I T 公司人力资源培训体系优化研究 工商管理专业 研究生 马蜀媛 指导教师 董秋云 摘要 当前,全球新冠疫情和世界经济形势复杂而严峻,对我国经济发展的冲击和 影响还在不断凸现。随着全面建成小康社会和“十三五”规划收官,我国经济进 入了新常态发展时期,面对错综复杂的国际环境和国内经济新常态等多重因素影 响,推动转型升级、谋求高质量发展是目前国有外贸企业必须采取的应对之策。 人才的推动作用,是传统国有外贸企业成功实现升级逆转的关键因素。 本文选取 T 公司人力资源培训体系优化研究作为论文题材,一方面是在科学 技术瞬息万变、市场环境快速更迭的今天,依托国企改革的大背景,要实现“转 型蜕变”,T 公司就必须打造一批高素质的人才梯队。另一方面,通过人力资源培 训开发,T 公司能够最终形成极具市场竞争力的优势,从而完成企业转型升级、提 质增效的发展战略目标。 T 公司成立 40 年以来,公司在员工培训体系建设方面始终没有得到完善。现 有的培训体系并不能满足企业发展的需求,与企业的发展理念大相径庭,存在不 同程度的漏洞,例如:培训需求分析有效性不强、培训内容与形式相对单一、培 训流程及制度不健全、培训效果评估不全面等等,这些不足之处制约了 T 公司员 工潜力的迸发,同时也阻碍了该企业业务规模的发展以及经营业绩的增长。本文 主要通过文献欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司法、访谈法、问卷调查等研究方法分析国有外贸 T 公司培训体 系现状情况以及存在的突出问题,并结合企业实际情况,对 T 公司员工培训体系 进行优化建设。希望通过以人为本、深厉浅揭的培训体系架构,助力公司完成国 企改革飞跃,实现人员职业发展与企业经营目标相融合的新型学习型企业,为企 业筑牢人才基地建设,最终实现企业蓬勃发展、员工“名利双收”的目标提供有 力保障。 本文旨在从国有外贸企业人力资源培训体系构建理念方面进行创新,基于国 有外贸企业实际情况和人力资源发展现状背景分析,运用人力资源培训相关理念, 为其构建符合自身特色的培训体系,为推动国有外贸企业人力资源培训工作的发 展提供有益探索。希望本文能对国有外贸企业员工培训体系提供一些借鉴和指导。 关键词:人力资源 员工培训 体系优化Abstract III Research on Optimization of Human Resources Training System of T Company MBA major Postgraduate:Ma Shuyuan Tutor:Dong Qiuyun Abstract Right now, the global COVID-19 epidemic and complicated economies are still in grim situation, the compact on the Chinese economy is continuously uprising. With the enclosure of the homestretch to completing the building of a moderately prosperous so- ciety in all respects and achieving the targets set in the 13th five-year plan, the Chinese economy has stepped in the development period of new normal economy. Due to the affect caused by complicated international situation and domestic new normal economy, transforming and updating and high-quality development have become the necessary counter measurement for the state-owned foreign trade corporation. The contribution of talents is a critical factor in the success of traditional international trade companies in achieving upgrade reversal. State-owned foreign trade enterprises T, as provincial state-owned unit, shoulder the mission of maintaining and increasing the value of state-owned assets and achieving the stable and efficient development of foreign trade. In today's fast-changing science and technology and the rapidly changing market environment, relying on the background of state-owned enterprise reform, to achieve "transformation and transformation", we must build a group of highly qualified personnel. Through human resources training and de- velopment, it has formed an extremely competitive advantage in the market, thereby completing the development strategy of improving the quality and efficiency of the en- terprise. Since the establishment of the T company for 40 years, the company has invested much energy in employee training and made many efforts. However, we still find that the existing training system does not meet the needs of enterprise development. It is very different from the development concept of the enterprise. There are still some loopholes, such as the effectiveness of training needs analysis is not stable,四川师范大学硕士学位论文 IV the training content and form is over isolated, and the training process is not soundness, incomplete evaluation of training effects. These shortcomings have restricted the de- velopment of the potential of the company's employees, and also hindered the develop- ment of the company's business scale and operating performance. This paper mainly analyzes the current situation and outstanding problems of the training system of state-owned foreign trade T enterprises through research methods, such as literature data method, interview method and questionnaire survey method. Based on the actual situa- tion of the company, this article optimizes the training system of state-owned foreign trade T company. According to the causes of the problems, the targeted counter meas- ures were optimized from the aspects of training needs analysis, training content and form, training process and training effect evaluation. The newly constructed employee training system was supposed to help the company complete the revolution of state-owned enterprises and become a new type of learning enterprise. It could achieve a win-win situation for both employees' future career development and the business ob- jectives of the enterprises. "Fame and Fortune" goals provide strong guarantees. The main purpose of this article is to bring conceptual creativities into construction of human resources training system of state-owned trade companies. By combining the situations of operating and human resources development that generally reflected by state-owned trade companies, and applying the related concepts of human resources training skills, now to form a new training system, which fits the state-owned interna- tional trade companies more appropriately based on their features that have already been obtained, and to provide beneficial exploration in some ways to push the developing progress of the human resources training programs of state-owned trade companies. Hope this article may also provide useful instructional advices to other state-owned companies in the same area for a reference. Keywords: Human resource; Employee training system; optimization;目录 V 目 录 摘要 .................................................................I Abstract ...........................................................III 目 录 ...............................................................V 插图和附表清单 ......................................................IX 1 绪论 ...............................................................1 1.1 研究背景与意义 ...............................................1 1.1.1 研究背景 ...............................................1 1.1.2 研究意义 ...............................................1 1.2 文献综述 .....................................................2 1.2.1 国外研究现状 ...........................................2 1.2.2 国内研究现状 ...........................................3 1.2.3 国内外研究评价 .........................................5 1.3 研究内容与方法 ...............................................5 1.3.1 研究内容 ...............................................5 1.3.2 研究方法 ...............................................6 1.4 研究框架 .....................................................6 1.5 创新点及不足之处 .............................................7 1.5.1 创新点 .................................................7 1.5.2 不足之处 ...............................................7 2 相关概念及理论基础 .................................................8 2.1 相关概念界定 .................................................8 2.1.1 人力资源培训 ...........................................8 2.1.2 人力资源培训体系 .......................................8 2.2 理论基础 ....................................................10 2.2.1 需求层次理论 ..........................................10 2.2.2 人力资本理论 ..........................................11 2.2.3 人力资源开发理论 ......................................12 3 T 公司人力资源培训现状分析 ........................................13 3.1 T 公司所在纺织外贸欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司概况 .................................