职业倦怠存在于各行各业中,其中银行员工的职业倦怠出现概率是较高的一个群体, 在工作中出现的倦怠现象对银欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司员工的工作效率、工作态度等多个方面都会产生负面 影响,进而给整个企业的发展带来一定的不利影响。因此,对银行员工职业倦怠形成的 原因应加以分析,并基于此提出如何降低员工职业倦怠的方案已经成为当前急需解决的 问题。 本文基于ZD银行为研究案例,且以该银行员工职业倦怠问题为研究蓝本,本文首 先对研究背景、意义以及研究方法等内容做出详细阐述;同时多种渠道搜集与职业倦怠 相关的文献进行梳理,在此基础上结合ZD银行员工职业倦怠现状的调查结果,构建出 一套适合ZD银行员工职业倦怠的问卷模型;通过问卷调查的形式寻找银行员工导致出 现职业倦怠的因素。最后,基于调查问卷收集的相关数据,进行信度、效度及回归分析, 最终从个人层面、工作层面和组织特征层面找到导致ZD银行员工职业倦怠的主要问题 并提出相应的解决对策和建议。 本文对ZD银行职业倦怠基本情况进行了详细的调查分析,并从ZD银行职员的个人 因素、工作特征以及组织支持几方面展开对职业倦怠的分析。根据ZD银行职业倦怠的 调查总结结果,本文所提出的管理建议从优化操作岗位双选机制、强化未婚员工情绪管 理、完善青年员工选用机制、优化薪酬费用配置等多方面考虑,进一步提升管理效率。 关键词:职业倦怠 工作特征 组织支持 2 Abstract Job burnout exists in all walks of life, in which the occurrence probability of job burnout of bank employees is a higher group. The work efficiency, work attitude and other aspects of banking employees will be affected by job burnout, which will bring certain adverse effects to the development of the whole enterprise. Therefore, it is necessary to analyze the causes of bank employees' job burnout, and propose solutions to reduce employees' Job Burnout Based on this. Based on the case study of ZD bank, and taking the problem of employees' job burnout as the research blueprint. Firstly, this paper introduces the background, significance and methods of this research, and uses various ways to obtain data and literature, and then constructs a set of suitable for ZD bank based on the survey results of ZD bank employees' job burnout Through the form of questionnaire survey to find out the factors leading to job burnout. Finally, based on the relevant data collected by the questionnaire, this paper carries out reliability, validity and regression analysis, and finally finds out the main problems leading to the job burnout of ZD bank employees from the personal level, the work level and the organizational characteristics level, and puts forward the corresponding countermeasures and suggestions. Research conclusion: Based on the investigation and analysis of job burnout of employees in ZD bank, this paper analyzes job burnout from personal factors, job characteristics and organizational support. According to the survey results of job burnout in ZD bank, this paper improves the work efficiency from the aspects of optimizing the mechanism of double selection of operation posts, strengthening the emotional management of unmarried employees, improving the mechanism of selection of young employees, optimizing the allocation of salary and expenses.