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I 摘要 小微企业在我国的经济发展中处在举足轻重的地位,在为国家增创税收、提高就业 率、改善居民生活、活跃经济市场和稳定社会发展等方面发挥着巨大的作用。由于小微 企业自身经营风险大、生命周期短、信用记录少、缺乏抵押物,在信贷方面处于劣势地 位,小微企业的发展受到“融资贵、融资难”的制约。为帮助小微企业解决“融资难、 融资贵”的问题,从而激活国内市场、推动经济发展,国家出台一揽子金融政策扶持小 微企业。 银欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司传统业务市场已是一片红海,为了长久的发展,各大银行将发展重点由大型 企业客户转到小微企业客户。A 银行保定分行大力发展小微企业业务,争做小微企业全 生命周期合作伙伴。利用网点优势、常年积累的客户资源和众多子公司为小微企业客户 提供综合化服务。A 银行保定分行的小微企业贷款业务利率低、申请便捷、使用灵活, 贷款余额在保定市金融系统内排第一。但在营销过程中,仍然存在产品不能满足巨大的 小微企业市场、获客渠道少、人员专业性不高等问题制约小微企业贷款业务的发展。 本文以 A 银行保定分行小微企业贷款业务为研究对象,运用 PEST 分析法和波特五 力分析法分别对宏观环境和微观环境进行分析,运用 STP 理论对 A 银行保定分行小微 企业贷款业务的市场定位进行分析。通过向企业客户发放调查问卷,了解客户对贷款的 真实需求。运用 7P 营销理论从产品、价格、促销、渠道、服务人员、服务过程、有形 展示 7 个方面分析营销过程中存在的问题,再得出营销过程改进的策略,主要从加深新 型小微企业贷款产品研发、适当放宽贷款利率审批权限、加大促销力度批量获客、拓宽 获客渠道、加强从业人员管理提高专业素质等方面给出合理性建议。完善小微企业贷款 业务营销策略,有利于 A 银行保定分行在当地金融市场中获得更多的份额,同时对其他 商业银行的业务发展具有借鉴意义。 关键词 市场营销 信贷业务 小微企业河北大学硕士学位论文 II Abstract Small and micro enterprises play an important role in China's economic development. They play an important role in increasing tax revenue, increasing employment rate, improving residents' life, activating economic market and stabilizing social development. Small and micro enterprises are in a disadvantageous position in terms of credit due to their high operational risk, short life cycle, few credit records and lack of collateral. The development of small and micro enterprises is restricted by "expensive financing and difficult financing". In order to help small and micro enterprises solve the problem of "difficult and expensive financing", so as to activate the domestic market and promote economic development, the state has issued a package of financial policies to support small and micro enterprises. The traditional business market of the banking industry has been a red sea. In order to develop for a long time, the major banks will focus on the development of customers from large enterprises to small and micro enterprises. Baoding Branch of A Bank vigorously develops the business of small and micro enterprises and strives to be a partner in the whole life cycle of small and micro enterprises. We provide comprehensive services for small and micro enterprise customers by taking advantage of network advantages, accumulated customer resources and many subsidiaries. Baoding Branch of A Bank's small and micro enterprise loan business has low interest rate, convenient application and flexible use, and the loan balance ranks first in Baoding city's financial system. However, in the marketing process, there are still some problems, such as the products can not meet the huge market of small and micro enterprises, few channels to obtain customers, and low professional personnel, which restrict the development of loan business of small and micro enterprises. This paper takes the small and micro enterprise loan business of Baoding Branch of A Bank as the research object, uses PEST analysis method and Porter five force analysis method to analyze the macro environment and micro environment respectively, and uses STP theory to analyze the market positioning of small and micro enterprise loan business of Baoding Branch of bank a. By issuing questionnaires to enterprise customers, we can understand theAbstract III real needs of customers for loans. From the seven aspects of the process of