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伴随着市场竞争的加剧和竞争方式的多元化,餐饮企业由于自身局限和环 境的束缚,使得在营销策略转变中面临一些问题和不足,如服务营销意识缺乏、 品牌建设和推广滞后以及缺乏专业的网络营销人才等,尤其是在商圈人群中流 行的网络订餐方式,使得餐饮公司传统的营销模式难以为继,为适应信息网络 时代的发展要求以及市场消费行为和方式的改变,餐饮公司必须做出相应的营 销策略调整来适应欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司发展大潮。 论文以陇东情餐饮公司为研究对象,探究其营销策略的转变和发展。首先 论述了国内外市场营销、餐饮业营销的研究综述,然后以相关的营销理论作为 分析框架和基础,包括STP理论、4C营销理论、服务营销理论和网络营销理论 等;其次,阐述陇东情餐饮公司基本经营状况,介绍该公司目前使用的营销方 式,包括以充值卡为主,多种优惠方式结合;线上线下组合式营销;移动终端 营销;营销团队主动营销等。在此基础上对陇东情餐饮公司经营和营销中的现 存问题进行总结和分析,主要归纳如下:服务营销意识缺乏、忽视客户关系管 理、品牌建设和推广滞后以及缺乏专业的网络营销人才等问题;最后,对新的 环境下陇东情餐饮公司具体营销策略的细化,总结归纳出有效的营销策略手段, 如STP市场策略中的市场细分、目标市场及市场定位;凸显4C营销策略中顾客、 成本、便利和沟通要素;重视关系化服务营销策略以及网络营销策略等,为陇 东情餐饮公司的营销策略的完善提供思路。除此之外,还需要从四大方面入手 来保障陇东情餐饮公司营销策略的实现:在企业文化方面营造热情服务的氛围; 在管理方面注重饮食安全;在运营方面尽量控制配送和采购成本;在市场层面 要与大众消费群体的实际生活紧密结合。本文提出的营销策略和相关保障措施 能够指导陇东情餐饮公司的具体营销工作,还期望能为其他同类的餐饮企业的 营销工作提供一定的借鉴意义。 关键词:餐饮业;营销策略;服务营销;网络营销 MBA学位论文 作者:豆双录 陇东情餐饮公司营销策略研究 II Abstract With the aggravation of the market competition and the diversification of the competition mode, the catering enterprises, because of their own limitations and constraints of the environment, face some problems and deficiencies in the transformation of marketing strategy, such as the lack of service marketing consciousness. The lag of brand construction and promotion and the lack of professional network marketing talents, especially the popular online ordering method among the people in the business circle, make the traditional marketing mode of catering companies difficult to sustain. In order to adapt to the requirements of the development of the information network era and the change of the market consumption behavior and ways, the catering companies must make corresponding marketing strategy adjustment to adapt to the trend of the development of the industry. This paper takes the transformation and development of the marketing strategy of Longdong emotional Catering Company as the research object, first carries on the domestic and foreign marketing, the catering industry marketing research summary, then takes the related marketing theory as the analysis frame and the foundation. It includes STP theory, service marketing theory and network marketing theory. Secondly, it introduces the basic situation and management of Longdong emotional Catering Company, and introduces the marketing methods currently used by the company, including the charging card as the main marketing method. Combination of various preferential methods; online and offline combination marketing; mobile terminal marketing; marketing team initiative marketing. On this basis of Longdong emotional catering company management and management The existing problems in marketing are summarized and analyzed as follows: lack of awareness of service marketing, neglect of customer relationship management, lag of brand construction and promotion, lack of professional network marketing personnel, etc. On the basis of detailed analysis of the specific marketing strategies of Longdong emotional Catering Company under the new environment, the effective marketing strategies are summarized, such as market segmentation, target market and market positioning in STP marketing strategy, highlighting the customer and