改革开放以来,中国化工欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司有了长足的发展。随着 2001 年我 国加入 WTO 组织,对外贸易经营权进一步下放,许多民营企业家瞄准 了国家大力扶持外贸的优惠政策以及化工外贸的高额利润,纷纷投资 建厂,兴办外贸公司,开启了工贸一体的经营道路。然而一路走来, 中国化工企业始终深陷产业升级的困境,同时环保政策引起的企业关 停潮使得化工原材料价格飞涨,化工外贸更是受到国内严峻形势和国 际市场变化的冲击,处于内忧外患的境地。在这样的大环境下,H 公 司也难以幸免。 H 公司是 M 集团下属的化工外贸子公司,凭借拳头产品的稀缺性 和工贸一体优势,在国际市场逐渐站稳了脚跟。但近几年,其销售业 绩节节下滑,客户需求与母体供应的各种矛盾凸显出来:产品单一, 技术支持不足,供货成本激增等一系列问题困扰着 H 公司发展。其实, 工贸一体外贸公司发展至今一直存在着定位不清的弊病,作为外贸公 司其受制于工厂产品的考核压力和业务的发展管制,在营销过程中难 以展现渠道商优势,缺乏服务创新力,一旦工厂的产品资源优势出现 变故,就陷入了同质化产品、服务的竞争怪圈。因此,如何重新定义 该类企业的营销战略策略,提高企业竞争力,同时制定合理保障措施, 促进企业发挥营销能动性是值得我们探讨的议题。工贸一体化工外贸公司营销策略——H 公司为例 II 本文从 H 公司的案例入手来分析该类企业的普遍问题。通过理论 研究和实际调查,本文罗列了 H 公司的内外环境因素,并运用 SWOT 矩阵分析其面临的机遇、威胁、优势、劣势。针对瓶颈问题,结合分 析结果和参考案例,本文制定了相应的营销改进措施和实施保障措 施。H 公司的案例研究表明,当下化工外贸不景气的条件下,工贸一 体外贸公司必须克服自身弱势,重新定义以客户需求为导向的营销战 略策略和保障措施:1.细分市场并筛选目标客户,确立差异化营销定 位。2.从产品、价格、渠道、促销方面展开差异化服务,满足客户差 异化需求。3.保障措施方面,首先以制度优化和组织架构调整来增强 外贸公司营销独立性;其次发挥外贸公司渠道商优势,加强工贸联动 并开拓外部资源,为营销策略顺利进行提供基础服务;最后培养企业 文化和品牌意识,为企业打造一站式解决方案提供者形象奠定基础。 本文希望通过 H 公司案例研究,为同类企业摆脱销售困境提供有 效的理论与实践指导,同时为其他学者的相关研究提供可行性参考。 关键词:工贸一体,化工外贸,营销策略工贸一体化工外贸公司营销策略——H 公司为例 III Marketing Strategy of Chemical Foreign Trade Company with Industry Integrated - Taking H Company for Example ABSTRACT Since the reform and opening up, China's chemical industry has made great progress. With China's accession to the WTO in 2001 and the further decentralization of foreign trade management right, many private entrepreneurs, aiming at the preferential policies of the state to vigorously support foreign trade and the high profits of chemical foreign trade, have invested in the construction of factories and set up foreign trade companies, opening up the business path of industrial and trade integration. However, along the way, China's chemical enterprises have always been in the dilemma of industrial upgrading. In addition, the shutdown tide caused by environmental protection policy makes the price of chemical raw materials soar.The chemical foreign trade is under the impact of domestic severe situation and foreign market changes, and drops into the internal and external troubles. In such an environment, H company is also unavoidable. H Company is a subsidiary of M Group in chemical foreign trade. With the scarcity of key products and the advantages of industry and trade integration , H Company has gradually established its foothold in the international market. But in recent years, its growth of sales has become slow down or even decline. There are various contradictions between customer demand and factory production: single variety, insufficient technical support, heavy cost of internal工贸一体化工外贸公司营销策略——H 公司为例 IV supply and a series of problems are plaguing the development of H Company. In fact, the industry integrated foreign trade company is still have an awkward developing position up to now. As a foreign trade company, it is subject to the pressure of factory product sales and business development control. This makes the trade company difficult to show its advantages of channel providers and service innovation, and once the factory product advantage disappeared, it will fall into a strange circle of homogeneous products and services competition. Therefore, how to redefine the marketing strategy of such enterprises to improve their competitiveness, and formulate reasonable safeguard measures to promote their marketing initiative are important issues worthy of our discussion. This paper discusses the common problems of the industry integrated foreign trade company through H company’s case. After theoretical research and practical investigation, it lists the internal and external environment factors of H company, and combs the opportunities, threats, advantages and disadvantages by SWOT matrix. In view of the bottleneck problems, combined with the analysis results and reference cases, this paper formulates the corresponding marketing improvement measures and implementation safeguard measures. The case study of H company shows that under the current depression condition of chemical foreign trade, the industrial integrated foreign trade companies must overcome its own weakness, and redefine the marketing strategy and guarantee measures oriented by customer demand. The specific strategies are as follows: 1.Segment the market and select the target customers to establish the differentiated marketing position. 2.Carry out differentiated services in terms of products, prices, channels and promotions to meet customers' differentiated needs. 3.In terms of guarantee measures: Firstly, enhancing the trade companies’ marketing independence by system optimization and organization adjustment. Secondly, showing the trade companies’ advantages of channel providers to enhance cooperation with parent company and expand external resources, so that to provide basic工贸一体化工外贸公司营销策略——H 公司为例 V services for smooth implementation of marketing strategies. Finally, cultivate corporate culture and brand awareness, and lay the foundation for enterprises to build a one-stop solution provider image. This paper hopes to provide effective theoretical and practical guidance for similar enterprises to get rid of the predicament through H company's case study, and also provide feasible reference for other scholars' research. KEYWORDS: integration of industry and trade, chemical foreign trade, marketing strategy工贸一体化工外贸公司营销策略——H 公司为例 目 录 第一章 引言..................................................................................... 1 第一节 研究的背景与意义....................................................................................1 第二节 研究的思路与方法....................................................................................2 第三节 研究的内容与框架....................................................................................3 第四节 创新点与不足............................................................................................4 第二章 文献综述.............................................................................5 第一节 工贸一体外贸公司的相关研究综述........................................................5 第二节 化工品市场营销的研究综述....................................................................6 第三节 国际市场营销及营销策略的研究综述....................................................7 第三章 H 公司营销环境和营销问题分析......................................9 第一节 H 公司外部环境分析.................................................................................9 一、宏观环境分析................................................................................................9 二、欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司环境分析..............................................................................................11 三、竞争环境分析..............................................................................................15 第二节 H 公司内部环境和营销问题分析...........................................................18 一、H 公司简介及业绩概况..........................................