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I 摘要 贫困一直是阻碍社会发展的难题,在消除贫困的过程中,各国专家学者发现企业 是消除贫困的最好载体,同时企业也能在协助消除贫困的过程中履行其社会责任,从 而增强企业发展潜力。近年来,国内市场经济逐渐成熟,各类企业发展迅速,逐渐成 为了国家治理的重要组成部分。与此同时,国内贫困问题的日趋严重,政府意识到仅 靠制度引导难以达到预期的扶贫目标,开始重视企业参与。随着国内扶贫工作的推进, 众多企业积极响应参与其中,企业成为了国家减贫战略的核心支撑,参与扶贫也成为 国内企业履行社会责任的重要方式。而企业参与扶贫的模式有哪些、是否存在问题、 如何优化等方面的问题,成为当前研究的热点。 本文以BOP战略、利益相关者理论、协同治理理论、道德资本理论等为基础,阐 述了企业社会责任与企业扶贫之间的关系,梳理了JD集团所在地的贫困发生现状、企 业经营发展现状,归纳了JD集团参与的扶贫模式有:光伏产业带贫模式、贴息入股分 红模式、用工返利模式,分析了企业在扶贫过程中社会责任的具体体现。通过深入访 谈的形式,对企业以扶贫模式履行社会责任存在的问题进行了探讨,找出了深层次原 因,最后提出了有针对性的优化建议。 本文的主要结论如下:(1)所在县的扶贫任务依然艰巨,本地政府高度重视企业参 与;企业近年来各项经济指标表现良好、员工满意度较高、合作关系稳固,为企业参 与扶贫模式提供了较好的外部环境与内部支撑。(2)总结出企业参与的扶贫模式有光伏 产业带贫、贴息入股分红、用工返利三种,在扶贫模式推进过程中,企业从提供就业 岗位、提高劳动技能,改善贫困村基础设施、提升人居环境,提高贫困户收入,重视 慈善公益等方面较好履行了社会责任。(3)结合已有的相关研究成果、访谈提纲和需要 解决的实际问题,围绕目前企业参与的扶贫模式,设计了本文的访谈提纲,通过三次 现场半结构式访谈完成了对政府、企业、群众三类人员的访谈。归纳出:光伏产业带 贫模式由于项目缺乏前期论证、企业参与扶贫动因不足出现了运行维护困难、人员配 置不合理的问题;贴息入股分红模式由于贫困群体内生动力不足、扶贫模式开放性不 足出现了贫困户素质提升缓慢、协同作用发挥不充分的问题;用工返利模式由于政府 企业赋权不足、企业组织结构落后出现了企业舆论压力增大、企业部门人员压力增加 的问题。此外,在企业参与扶贫过程中,由于企业对贫困群体需求识别不足、对扶贫 信息的宣传和披露不重视,出现了群众对普适性帮扶认可度不高、企业社会责任彰显 度不强等问题,这些问题的出现严重影响了企业以扶贫方式履行社会责任的成效。(4) 本文针对光伏产业带贫模式提出了注重前期论证与风险防控、挖掘政策利好激发企业 西北农林科技大学硕士学位论文 II 参与热情的具体建议;针对贴息入股分红模式提出了建立奖惩机制提升贫困户内生动 力、降低准入门槛吸引相关利益方参与的具体建议;针对用工返利模式提出了政府企 业充分赋权、优化组织结构匹配企业战略定位的具体建议;对提高扶贫过程中社会责 任的体现提出了整合群众需求完善帮扶机制、重视扶贫信息宣传披露和社会反馈的具 体建议,为JD集团在参与扶贫过程中,进一步提高社会责任的履行成效提供一定的理 论参考。 关键词:企业社会责任;企业扶贫;光伏产业带贫模式;贴息入股分红模式;用工返利模式 ABSTRACT III ABSTRACT Poverty issue has always been a serious problem that is in the way of human society development. During the process of eradicating poverty issue, it is proved by experts and scholars around the world that enterprises are the best carriers to eradicate poverty. Meanwhile, enterprises can fulfill their social responsibilities in the process of helping to eradicate poverty, thereby enhance their development potential. In recent years, as domestic market is becoming increasingly mature, all kinds of enterprises are enjoying rapid development and becoming an essential integral part of national governance. At the same time, the government realizes that poverty alleviation will not be achieved through system guidance alone with the poverty problem protruding more evidently, and that social forces should play a vital part in it. After the launch of targeted poverty alleviation policy, many domestic enterprises actively respond to the call and take part in various activities of poverty alleviation, thus become the pillar to support China’s poverty reduction strategy. And to be a part of the strategy is also becoming a crucial way to realize their social responsibilities. Under this circumstance, topics like what are the models of enterprises’ poverty reduction activities? are there any problems and how to optimize them? are being hotly discussed. This paper, based on BOP strategy, stakeholder theory, coordinated governance theory, and moral capital theory, illustrates the relationship between social responsibility and enterprises’ involvement in poverty reduction. By analyzing the current situation of the area where JD Group locates and current development of the company, it is summarized that the models of JD Group to participate poverty alleviation are using photovoltaic industry to stimulate economy, interest-stake pension and rebating for employment. The embodiment of social responsibility is also analyzed. By