cost in 4C marketing strategy. Convenience and communication elements; attach importance to the relationship of service marketing strategy and network marketing strategy, for Longdong emotional catering company marketing strategy to improve the train of thought. In addition to this Besides, we should start from four aspects to ensure the realization of the marketing strategy of Longdong emotional Catering Company: MBA学位论文 作者:豆双录 陇东情餐饮公司营销策略研究 III create the atmosphere of enthusiastic service in the aspect of enterprise culture, pay attention to food safety in management, control distribution and purchase cost as far as possible in operation; At the market level, it is necessary to combine closely with the actual life of the mass consumer group. The marketing strategy and the relevant safeguard measures put forward in this paper can guide the specific marketing work of Longdong emotional Catering Company. It is also expected to provide some reference for the marketing of other similar catering enterprises. Keywords: Catering industry;Marketing strategy;Service marketing; Network marketing MBA学位论文 作者:豆双录 陇东情餐饮公司营销策略研究 IV 目 录 摘要 .............. III Abstract ................. II 目 录 ..............IV 一、绪论 ............... 1 (一)选题背景和意义 .............. 1 1、选题背景 ........................ 1 2、选题意义 ........................ 1 (二)国内外相关研究 .............. 2 1、国外相关研究现状 ........ 2 2、国内相关研究现状 ........ 4 (三)研究内容和框架 .............. 6 1、论文主要内容 ................ 6 2、论文研究方法 ................ 8 二、相关理论基础 ............................ 10 (一)市场营销相关理论 ........ 10 1、STP营销理论 ............... 10 2、4C营销理论................. 10 3、服务营销理论 .............. 11 4、网络营销理论 .............. 12 (二)餐饮营销概述 ................ 12 1、餐饮营销含义 .............. 12 2、餐饮电子商务概述 ...... 15 3、网上订餐模式概述 ...... 16 三、陇东情餐饮公司营销现状及问题分析 ................... 17 (一)陇东情餐饮公司现状 .... 17 1、公司简介 ...................... 17 2、经营状况 ...................... 17 3、营销团队 ...................... 19 4、网络现状 ...................... 19 (二)陇东情餐饮公司营销环境分析 ................... 19 1、经济环境分析 .............. 19 2、消费环境分析 .............. 19 3、竞争环境分析 .............. 20 4、产品环境分析 .............. 20 5、市场环境分析 .............. 21 (三)陇东情餐饮公司主要营销方式 ................... 21 1、储值优惠结合营销 ...... 21 2、线上线下组合营销 ...... 22 3、移动终端智能营销 ...... 23 MBA学位论文 作者:豆双录 陇东情餐饮公司营销策略研究 V 4、营销团队主动营销 ...... 24 (四)陇东情餐饮公司营销存在的问题分析 ....... 24 1、营销意识薄弱,服务意识不强 ................. 24 2、营销人才缺乏,营销手段单一 ................. 25 3、顾客沟通不足,忽视客户关系 ................. 26 4、网络宣传欠缺,品牌建设滞后 ................. 26 四、陇东情餐饮公司营销策略制定 28 (一)STP营销策略 ................. 28 1、市场细分 ...................... 28 2、目标市场 ...................... 28 3、市场定位 ...................... 29 (二)4C营销组合策略 ........... 32 1、顾客策略 ...................... 32 2、成本策略 ...................... 33 3、便利策略 ...................... 34 4、沟通策略 ...................... 35 (三)关系化服务营销策略 .... 35 1、完善管理及服务机制 .. 36 2、注重提升顾客体验感 .. 36 3、建立关系化营销体系 .. 36 (四)网络营销策略 ................ 37 1、社交媒介宣传和推广 .. 37 2、网络互动优惠及活动 .. 38 3、网站优势排名和推荐 .. 38 4、网络实体营销相结合 .. 39 五、陇东情餐饮公司营销策略实施的保障措施 ........... 40 (一)增强服务意识,提高顾客复购 ................... 40 (二)加强更新换代,注重饮食安全 ................... 40 (三)利用网络技术,控制运营成本 ................... 41 (四)树立企业形象,加强品牌建设 ................... 42 六、总结和展望 . 43 (一)总结 . 43 (二)展望 . 44

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