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随着我国利率市场化改革的深入,贷款利率定价已成为银行信贷业务的核心 内容,由于我国利率市场化实施的时间较短,利率管制经历过较长的时间,使得 商业银行在贷款利率定价方面缺乏足够的经验,严重影响到了贷款利率定价的业 务发展进程。科学合理的贷款利率定价机制是我国商业银行走向国际化必须深入 研究的内容,以Z国有商业银行内蒙古分行为访谈基点,分层级展开对Z国有商 业银行贷款利率定价机制的研究,利用深度访谈和文献欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司收集等方法,从利率 定价管理情况、利率定价方法、内部资金管理机制、贷款基础利率(LPR)管理情 况等方面,调查和分析国有商业银行贷款利率定价机制。研究发现:Z国有商业银 行具有健全的贷款利率定价机制,完善的贷款利率定价管理体系,先进的贷款利 率定价方法,科学的内部资金管理机制,并在有序推进利率市场化改革。但也存 在着利率定价灵活性不足,科学利率定价人才缺乏,市场化利率建设推进缓慢, 贷款执行利率与测算利率差异大,信贷产品单一需提升创新能力等问题。针对问 题提出建立利率市场化新时期的利率定价管理长效机制,转变利率定价授权方式, 建设差异化贷款产品分类定价管理机制,高度重视利率管理专业人才的培养,持 续推广并加强贷款基础利率的建设,大力开展综合性、创新型业务推进多元化经 营等相关建议。 关键词:贷款利率,定价机制,利率定价管理,内部资金管理,LPR II Abstract With the deepening interest rate liberalization (IRL) reforms in China, the core of credit operations for commercial banks has gradually become the credit interest rate pricing. Due to adopting IRL on a relatively shorter time as well as being regulated on a relatively longer time, commercial banks in China are inexperienced with credit interest rate pricing, which has severely affected the proceeding of its credit business. The scientifically sound pricing mechanism of credit interest rate is essential for commercial banks in China to thoroughly research so as to go global. This thesis emphasized on the research of the pricing mechanism of credit interest rate in China’s state-owned commercial banks through professional interviews in a hierarchical level. The thesis investigated and analyzed the credit interest rate pricing management, credit interest rate pricing method, internal funds management mechanism loan prime rates (LPR) management and etc. by means of in-depth interviews and literature-collecting methods. Through summarizing and analyzing , bank Z, which is chosen as the sample of the analysis from all state-owned commercial banks, possesses a sound credit interest rate pricing mechanism and management, an advanced method on credit interest rate pricing, a scientific internal fund management mechanism, and has been being proceeding the reform of IRL in an orderly fashion, whereas a few issues are also existed ,such as its insufficient flexible pricing, lack of professionals, a little progress, dissimilarity between exercising credit interest rate and calculative credit interest rate, limited loan products and lack of innovation. In terms of the issues above, the thesis suggests that an effective management mechanism of credit interest rate pricing in the new period should be established to transform the ineffective ways of interest rate pricing authorization; and a diverse classification of pricing management mechanism should be built up to meet the demands of comprehensive, innovative and pluralistic businesses; and a great attention should be paid to training professionals for pertinent business.; and an excessive LPR management should be implemented.

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