conducting interviews, this paper probes into problems existed in the enterprise’s poverty reduction activities, finds out the reasons, and puts forward corresponding suggestions. Mains conclusions are as follows: 1) Poverty reduction still remains arduous for the county where JD Group locates, and the local government highly appreciated the participation of enterprises. JD Group is performing well in every economic indicators and enjoying a high employee satisfaction and stable cooperation relationship, which provides a relatively favorable internal and external environment for JD Group to participate in poverty alleviation. 2) Three models of JD Group to participate poverty alleviation are summarized: 西北农林科技大学硕士学位论文 IV using photovoltaic industry to stimulate economy, interest-stake pension and rebating for employment. In the process of alleviating poverty, the enterprise realizes its social responsibility by providing jobs, improving employees’ working skills, improving infrastructure in poverty-stricken villages, improving living environment, increasing the income of improvised households and undertaking charity works, etc. 3) Combining with relevant research results, interview outlines, actual problems needing to be handled, the interview outline of this paper is designed. Through three semi-structured on-site interviews of government officers, enterprise staff and mass people, it is concluded: in the model of using photovoltaic industry to stimulate economy, due to the lack of enough evaluation and motivation, there are problems of operation and unreasonable staffing. For interest-stake pension mode, the impoverished people themselves are not active enough, and the alleviation poverty model is not open enough, thus the uplift of the poverty-hit people’s quality is slow and the synergism is not in full play; for the rebating for employment model, the enterprises do not have necessary power authorized by the government and the enterprise structure is lagging behind, thus the enterprises experience larger public opinion pressure and the staff work under bigger pressure; in terms of social responsibilities, the knowledge of poverty-hit groups is not enough, publicity and release of poverty information is not prioritized, thus the mass people almost do not know about general support and help moves, the enterprises do not perform well enough in terms of shouldering social responsibilities, which undermines the implication of social responsibilities by enterprises. 4) Finally, the paper integrates the existing problems of enterprise participating in poverty alleviation and deep causes, puts forward suggestions emphasizing presumptive analysis and research and risk control and digging out beneficial policies to motivate enterprises for photovoltaic sector poverty alleviation model,; for interest-stake pension model, this paper recommends to set up clear reward and punishment mechanism to improve poverty-hit peasants’ internal motivation, lower entrance threshold to attract interest sides to participate; for the rebating for employment model, this paper puts forward that the government shall empower the enterprises and perfect its structure to match enterprises’ strategic positioning; to upgrade the implication of social responsibilities, this paper puts forward to collect people’s

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