商业模式创新是指企业为了更好的满足客户需求,重新整合企业 内外部资源,重塑企业的商业系统结构,更新给客户创造价值的基本 逻辑。本文在阐述M公司SSD产品商业模式如下主要问题的基础上, 论述了如何进行商业模式创新以解决这些问题。 1. 市场细分方面,没有对客户市场进行有效细分 2. 关键业务方面,需要提高内部管理,加速新产品上市速度 3. 收入来源方面,盈利模式单一,主要靠销售硬件产品并且市场 占有率不高 在市场细分方面,本文探讨了如何解决M公司SSD产品单一、使 用一种产品来应对所有客户需求的问题,重点阐述了如何细分SSD市 场,并基于此详细讨论了在高阶服务器,数据中心产品和个人电脑三 大目标细分市场进行商业模式创新的细节。对于每一细分市场,M公 司需要利用SSD研发大数据来收集并分析用户的使用模式进而得到该 细分市场用户对于产品技术上的需求;并利用SSD研发大数据来收集 产品的异常信息,从而有效避免用户数据丢失。在关键业务方面,M 公司需要搭建大数据收集,规整和分析体系,基于内部和外部大数据 分析结果驱动管理,研发,生产,营销,质量管控,售前售后支持等, 加速新产品研发;增加在线技术和营销平台的开发,维护和运营以更 好的解决客户遇到的问题并为M公司主要客户和代理商开设专门广告 区域,提高客户的满意度的同时,也开辟新的盈利渠道。此外,在提 高收入来源方面,主要是针对不同细分市场快速精准地提供针对性的 产品和服务从而提高市场占有率。 最后,本文分析了M公司其他固态存储产品商业模式中面临的新 挑战,并对基于大数据技术来克服这些挑战提出了相应的应用建议。 本文为高科技企业运用大数据技术进行商业模式创新提供了新视角。 关键词:商业模式创新,大数据,市场细分,关键业务,盈利模式 APPLICATION OF BIG DATA IN BUSINESS MODEL INNOVATION OF SOLID STATE STORAGE PRODUCT OF THE COMPANY M ABSTRACT Business model innovation is that the enterprises update the basic logic creating value for customers by reintegrating internal and external resources and reshaping the business system structure in order to better fulfill the customer needs. On the basis of expounding the following main problems in business model of the SSD product of the company M, this paper discusses how to solve these problems by innovating the business model. 1. In terms of market segmentation, no effective market segmentation was applied 2. In terms of key activities, the company M needs to improve the management internally and speed up delivering the new products 3. In terms of revenue streams, the main problem is the single revenue stream of selling SSD hardware and the market share is not high Regarding the market segmentation, the paper discusses how to address the problem of single SSD product in the company M and the one that it serves all the customers' needs with the same one product. The paper also expounds on how to segment the SSD market, and discusses in detail about the business model innovation in the three targeted markets, which are high value servers, data centers and personal computers. For each of the targeted market segments, the company M needs to get the technical requirements of the products from the customers of the targeted market segments by collecting and analyzing the usage model data of the SSD R&D big data; the company M can also analyze the SSD R&D big data to get the information of the abnormal situations of the products to avoid effectively the customers' data loss. Regarding the key activities, the company M needs to build the system to collect, clean up and analyze the big data and drive management, R&D, marketing, quality control, pre-sales and post-sales support, etc. to speed up delivering the new products based on the analysis outcome of internal and external big data. The company M also needs to add the development, maintenance and operation of online technology and marketing platform to