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随着我国的计划生育政策的改变以及二胎政策的放开,我国的人口出生率在未来 的几年内会再创历史新高。对于母婴用品欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司而言,这无疑是一个非常有利的机遇。 因为随着出生率的增长,对于母婴用品的需求量会大幅度的增加。目前我国的国内母 婴用品的市场被开发的尚不足 20%,市场容量非常的大。GB 母婴作为其中的一个企 业,也要抓住这个机遇。 GB 母婴用品公司是一家从事母婴用品生产制造、销售为一体的企业,在欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司内 有一定的知名度和代表性。GB 公司在发展的过程中,在政策上有国家对于电商欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司 进行大力扶持作为先决条件,和国家对于二胎政策的开放作为发展契机。当前发展的 经济环境中,随着国家综合国力的增强,人们的经济水平和能力得到非常大的提升, 特别是对于母婴用品的消费水平明显提高。我国的社会环境也给 GB 母婴公司的发展 提供了一定的平台,我国婴幼儿人口规模庞大,根据国家统计局相关欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司,2019 年 人口出生率要高于我国近五年以来人口平均出生率 12%的量,并且仍然呈现逐步上涨 的趋势,这无疑拓宽了母婴公司的市场空间。本文以 GB 母婴用品公司的营销策略作 为研究对象,运用市场营销 4P 理论和 SWOT 分析法,分析 GB 母婴公司在市场营销 中存在的优势、劣势、机会、威胁,发现 GB 母婴公司在营销策略上存在一定的不足, 主要表现在以下的几个方面。产品策略上,首先表现在产品组合深度不够,其次表现 在新产品开发方面。另外在产品定价方面与竞争对手的同档次的产品进行对比都存在 价格偏高的问题。在营销渠道方面,GB 公司的营销渠道较为传统和单一。在促销策 略上,目前 GB 公司产品和同行产品相比起来促销策略较为传统,不具创新性,促销 力度也远远不够,缺乏创意。基于以上的问题,在充分了解市场的基础上,提出优化 GB 母婴公司的市场营销策略,引领欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司转型升级。具体可根据消费者需求,优化新 产品开发策略,提供产品个性化服务,建立完善的销售渠道整合,联合新媒体进行促 销等形式来完善 GB 母婴市场的开拓与发展。 关键词:母婴用品;营销策略;SWOT 分析;渠道整合II Research on marketing strategy of GB maternal and infant company Abstract At present, the first generation of only children born after the implementation of the family planning policy has entered the birth peak. In addition, with the introduction of the two child policy, the number of new born children will usher in a small peak in the next few years. Experts from the National Bureau of statistics predict that the annual number of births in the next few years is expected to reach 3.5 million. As a result, the market demand for maternal and infant products will also increase significantly, which creates a good development opportunity for enterprises providing maternal and infant products production services. GB maternal and infant products company is an enterprise engaged in the production, manufacture and sales of maternal and infant products, which has a certain popularity and representativeness in the industry. In the process of the development of GB company, the government's strong support for the e-commerce industry is the prerequisite, and the opening of the two-child policy is the development opportunity. In the current economic environment, with the enhancement of national comprehensive national strength, people's economic level and ability have been greatly improved, especially for the consumption level of maternal and infant products. China's social environment also provides a certain platform for the development of GB maternal and infant company. China's infant population is huge. According to the relevant data of the National Bureau of statistics, the birth rate in 2019 will be higher than the average birth rate of China's population in the past five years by 12%, and it still shows a rising trend step by step, which undoubtedly broadens the market space of mother and infant company. This paper takes the marketing strategy of GB maternal and infant products company as the research object, uses the 4P marketing theory and SWOT analysis method to analyze the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats in the marketing of GB Baby Products Co., Ltd., and finds that there are some deficiencies in the marketing strategies of GB maternal and infant products company, which are mainly