marketing, expanding the marketing channels, expanding the marketing channels, expanding the marketing channels, expanding the marketing channels, expanding the marketing channels, and strengthening the marketing channels Reasonable suggestions are given in personnel management to improve professional quality. Improving the marketing strategy of small and micro enterprise loan business is conducive to Baoding Branch of A Bank to obtain more shares in the local financial market, and has reference significance for the business development of other commercial banks. Key words Marketing management Credit business Small and micro businesses河北大学硕士学位论文 IV 目 录 第一章 绪论...1 1.1 研究背景及意义..............1 1.1.1 研究背景................1 1.1.2 研究意义................1 1.2 研究问题与内容..............2 1.2.1 研究问题................2 1.2.2 研究内容................2 1.3 研究思路和方法..............3 1.3.1 研究思路................3 1.3.2 研究方法................4 1.4 研究特色及论文框架......4 1.4.1 研究特色与创新....4 1.4.2 论文框架................4 第二章 文献综述与相关概念....6 2.1 国内外文献综述..............6 2.1.1 国外研究综述........6 2.1.2 国内研究综述........6 2.1.3 文献述评................8 2.2 小微企业相关概念..........9 2.1.1 小微企业的概念及认定标准...............9 2.2.2 信息不对称理论..11 2.2.3 长尾理论..............11 2.3 营销策略及相关理论....11 2.3.1 营销 7P 策略.......11 2.3.2 PEST 分析法........12 2.3.3 波特五力分析......12目 录 V 2.3.4 STP 理论...............13 2.4 本章小结........................13 第三章 A 银行保定分行小微企业贷款市场营销现状..........................14 3.1 A 银行保定分行及信贷业务简介................14 3.1.1 保定 A 银行简介.14 3.1.1 保定 A 银行信贷业务简介................15 3.2 A 银行保定分行小微企业贷款及其业绩....15 3.2.1 A 银行保定分行小微企业贷款业务简介.........................15 3.3.2 A 银行保定分行小微企业贷款业务业绩.........................18 3.3 A 银行保定分行小微企业贷款业务定位分析...........................20 3.3.1 市场细分..............20 3.3.2 目标市场..............21 3.3.3 市场定位..............21 3.4 A 银行保定分行小微企业贷款业务营销策略分析...................21 3.4.1 产品分析..............21 3.4.2 价格分析..............22 3.4.3 促销分析...............23 3.4.4 渠道分析..............23 3.4.5 服务人员分析......24 3.4.6 服务过程分析......24 3.4.7 有形展示分析......25 3.5 本章小结........................25 第四章 A 银行保定分行小微企业贷款市场营销环境..........................26 4.1 A 银行保定分行小微企业贷款宏观市场分析...........................26 4.1.1 政治环境..............26 4.1.2 经济环境..............28 4.1.3 社会人文环境......29 4.1.4 技术环境..............29河北大学硕士学位论文 VI 4.2 微观环境分析................29 4.2.1 欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司内竞争者分析.............................29 4.2.2 替代品分析..........32 4.2.3 购买者议价能力..34 4.2.4 供应商议价能力..34 4.3 本章小结........................35 第五章 小微企业贷款业务营销策略存在的问题...36 5.1 A 银行保定分行小微企业贷款情况调研....36 5.1.1 研究方法设计......36 5.1.2 调查结果汇总......36 5.1.3 调查结果分析......38 5.2 小微企业贷款业务中存在的问题...............38 5.2.1 产品中存在的问题.............................38 5.2.2 产品价格中存在的问题.....................39 5.2.3 促销方式中存在的问题.....................39 5.2.4 营销渠道中存在的问题.....................40 5.2.5 服务人员存在的问题.........................40 5.2.6 服务过程中出现的问题.....................41 5.2.7 有形展示策略存在的问题.................42 5.3 本章小结........................42 第六章 小微企业贷款业务的营销策略优化...........43 6.1 产品策略优化................43 6.1.1 加大数据储备,下沉客户市场.........43 6.1.2 适当延长贷款期限,满足小微企业需求........................43 6.1.3 强化产品创新,开发有地域特色产品............................44 6.1.4 完善风控模型,提供安全保障.........44 6.2 价格策略优化................44 6.2.1 差异化定价,定制个性化利率.........44目 录 VII 6.2.2 下放审批权限,提高放款效率.........45 6.3 促销策略优化.

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