better address the customers' issues, which cannot only improve the customers satisfaction but also create new revenue stream by providing the specific advertisement area in the platform for the main customers and the agents. Regarding expanding the revenue streams, the paper discusses mainly to increase the market share by delivering promptly the different products to fulfill the different customers' needs accurately. At last, the paper analyzes the new challenges the company M faces in the business model of its other storage products, and puts forward the advice on how to overcome these challenges with the big data technology. The paper provides us new insights into how the high-tech enterprises innovate the business model with the assist of the big data technology. KEY WORDS: Business Model Innovation, Big Data, Market Segmentation, Key Activities, Profit Model 目 录 第1章 绪论 ········· 1 1.1 研究的问题及其背景 ······ 1 1.2 研究目的及意义 ·············· 2 1.3 研究内容 ········ 2 1.4 研究方法 ········ 3 第2章 概念界定和相关理论 ················· 4 2.1大数据处理技术 ··············· 4 2.1.1 大数据处理技术概述 ··· 4 2.1.2 大数据查询与分析技术 ················· 6 2.1.3 大数据分析与可视化技术 ············· 6 2.2 基于顾客金字塔模型的客户关系管理 ·············· 8 2.2.1 顾客金字塔模型 ··········· 8 2.2.2顾客金字塔模型对客户关系管理的启示········· 9 2.3 精准营销理论 ················ 11 2.3.1 精准营销的概念 ········· 11 2.3.2 精准营销的特征 ········· 11 2.3.3 精准营销的理论依据 · 12 2.3.4 精准营销的实现方法 · 13 2.4 商业模式及商业模式创新 ·············· 14 2.4.1 商业模式 ··· 14 2.4.2 商业模式创新以及大数据在其中的能动作用 ················ 15 2.5 小结 ·············· 16 第3章 M公司SSD大数据信息收集与分析及其对研发的影响 ············ 17 3.1 SSD大数据信息收集与分析的可行性研究 ····· 17 3.1.1 技术可行性研究 ········· 17 3.1.2 经济可行性研究 ········· 17 3.1.3 社会可行性研究 ········· 17 3.2 SSD大数据内涵 ············· 18 3.2.1 SSD基本状态信息 ······ 19 3.2.2 SSD使用模式信息 ······ 19 3.2.3 SSD异常信息 ·············· 21 3.3 SSD大数据组织,收集,分析和挖掘 ············· 22 3.3.1 SSD大数据组织 ·········· 22 3.3.2 SSD大数据收集 ·········· 22 3.3.3 SSD运行状态和使用模式大数据分析和挖掘 ················ 23 3.3.4 SSD异常信息大数据分析和处理 24 3.4小结 ··············· 25 第4章 M公司SSD大数据与商业模式创新 ········ 26 4.1 M公司SSD产品商业模式现状及其SWOT分析 ············ 26 4.1.1 M公司SSD产品商业模式现状··· 26 4.1.2 M公司在SSD产品上的优势和劣势 ············· 28 4.1.3 M公司在SSD产品上的面临的机会和威胁 · 29 4.2 M公司SSD产品商业模式创新设计 ················ 30 4.2.1 M公司新商业模式设计思路 ········ 30 4.2.2 SSD的应用市场金字塔 ················ 30 4.2.3 面向数据中心产品市场的SSD商业模式创新设计 ······ 34 4.2.4 面向高阶服务器市场的SSD商业模式创新设计 ·········· 35 4.2.5 普通个人电脑市场的商业模式创新设计······ 37 4.2.6 SSD新商业模式带来的变化和优势 ·············· 38 4.3 M公司SSD产品新商业模式实施与保障 ········ 40 4.3.1建立数据分析和信息管理团队 ···· 41 4.3.2 搭建大数据收集、规整和分析体系 ············· 42 4.3.3 加强用户经营与营销推广 ··········· 45 4.3.4 优化M公司SSD产品相关业务支撑流程 ··· 48 4.4 M公司SSD大数据对营销的影响·· 49 4.4.1 SSD大数据与精准营销 ················ 49 4.4.2 SSD大数据与品牌社群营销 ········ 49 4.4.3 SSD大数据与全程营销 ················ 50 4.5 小结 ·············· 51 第5章 大数据在M公司其他产品研发和商业模式创新中的应用建议 53 5.1 M公司其他产品研发和商业模式创新中的新挑战 ··········· 53 5.2 大数据在M公司其他产品研发和商业模式创新中的应用建议 ······· 54 5.3 小结 ·············· 54 第6章 研究结论与展望 ····· 55