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面对汽车销售市场异常激烈的竞争,利润不断下降,如何经营好汽车销售 公司,在市场中抢占一定的份额,每家公司都在积极探索,开发新的经济增长 点,并加强公司的内部管理,防范风险的发生。中国的汽车销售欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司由现在高 速发展到现在稳步发展时期,在市场整体需求增长速度放慢的情况下,汽车的 生产、销售、服务企业间的竞争愈来愈烈。汽车消费者越来越懂行,购买经验 越来越丰富,从而对汽车及其销售公司的要求越来越高。客户在购买汽车前会 不止一次到4S店现场查看,但仅有49%的客户对4S店的体验及服务表示满意。 作为中日合资企业,长安马自达汽车有限公司成立于2005年。2017年,全球权 威市场调研机构公布的中国新车质量研究报告,质量排名第三。对比2016、2017、 2018年马自达汽车公司销量明显下滑。 客户关系管理对于汽车销售欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司而言,是其获得竞争优势非常重要的来源 之一。深入探讨客户关系管理在汽车4S店中的发展情况及存在的问题,并运用 相关理论,提出成功实施客户关系管理的关键要素及提升汽车4S店核心竞争力 的方法。本文在客户关系管理、客户满意度及客户生命周期理论的支持下,采 用调查问卷、文献收集分析及访谈相结合的研究方法,通过对南昌马自达汽车 4S店客户进行调查并分析,发现存在的具体问题,提出一系列优化及保障措施。 南昌马自达汽车4S店客户关系管理是提高该店竞争力的重要举措,本研究 针对其在客户信息管理、客户分级管理、客户满意度及客户挽回力度等方面存 在的问题提出优化策略和保障措施,实现优化目标,提高工作效率。力求通过 本文的研究结论,指导南昌马自达汽车4S店的客户关系管理,提升客户满意度, 从而提高汽车销量及市场占有率。 关键词:汽车4S店 客户关系管理 客户满意 II Abstract In the face of unusually fierce competition in the automobile sales market, profits are constantly falling. How to run a good automobile sales company and seize a certain share in the market? Every company is actively exploring and developing new points of economic growth, and strengthen the internal management of the company to prevent the occurrence of risks. With the rapid development of automobile sales in China, the competition among automobile production, sales and service enterprises becomes more and more intense. Automobile consumers are more and more knowledgeable, more and more experienced buyers, which makes the demand for automobiles and their sales companies more and more high. Consumers go to 4s stores many times before buying a car, but only 49% of customers are satisfied with the experience of 4s stores. As a sino-japanese joint venture, Mazda Motor Chang'an was established in 2005. In 2017, the world's leading market research organization released the quality of China's new car research report, ranked third in quality. Mazda's sales fell sharply in 2016,2017 and 2018. Customer Relationship Management (Crm) is one of the important sources for enterprises to gain competitive advantage. In-depth discussion of the development of customer relationship management in automobile sales companies the key elements of successful implementation of customer relationship management and the methods to enhance the core competitiveness of automobile sales companies. Supported by the theories of customer relationship management, Customer satisfaction and customer life cycle, this paper adopts the research methods of questionnaire survey, literature induction and interview, through investigating and analyzing the customers of 4s shop of Mazda automobile in Nanchang, this paper finds out the concrete problems and puts forward a series of optimization and safeguard measures. Customer Relationship Management (CRM) is an important measure to improve the competitiveness of Nanchang Mazda Automobile 4s shop, this study proposes optimization strategies and measures to solve the problems in customer information management, customer classification management, customer Customer satisfaction and customer recovery, so as to achieve optimization goals and improve work efficiency. Through the research conclusion of this paper, to guide the Nanchang Mazda 4s shop customer relationship management, improve Customer satisfaction, so as to improve car sales and market share.

版权所有: 欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司©2025 客服电话: 0411-88895936 18842816135
