I 摘要 本土银欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司一直以来竞争都十分激烈,近年来由于外资银行的挤入,进一步 压缩了商业银行的生存空间。面对这样的局面,能否打破传统守旧的银行运营模 式,引入创新的手段与机制,决定着商业银行的未来走向。而在众多影响商业银 行未来走向的因素中,客户是一大要素。客户是商业银行生存之本,是创造价值 和盈利的基础,在银欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司竞争激烈的形势下,客户关系的维护已经替代了传统的 管理方式成为了商业银行客户发展的核心要素。因此研究银行个人客户关系管理 对于缓解本土银行的竞争困境具有重要意义。 银行客户关系管理,简单来讲即基于客户需求,组合优化产品、系统、服务 的一个动态活动,旨在实现最优匹配。本文对个人客户关系管理进行了研究分析, 将其中的一些理论引入到富滇银行JD支行用于维护个人客户关系,分析了富滇 银行JD支行个人客户关系管理的现状和问题,然后提岀优化策略。文章第一章 绪论部分具体对个人客户关系管理的研究背景和意义进行概述,阐明本文的研究 思路和方法。第二章对文章重点概念进行阐释,梳理了该议题的研究综述;第三 章从宏观环境、竞争环境、SWOT三方面对富滇银行JD支行个人客户关系管理 的环境进行分析,根据环境的分析,第四章阐述了富滇JD支行个人客户关系管 理现状并提出了目前个人客户关系管理存在的问题,第五部分根据上文提出的问 题给出了优化策略。 以个人客户关系管理的相关理论为基础,分析了富滇银行JD支行目前在维护 顾客忠诚度所面临的挑战及其影响因素,给出的优化策略不但丰富了商业银行维 护顾客忠诚策略的理论研究,更是为富滇银行JD支行如何加深客户关系、维护顾 客忠诚度提供了具体的可操作性建议,具有一定的现实意义。 关键词:富滇银行;个人客户;关系管理 ABSTRACT II ABSTRACT The local banking industry has always been very competitive, and in recent years, due to the influx of foreign banks, further compressed the living space of commercial banks. In the face of such a situation, whether the traditional and conservative bank operation mode can be broken and innovative means and mechanisms can be introduced determines the future direction of commercial banks. And in the numerous factors that affect the future direction of commercial banks, customers are a major factor. Customers are the basis of commercial banks' survival and value creation and profitability. In the fierce competition in the banking industry, the maintenance of customer relations has replaced the traditional management methods and become the core element of customer development of commercial banks. Therefore, it is of great significance to study the personal customer relationship management of banks to alleviate the competitive dilemma of local banks. Bank customer relationship management, in simple terms, is a dynamic activity that combines and optimizes products, systems and services based on customer needs, aiming at achieving optimal matching. In this paper, the personal customer relationship management is studied and analyzed, some of the theories are introduced to FuDian Bank JD Branch for the maintenance of personal customer relationship, analysis of the current situation and problems of FuDian Bank JD Branch personal customer relationship management, and then put forward optimization strategies. In the first chapter, the research background and significance of personal customer relationship management are summarized, and the research ideas and methods of this paper are clarified. The second chapter explains the key concepts of the article and sorts out the research review of this topic. The third chapter from the macroscopic environment, the competitive environment, SWOT, three sides facing the rich yunnan JD branch of personal customer relationship management environment is analyzed, according to the analysis of the environment, the fourth chapter expounds the rich JD yunnan branch personal customer relationship management present situation and put forward the current problems of personal customer relationship management (CRM), the fifth part, according to the above questions the optimization strategy is presented. In personal customer relationship management related theory as a foundation, analyzed the rich yunnan JD branch in the maintenance of current challenges and ABSTRACT III influencing factors of customer loyalty and give the optimization strategy of not only enrich the study of the theory of the commercial Banks to maintain customer loyalty strategy, JD for yunnan bank branch how to deepen the customer relationship, maintain customer loyalty provides specific operability built Discuss, have certain realistic significance. Keywords:Fudian Bank;Individual customers;Relationship management 目录 IV 目 录 摘要 .................................................... I ABSTRACT ................................................. II 第一章 绪论 ............................................... 1 第一节 选题背景与研究意义 ...................................... 1 一、选题背景 ....................................................... 1 二、研究意义 ....................................................... 2 第二节 技术路线和方法 .......................................... 3 一、研究技术路线 ................................................... 3 二、研究方法 ....................................................... 4 第三节 研究内容及可能的创新点 .................................. 5 一、研究内容 ....................................................... 5 二、可能的研究创新点 ............................................... 6 第二章 相关理论基础与文献综述 ............................. 8 第一节 相关概念界定 ............................................ 8 一、个人客户 ....................................................... 8 二、客户经理制 ..................................................... 8 三、客户关系管理内涵 ............................................... 9 第二节 客户关系管理相关理论综述 ............................... 11 一、关系营销理论 .................................................. 11 二、服务营销理论 .................................................. 12 三、客户价值理论 .................................................. 13 四、客户细分理论 .................................................. 14 五、长尾理论 ...................................................... 15 第三节 国内外相关文献 ......................................... 16 一、国外客户关系管理相关文献 ...................................... 16 二、 国内客户关系管理相关文献 ..................................... 19 三、简要评述 ...................................................... 21 第三章 富滇银行JD支行个人客户关系管理的环境分析 ......... 24 第一节 富滇银行JD支行简介 .................................... 24 目录 V 第二节 富滇银行JD支行个人客户关系管理的宏观环境分析 .......... 24 一、政治法律环境(P) ............................................. 25 二、经济环境(E) ................................................. 25 三、社会文化环境(S) ............................................. 25 四、技术环境(T) ................................................. 25 第三节 富滇银行JD支行个人客户关系管理的竞争环境分析 .......... 25 一、竞争者威胁 .................................................... 26 二、潜在的欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司进入者威胁 .......................................... 26 三、替代品威胁 .................................................... 26 四、买方议价能力 .................................................. 26 五、卖方议价能力 .................................................. 26 第四节 富滇银行JD支行个人客户关系管理的SWOT分析 ............. 27 一、优势分析(S) ................................................. 27 二、劣势分析(W) ................................................. 27 三、机会分析(O) ................................................. 28 四、挑战分析(T) ................................................. 28 第四章 富滇银行JD支行个人客户关系管理现状及存在问题 ..... 30 第一节 富滇银行JD支行个人客户关系管理现状 .................... 30 一、客户细分方面 .................................................. 30 二、客户关系营销工作开展情况 ...................................... 30 三、客户价值方面 .................................................. 31 四、零售客户关系管理系统 .......................................... 32 第二节 富滇银行JD支行个人客户关系管理存在问题 ................ 33 一