reflected in the following aspects. In terms of product strategy, firstly, the depth of product portfolio is not enough, and secondly, the development of new沈阳大学硕士学位论文 III products. In addition, in terms of product pricing, compared with competitors of the same grade products, the price is higher. In terms of marketing channels, GB's marketing channels are more traditional and single. In terms of promotion strategy, compared with the products of the same industry, the promotion strategy of GB company is more traditional, not innovative, and the promotion efforts are far from enough and lack of creativity. Based on the above problems, on the basis of fully understanding the market, this paper proposes to optimize the marketing strategy of GB Infant Products Co., Ltd. to lead the transformation and upgrading of the industry. According to the needs of consumers, we can optimize the development strategy of new products, provide personalized services, establish perfect sales channels, and combine with new media to promote the development of GB maternal and infant market. Key words: Maternal and infant products; marketing strategy; SWOT analysis; channel integrationIV 目录 摘要.............I Abstract......II 第 1 章 绪论.............................1 1.1 研究背景及意义.........1 1.1.1 研究背景...........1 1.1.2 研究目的...........1 1.1.3 研究意义...........2 1.2 国内外研究现状.........3 1.2.1 国内研究现状...3 1.2.2 国外研究现状...4 1.2.3 文献述评...........7 1.3 研究内容和研究方法.7 1.3.1 研究内容...........7 1.3.2 研究方法...........8 1.4 研究的创新点.............8 第 2 章 相关理论和方法概述..............................10 2.1 STP 理论....................10 2.2 市场营销 4PS 理论...10 2.3 SWOT 分析法............11 第 3 章 GB 母婴公司营销现状分析................... 13 3.1 GB 母婴公司简介..... 13 3.2 GB 母婴公司现行营销策略.................... 13 3.2.1 GB 母婴公司市场定位.................. 13 3.2.2 产品策略.........13 3.2.3 价格策略.........14 3.2.4 渠道策略.........14 3.2.5 促销策略.........15沈阳大学硕士学位论文 V 第 4 章 GB 母婴公司营销环境分析................... 16 4.1 GB 母婴公司营销的宏观环境分析........ 16 4.1.1 政治环境分析.16 4.1.2 经济环境分析.16 4.1.3 社会环境分析.16 4.1.4 技术因素分析.18 4.2 GB 母婴公司竞争环境分析.................... 18 4.2.1 竞争对手众多.19 4.2.2 渠道竞争错综复杂........................20 4.2.3 消费者议价能力增强....................21 4.3 GB 母婴公司 SWOT 综合评价...............21 4.3.1 GB 母婴公司的优势...................... 21 4.3.2 GB 母婴公司的劣势...................... 22 4.3.3 GB 母婴公司的机会...................... 22 4.3.4 GB 母婴公司的威胁...................... 22 第 5 章 GB 母婴公司营销策略存在的问题....... 24 5.1 GB 母婴公司消费者市场营销现状调查 24 5.1.1 问卷设计.........24 5.1.2 样本选择.........24 5.1.3 调查方法与过程............................24 5.1.4 调查结果分析.25 5.2 GB 母婴公司营销策略存在的问题........ 33 5.2.1 产品组合深度和开发进度不能满足市场需要...........33 5.2.2 产品定价偏高.33 5.2.3 营销渠道专业化不高....................34 5.2.4 促销策略创新不足........................35 第 6 章 GB 母婴公司营销策略改进建议........... 36 6.1 完善公司产品策略...36 6.1.1 科学延伸产品组合深度................36 6.1.2 开发和维护核心产品....................36 6.2 实行差异化定价策略..............................37 6.2.1 科学的定价方法............................37目录 VI 6.2.2 合理的定价策略............................37 6.3 开辟多元化的销售渠道..........................38 6.3.1 完善 GB 母婴公司的传统销售渠道........................... 38 6.3.2 大力发展互联网营销渠道............38 6.4 开展丰富的促销体验活动......................38 6.4.1 活动促销策略.38 6.4.2 新媒体促销策略............................38 6.4.3 体验式营销服务促销策略............39 6.4.4 育儿服务交流促销策略................40 6.4.5 亲子服务促销策略........................40 第 7 章 研究结论与展望.......41 7.1 研究结论...................41 7.2 研究展望...................41。。。。。。以下内容略

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