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薪酬作为企业人力资源管理最为重要、复杂的一部分,不仅与员工的 利益密切相关,还影响着企业的运营效益。虽然薪酬不是企业管理中激励 员工的 唯一有效手段,但对多数员工来说,薪酬的确是最有力而最直接的 推动因素。科学有效的薪酬体系是促进企业稳步向前发展的基本保障,是 激发员工工作潜力与积极性的重要方 式,是快速增强员工对所在企业满意 度及归属感的有效机制。是以,合理推动企业薪酬体系优化改革,确保企 业的薪酬对员工充分发挥激励效果,是企业人力资源管理的核心工 作之一。 本文以G汽车4S店为研究对象,运用人力资源管理、薪酬管理等相关 理论,结合G汽车4S店的企业实际情况,首先介绍了薪酬体系优化设计的 相关理论,其次通过分析G 汽车4S店的基本情况及薪酬体系实施现状,并 对其进行员工薪酬满意度调查及统计数据结果分析,进而得出 G汽车4S店 现行薪酬体系存在的主要问题及形成问题的原因。然后按 照一般薪酬管理 体系的规范流程对G汽车4S店现行的薪酬体系进行比对,选择适合的薪酬 策略,再对各岗位开展工作分析及岗位评价,继而设计出符合G汽车4S店 经营发展的薪酬 体系优化方案,该方案涵盖了固定薪酬优化、薪酬结构比 例优化、激励薪酬优化、福利补贴优化等四个方面。最后为让该企业优化 后的薪酬体系能成功实施提供了有力且合理的 保障措施,从而最终完成G 汽车4S店员工薪酬体系优化设计。 本文的研究具有一定的实用价值,除对G汽车4S店提供指导意义外, II 也可以为同欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司提供一定的借鉴和参考。 关 键词:汽车4S店 薪酬体系 优化设计 III RESEARCH ON THE OPTIMIZATION OF SALARY SYSTEM IN G AUTOMOBILE 4S SHOP ABSTRACT As the most important and complex part of enterprise human resource management, salary is not only closely related to the interests of employees, but also affects the operational efficiency of the enterprise. Although salary is not the only effective means to motivate employees in enterprise management, it is indeed the most powerful and direct driving factor for most employees. A scientific and effective salary system is the basic guarantee for the steady development of an enterprise, an important way to stimulate employees' work potential and enthusiasm, and an effective mechanism to rapidly enhance employees' satisfaction and sense of belonging to the enterprise. Therefore, it is one of the core tasks of human resource management to reasonably promote the optimization and reform of the enterprise's compensation system and ensure that the enterprise's compensation gives full play to the incentive effect on employees. Based on G auto 4s shop as the research object, using the human resources management, compensation management, and other related theory, combined with G auto 4s shop enterprise actual situation, first introduced the system optimization design of related theory, then through the analysis of the IV basic situation of G auto 4s shop and compensation system implementation present situation, and carries on the employee compensation satisfaction survey and statistical data analysis, then draws G auto 4s shop main problems existing in the current compensation system and formation reason of the problem. Then according to the standard of general compensation management system process of G auto 4s shop compare the current compensation system, choose the suitable compensation strategy, again to the job analysis and job evaluation, and then designed in accordance with G in the development of auto 4s shop management system optimization scheme, this scheme covering the fixed compensation optimization, proportion pay structure optimization, the optimization of incentive pay, fringe benefit optimization and so on four aspects. Finally, it provides powerful and reasonable guarantee measures for the successful implementation of the optimized compensation system of the company, so as to finally complete the optimization design of the employee compensation system of G automobile 4s store. The study of this paper has certain practical value, in addition to providing guidance for G automobile 4s store, but also for the industry to provide a certain reference and reference. KEY WORDS: automobile 4s shop;salary system;optimization design V 目 录 摘要 ································· I ABSTRACT ·· ····························· III 第一章 绪论 ······························ 1 1.1 研究的背景、目 的与意义 ................................................ 1 1.1.1研究背景 ............................................................ 1 1.1.2研究的目的与意 义 .................................................... 2 1.2国内外关于薪酬体系的研究现状 .......................................... 3 1.2.1国外研究现状 ........................................................ 3 1.2.2国内研究现状 ........................................................ 6 1.2.3国内外文献评述 ...................................................... 8 1.3研究思路、内容与方法 .................................................. 8 1.3.1研究思路 ............................................................ 8 1.3.2研究内容 ............................................................ 9 1.3.3研究方法 ........................................................... 10 第二章 薪酬及薪酬体系优化的相关理论 ·················· 11 2.1汽车4S店薪酬的 概念与特点 ............................................ 11 2.1.1薪酬概念 ........................................................... 11 2.1.2汽车4S店薪酬特点 .................................................. 11 2.2汽车4S店的薪酬要求 .................................................. 12 2.2.1体现各岗位员工价值 ................................................. 12 2.2.2满足员工的尊重和自我实现需求 ....................................... 12 2.3汽车4S店的薪酬发展趋势 .............................................. 13 2.3.1欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司竞争加剧促使薪酬结构改革 ....................................... 13 2.3.2不同岗位的薪酬差异加剧人 员流动性 ................................... 13 2.3.3需要提高薪酬水平稳定员工与吸引人才 ................................. 13 2.4薪酬体系的概念与面临的挑战 ........................................... 14 2.4.1薪酬体系概念 ....................................................... 14 VI 2.4.2汽车4S店薪酬体系面临的挑 战 ........................................ 14 2.5汽车4S店的薪酬体系优化理论依据 ...................................... 14 2.5.1绩效薪酬体系 ....................................................... 14 2.5.2职位薪酬体系 ....................................................... 15 2.5.3技能薪酬体系 ....................................................... 15 2.5.4宽带薪酬体系 ....................................................... 15 2.5.5薪酬激励体系 ....................................................... 16 第三章 G汽车4S店薪酬体系现状与问题分析 ················ 17 3.1 G汽车4S店人员概况 .................................................. 17 3.1.1G汽车4S店简介 ..................................................... 17 3.1.2G汽车4S店人员概况 ................................................. 17 3.2 G汽车4S店薪酬现行体系概况 .......................................... 21 3.2.1G汽车4S店当前的薪酬定位 ........................................... 21 3.2.2G汽车4S店当前的薪酬水平 ........................................... 22 3.2.3G汽车4S现行的薪酬结构 ............................................. 23 3.2.4G汽车4S现行的薪酬策略 ............................................. 24 3.3 G汽车4S店薪酬满意度调查分析 ........................................ 25 3.3.1G汽车4S店薪酬调查的目的 ........................................... 25 3.3.2G汽车4S店薪酬调查问卷设计 ......................................... 25 3.3.3调查问卷结果统计与分析 ............................................. 26 3.4 G汽车4S店薪酬体系存在的问题分析 .................................... 31 3.4.1薪酬体系缺失良好的调整机制 ......................................... 31 3.4.2薪酬水平的市场竞争力不足 ........................................... 32 3.4.3薪酬结构不合理 ..................................................... 32 3.

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