在我国,担保欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司起步晚于发达国家,还属于一个新生欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司,相关的管理制度都 不够完善。随着国家对担保欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司政策的出台,各地紧跟形势成立了越来越多的担保公 司,为当地的企业提供了一定的担保贷款服务,担保欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司取得了空前的发展,但在业 务规模不断扩大的同时担保公司也承担着巨大的风险,尤其是在当前的经济形势下, 政府和社会对担保欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司提出了新的要求:发展普惠金融,稳定经济增长,促进资金融 通,特别是要帮助“中小微企业”和“三农”解决融资难、融资贵的问题。HB 担保 公司是一家为中小微企业提供融资担保的政策性担保公司,随着公司担保业务的不断 开展,其代偿率日渐上升,在面临激烈的竞争,如何更够更好的控制担保业务风险显 得尤为重要。 本文结合 HB 担保公司担保业务的实际情况,对 HB 担保公司业务风险控制的现 状进行分析,并对存在的问题提出优化策略。首先本文通过文献归纳法、实地调研法、 案例分析法,结合国内外相关研究理论成果进行分析和总结,概括了本文的研究思路, 叙述了文章的创新和不足。其次介绍了 HB 担保公司的业务操作流程,并分析了 HB 担保公司业务风险类别及产生的原因。然后从风险识别、风险评估、风险决策和风险 控制四个方面对 HB 担保公司现状进行分析,并介绍了担保业务风险控制采取的措 施,虽然取得一些成效,但是仍一些问题,如制度建设不够完善、担保业务风险控制 措施相对滞后、担保业务过度授信,风险集中爆发、风险控制部门人员素质不高。最 后针对 HB 担保公司存在的问题,为完善 HB 担保公司业务风险控制的措施提出了优 化策略,从完善制度建设,加强内部管理、设置担保限额,防止过度授信、建立合作 交流机制,防控风险、健全选人用人机制,提高人员素质四个方面优化以达到风险控 制的目的。 本文通过对 HB 担保公司业务风险控制的研究,通过深入分析找出业务风险点及 产生的原因,并根据当前公司的业务风险控制现状,依此提出了具体的业务风险控制 优化方案,帮助 HB 担保公司能够更好的控制风险,促使其可持续发展。 关键词:担保公司;业务风险;风险控制HB 担保公司业务风险控制研究 I ABSTRACT In China, the guarantee industry started later than developed countries, and is still a new industry, and the relevant management system is not perfect. As countries to guarantee industry policy, following the situation around the set up more and more guarantee company, for the local enterprises to provide a secured loan service, guarantee industry has obtained the unprecedented development, but in the expansion of business scale and guarantee companies also bear the huge risk, particularly in the current economic situation, the government and society puts forward new requirements to guarantee industry: pratt &whitney financial development, stable economic growth, promote the financing, in particular to help "micro, small and medium enterprises" and the "three rural" to solve the financing difficulties, financing your problem. HB Guarantee Company is a policy-based guarantee company providing financing guarantee for small, medium and micro enterprises. With the continuous development of corporate guarantee business, its compensation rate is increasing day by day. In the face of fierce competition, it is particularly important to better control the risk of guarantee business. Combined with the actual situation of HB Guarantee Company, this paper analyzes the present situation of HB guarantee company's business risk control, and puts forward the optimization strategy for the existing problems. First of all, this paper through literature induction, field research, case analysis, combined with domestic and foreign related research theoretical results are analyzed and summarized, summarized the research ideas of this paper, described the article's innovation and shortcomings. Secondly, it introduces the Operation Process of HB Guarantee Company, and analyzes the categories and causes of HB guarantee company's business risk. Then it analyzes the present situation of HB GUARANTEE COMPANY FROM FOUR ASPECTS: Risk Identification, Risk Assessment, risk decision and risk control, and introduces the measures taken to control the risk of guarantee business. Although some achievements have been made, there are still some problems, if the system construction is not perfect, the guarantee business risk control measure is relatively backward, the guarantee business excessive credit, the risk centralizes erupts, the risk control department personnel quality is not high. Finally, in view of the problems existing in HB guarantee company, this paper puts forward optimization strategies for perfecting measures of HB Guarantee Company's business risk control, from perfecting system construction, strengthening internal management, settingABSTRACT II guarantee quota, in order to control the risks, we should prevent excessive credit, establish cooperative communication mechanism, prevent and control risks, perfect the mechanism of selecting and employing personnel, and improve the quality of personnel. Based on the study of HB Guarantee Company's business risk control, through in-depth analysis to find out the business risk point and causes, and according to the current situation of the company's business risk control, based on this, this paper puts forward a specific business risk control optimization program to help HB guarantee company better control risk and promote its sustainable development. KEYWORDS:Guarantee company; Business risks; Risk controlHB 担保公司业务风险控制研究 1 目 录 第一章 绪论····· 1 第一节 研究的背景及意义·· 1 一、研究的背景··············1 二、研究的意义··············2 第二节 国内外文献综述····· 2 一、国外文献综述·········· 2 二、国内文献综述·········· 3 三、文献述评················ 5 第三节 研究思路和方法····· 5 一、研究思路················· 5 二、研究方法················· 6 第四节 创新与不足··········· 7 一、创新····· 7 二、不足····· 7 第二章 概念界定与理论基础····8 第一节 相关概念界定········ 8 一、融资担保的定义········8 二、风险的定义及类别·····8 三、担保业务风险控制·····9 第二节 相关理论基础········ 9 一、风险控制理论···········9 二、信贷融资担保理论··· 10 三、风险转嫁理论··········10 四、信息不对称理论·······10 第三章 HB 担保公司业务风险类别及产生的原因···········11目录 2 第一节 HB 担保公司简介··11 一、HB 担保公司基本情况·················11 二、HB 担保公司业务操作流程·········· 14 第二节 HB 担保公司业务风险类别········15 一、政府风险················16 二、信用风险················16 三、金融机构转嫁的风险 17 四、内部管理风险··········18 第三节 HB 担保公司业务风险产生的原因················ 19 一、政府风险产生的原因 19 二、信用风险产生的原因 20 三、金融机构转嫁的风险产生的原因··· 20 四、内部管理风险产生的原因············ 21 第四章 HB 担保公司业务风险控制现状和存在的问题·····22 第一节 HB 担保公司业务风险控制现状··22 一、风险识别现状分析··· 22 二、风险评估现状分析··· 23 三、风险决策现状分析··· 25 四、风险控制现状分析··· 26 第二节 HB 担保公司业务风险控制取得的成效·········· 28 一、落实了部门职责·······28 二、增强了员工积极性··· 29 三、实现了和银行的风险分担············ 29 四、提升了风险预警能力 29 第三节 HB 担保公司业务风险控制存在的问题·········· 29 一、制度建设不够完善··· 30 二、担保业务风险控制措施相对滞后··· 31 三、担保业务过度授信,风险集中爆发 31 四、风险控制部门人员素质不高········· 32 第五章 HB 担保公司业务风险控制的优化策略··············33HB 担保公司业务风险控制研究 3 第一节 完善制度建设,加强内部管理··· 33 一、完善内部制度··········33 二、完善担保费定价制度 34 第二节 设置担保限额,防止过度授信··· 34 一、扩面降额,分散风险 34 二、设置审批权限,实行贷审分离······ 34 第三节 建立合作交流机制,防控风险···35 一、加强各部门之间的沟通交流········· 35 二、加强和银行的合作交流··············· 35 第四节 健全选人用人机制,提高人员素质··············· 36 一、健全选人用人机制··· 36 二、加强人员培训··········37 第六章 结论与展望···