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社会的发展以及经济的不断全球化,各个国家间发生日趋激烈的竞争,但最终人 才的竞争才是根本。对于公共部门来说也不例外。时代的进步和建设服务型公共部门 的理念,推动了公共部门人力资源管理改革。公共部门自身存在的问题以及所处的环 境的影响,加上人力资源管理外包作为一种新型的管理模式在企业中得到了比较广泛 的应用,使得越来越多的公共部门逐渐将目光聚集到人力资源管理外包这一新兴模式 上。然而公共部门人力资源管理外包发展时间较短,在为公共部门效率提高、成本节 约、能力提升等方面带来好处的同时,也面临一些问题。 本文运用了文献研究法对公共部门人力资源外包的相关理论知识进行梳理,对公 共部门、人力资源、人力资源外包、公共部门人力资源外包、交易成本理论、委托代 理理论、鲶鱼理论及风险控制理论等概念和理论进行介绍,然后对公共部门人力资源 管理外包的现状、存在的问题进行总结分析。在JT县公安局辅警外包分析部分,首 先从内因和外因两方面分析了辅警外包的必要性,然后运用比较分析法对比分析辅警 外包与其他公共部门人力资源管理外包相比的特殊性,接着将公共部门人力资源管理 外包经验在辅警外包过程中进行借鉴,进而从技术、经济、风险控制、制度四个维度 对JT县公安局辅警外包的可行性进行分析,同时提出进一步完善JT县公安局辅警外 包的措施,最后对JT县公安局辅警外包实施结果进行了展望。 本文研究结果表明,JT县公安局辅警外包具有技术可行性,可通过明确符合外包 的辅警岗位及工作职责确定外包内容,同时外包市场中已有的质量高及专业化外包服 务机构,可为辅警外包提供诸多候选服务机构。JT县公安局辅警外包具有经济可行性, 一方面辅警招聘和培训外包在未统计非财务效益的情况下,其潜在效益就已经远大于 成本,辅警外包对经济有利;另一方面,近年来JT县的GDP收入和地方财政收入都 保持逐年增长的态势,从而为辅警外包提供了资金保障。JT县公安局辅警外包具有风 险可控性,可通过教育培训、制度设计及留痕记录实现信息泄露风险的控制,同时还 可通过廉政教育、规范执法及考核机制的建立实现公权滥用风险的控制。JT县公安局 辅警外包具有制度可行性,可参考《政府采购法》、《合同法》、《劳动法》、《公务员法》 和《警察法》为辅警外包的政策制定、外包实施及后期辅警管理提供法律依据,从制 度上保障辅警外包。同时,JT县公安局辅警外包还可通过一系列措施进一步完善,即 西南交通大学硕士研究生学位论文 第II页 提升公安机关对辅警外包的重视程度、加强辅警外包的财政预算、提升外包辅警的归 属感、加强公安机关和外包服务商的沟通协调、建立公安机关与辅警外包服务商的良 好合作机制及推进辅警外包相关法律法规的制定。通过JT县公安局辅警外包最终可 达到招聘一批优秀人才充实公安工作队伍、提高人力资源管理水平、提高工作效率及 提升公共服务能力的目的。因此,JT县公安局辅警外包具有可行性,同时可通过一系 列措施进一步完善。 关键词:公共部门;人力资源管理外包;辅警;可行性分析 西南交通大学硕士研究生学位论文 第III页 Abstract With the globalization of the economy and the continuous advancement of society, competition among countries in the world is increasingly fierce, but all competition is ultimately the competition of talents, and it is no exception to the public sector. The advancement of the times and the concept of building a service-oriented public sector have promoted the reform of human resources management in the public sector. The problems of the public sector itself and the impact of the environment, coupled with human resource management outsourcing as a new management model, have been widely used in enterprises, making more and more public departments gradually focus on human resources management outsourcing is an emerging model. However, the development of human resources management outsourcing in the public sector is relatively short. While it brings benefits to the public sector in terms of efficiency, cost savings, and capacity improvement, it also faces some problems. This paper uses the literature research method to sort out the relevant theoretical knowledge of public sector human resource outsourcing, and analyzes the public sector, human resources, human resources outsourcing, public sector human resource outsourcing, transaction cost theory, principal-agent theory, catfish theory and risk control theory. Introduce concepts and theories, and then summarize the current situation and existing problems of human resources management outsourcing in the public sector. In the part of outsourcing analysis of assistant police of JT County Public Security Bureau, firstly, the necessity of assistant police outsourcing is analyzed from both internal and external causes, then the particularity of assistant police outsourcing compared with other human resources management outsourcing of public sector is analyzed by comparative analysis method, and then the experience of human resources management outsourcing of public sector has been outsourced in assistant police. In the process of reference, and then from the four dimensions of technology, economy, risk control, system, the feasibility of JT County Public Security Bureau Auxiliary Police outsourcing is analyzed and measures to further improve the JT County Public Security Bureau Auxiliary Police outsourcing are put 西南交通大学硕士研究生学位论文 第IV页 forward. Finally, the implementation results of JT County Public Security Bureau Auxiliary Police outsourcing are prospected. The outsourcing of assistant police of JT County Public Security Bureau is technically feasible. The outsourcing content can be determined by defining the positions and responsibilities of assistant police who are in line with outsourcing. At the same time, the existing high-quality and specialized outsourcing service institutions in the outsourcing market can provide many candidate service institutions for assistant police outsourcing. The outsourcing of assistant police of JT County Public Security Bureau is economically feasible. On the one hand, the potential benefit of assistant police recruitment and training outsourcing is far greater than the cost without statistical non-financial benefit. On the other hand, the GDP income and local financial revenue of JT County have kept increasing year by year in recent years. And it provides financial guarantee for the outsourcing of auxiliary police. The outsourcing of assistant policemen of JT County Public Security Bureau has risk controllability. It can control the risk of information leakage through education and training, system design and tracing records. At the same time, it can also control the risk of abuse of public power through honest education, standardization of law enforcement and establishment of assessment mechanism. The outsourcing of assistant police of JT County Public Security Bureau is feasible in system. Reference can be made to the Government Procurement Law, Contract Law, Labor Law, Civil Servant Law and Police Law to provide legal basis for policy formulation, outsourcing implementation and later management of assistant police outsourcing, and to guarantee the outsourcing of assistant police from the system. At the same time, the outsourcing of auxiliary policemen in JT County Public Security Bureau can be further improved through a series of measures, namely, enhance the attention of public security organs to assistant police outsourcing, strengthen the financial budget of assistant police outsourcing, enhance the sense of belonging of assistant police outsourcing, strengthen the communication and coordination between public security organs and outsourcing service providers, establish a good cooperation mechanism between public security organs and assistant police outsourcing service providers, and promote the formulation of relevant laws and regulations on assistant police outsourcing. Through the outsourcing of assistant police of JT County Public 西南交通大学硕士研究生学位论文 第V页 Security Bureau, the goal of recruiting a group of excellent talents to enrich the public security work force, improve the level of human resources management, improve work efficiency and enhance public service capacity can be achieved. Therefore, the outsourcing of assistant police of JT County Public Security Bureau is feasible and can be further improved through a series of measures. Key words: Public sector; Human resource management outsourcing; Auxiliary police; Feasibility analysis 西南交通大学硕士研究生学位论文 第VI页

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