销的 研究现状,在前人对母婴产品市场营销的研究基础上,结合上海YL公司母婴产品市场 营销的现状与当前国内母婴产品的市场营销环境,结合SWOT分析方法,分析了上海 YL公司的母婴产品在市场竞争中的优劣势,同时通过展开问卷调查,详细分析了上海 YL公司母婴产品市场营销存在的问题,分别从STP战略与4P营销策略角度汇总了上 海YL公司母婴产品市场营销中存在的问题以及造成的原因,针对性的进行上海YL公 司母婴产品市场营销策略的方案改进。从STP战略角度,重新进行母婴产品的市场细 分、目标市场选择、市场定位,从4P营销策略的角度,提出了产品、价格、渠道、促 销四个角度的营销策略改进方案,最后提出了上海YL公司母婴产品市场营销策略改进 方案得以顺利实施的保障措施。希冀本论文的研究成果对于上海YL公司市场营销能够 起到积极的指导作用,增强市场竞争优势。 关 键 词:母婴产品;营销环境;4P营销策略 论文类型:应用研究 II Subject :Study on Marketing Strategy of Shanghai YL Company's Maternal and Infant Products Speciality:Business Administration Name : Du Ruoyu (signature) Instructor:Hou Haiqing (signature) ABSTRACT With the opening of the second child policy, the number of infants and young children is increasing, which also brings new development opportunities to the maternal and infant products industry. During the 13th Five Year Plan period, it is a good time for the transformation and upgrading of the baby and toy products industry. China's maternal and infant products enterprises should seize the opportunity to improve product quality, improve the effective supply level, create well-known brands, establish a good image of made in China, and meet the new demand of diversified consumption. However, in China's current market, the industry development space is narrow, most enterprises are still using traditional marketing strategies, which not only does not meet the needs of the contemporary market, but also restricts the long-term development of enterprises. It is urgent to improve the status quo, optimize and adjust the marketing strategies of maternal and infant products industry, and promote the rapid development of maternal and infant products industry in China. Taking Shanghai YL company as the research object, this paper summarizes the research status of marketing of maternal and infant products at home and abroad through literature research. On the basis of previous research on marketing of maternal and infant products, combined with the current situation of marketing of maternal and infant products of Shanghai YL company and the current domestic marketing environment of maternal and infant products, combined with SWOT analysis method, This paper analyzes the advantages and disadvantages of Shanghai YL company in the market competition of maternal and infant products, and analyzes the problems existing in the marketing of Shanghai YL company's maternal and infant products through questionnaire survey. It summarizes the problems existing in the marketing of Shanghai YL company's maternal and infant products and the causes from the perspective of STP strategy and 4P marketing strategy, From the point of view of STP, the marketing strategy of Shanghai YL company's maternal and infant products is improved. From the point of view of 4P marketing, the marketing strategy is optimized from four aspects: product, price, channel and promotion, Finally, it puts forward the safeguard measures for the optimization of marketing strategy of mother and infant products of Shanghai YL company. It is hoped that the research results of this paper can play a positive guiding role in the marketing of Shanghai YL company and enhance the market competitive advantage. Keywords: Maternal and Infant products; Marketing environment; 4P marketing strategy Thesis: Applied Research III 目 录 第一章 绪论 . 1 1.1 研究背景、目的及意义 .... 1 1.1.1 研究背景 ..................... 1 1.1.2 研究目的 ..................... 2 1.1.3 研究意义 ..................... 2 1.2 国内外研究现状 ................ 3 1.2.1 国外研究现状 ............. 3 1.2.2 国内研究现状 ............. 5 1.3 研究内容与研究方法 ........ 8 1.3.1 研究内容 ..................... 8 1.3.2 研究方法与技术路线 . 9 第二章 研究的理论基础 .......... 11 2.1 相关理论概念 .................. 11 2.1.1 市场营销概念 ........... 11 2.1.2 市场营销观念 ........... 11 2.2 相关分析研究方法 .......... 11 2.2.1 SWOT 分析法 .......... 11 2.2.2 STP理论 ................... 12 2.2.3 4P营销理论 .............. 13 第三章 上海YL公司母婴产品市场营销现状分析 ............................. 15 3.1 上海YL公司简介 ........... 15 3.2 上海YL公司母婴产品市场营销STP战略现状 ........................ 16 3.2.1 市场细分 ................... 16 3.2.2 目标市场选择 ........... 16 3.2.3 市场定位 ................... 17 3.3 上海YL公司母婴产品市场营销4P策略现状 ........................... 17 3.3.1 产品策略 ................... 17 3.3.2 价格策略 ................... 18 3.3.3 渠道策略 ................... 19 3.3.4 促销策略 ................... 19 3.4 上海YL公司母婴产品市场营销调查 .......... 20 3.4.1 调查问卷内容的设计和实施 .................. 21 3.4.2 调查问卷的结果汇总与分析 .................. 21 IV 3.5 上海YL公司母婴产品市场营销STP战略存在的问题 ............ 26 3.5.1 市场细分变量不足 ... 26 3.5.2 目标市场策略不科学 .............................. 26 3.5.3 市场定位不清晰 ....... 26 3.6 上海YL公司母婴产品市场营销4P策略存在的问题 ............... 26 3.6.1 产品问题分析 ........... 27 3.6.2 价格问题分析 ........... 27 3.6.3 渠道问题分析 ........... 28 3.6.4 促销问题分析 ........... 28 第四章 上海YL公司母婴产品市场营销环境分析 ............................. 30 4.1 宏观环境分析 .................. 30 4.1.1 政治环境 ................... 30 4.1.2 经济环境 ................... 31 4.1.3 人口环境 ................... 31 4.1.4 技术环境 ................... 32 4.2 微观环境分析 .................. 33 4.2.1 竞争环境 ................... 33 4.2.2 供应商环境 ............... 34 4.2.3 购买者的议价能力 ... 35 4.3 SWOT分析及结论 .......... 35 第五章 上海YL公司母婴产品市场营销策略改进方案 ..................... 38 5.1 上海YL公司母婴产品市场营销STP战略改进方案 ................ 38 5.1.1 市场细分 ................... 38 5.1.2 目标市场选择 ........... 40 5.1.3 市场定位 ................... 42 5.2 上海YL公司母婴产品市场营销4P策略改进方案 ................... 44 5.2.1 产品策略 ................... 44 5.2.2 价格策略 ................... 46 5.2.3 渠道策略 ................... 48 5.2.4 促销策略 ................... 49 第六章 上海YL公司母婴产品市场营销策略保障措施 ..................... 51 6.1 完善市场营销信息管理系统 ......................... 51 6.2 建立服务质量管理体系 .. 51 6.3 健全营销人员培训体系 .. 52 6.4 切实降低运营成本 .......... 53 V 第七章 结论与展望 .................. 55 7.1 结论 ... 55 7.2 展望 ... 55 致 谢 ........... 56

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