近年来,随着国家强农富农惠农政策支持力度的加大,农业不断发展,农村基础设施不断 改善,农业持续增收,“三农”工作取得了不断进步,成效显著。但农业发展方式粗放,财政 支农政策效应逐步降低,金融资源倾斜“三农”力度不够等因素,也使农业“融资难”矛盾不 断加剧。2016年国家农业信贷担保联盟有限责任公司正式成立,各省级农业担保公司相继成 立运行,全国农业担保体系建设基本完成,大大缓解了农业融资难题。但是在农担业务开展的 同时,也会伴随着内外部风险的发生。若要保障农业担保公司的持续运转,就要对其运营中所 面对的风险进行有效管控。所以经营过程中的风险管制控制对于农业担保公司而言意义重大。 本文首先分析了江苏ND农业担保公司业务开展过程中风险管理现状,并通过查阅风险管 理相关理论发现公司在经营管理过程中的风险隐患,在对问题进行剖析后,从建立细分产业额 度测算模型、建立信用评级体系以及丰富反担保措施等方面给出具体的风险化解方案。本文共 分六个部分,首先为绪论,对论文的选题背景和研究意义做出说明;其次是对本文研究理论基 础的阐述;再次是对江苏ND农业担保公司风险管理现状的分析,通过对公司基本情况、业务 开展流程及风险管理制度的介绍与分析,并在风险管理及担保理论的指导下发现公司在风险防 控中的不足之处;第四部分是江苏ND农业担保公司风险管理方案改进,文章针对风险管理存 在的问题,系统地提出了改进方案;第五部分对于风险管理改进方案提出了保障措施。最后是 对文章的总结及展望。 本文的研究成果对江苏ND农业担保公司风险管理水平的提升具有一定的现实意义,同时 对国家农业担体系内的其他兄弟公司也有一定的借鉴意义。 关键词:江苏ND农业担保公司,风险管理,信用评价,担保额度测算 江苏ND农业担保公司风险管理改进研究 ii ABSTRACT In recent years, with the support of the national policy of strengthening farmers and benefiting farmers, the continuous development of agriculture, the continuous improvement of rural infrastructure, and the continuous increase in agricultural income, the “three rural” work has made continuous progress and achieved remarkable results. However, the extensive development of agriculture, the gradual reduction of the effect of fiscal support for agriculture, and the lack of financial resources to “three rural” have also made the contradiction of “financing difficulties” in agriculture intensified. In 2016, the National Agricultural Credit Guarantee Alliance Co., Ltd. was formally established, and various provincial agricultural guarantee companies were established and operated. The construction of the national agricultural guarantee system was basically completed, which greatly eased the problem of agricultural financing. However, while the agricultural business is being carried out, it is accompanied by internal and external risks. To ensure the continued operation of agricultural guarantee companies, it is necessary to effectively control the risks faced by their operations. Therefore, risk control control in the business process is of great significance to agricultural guarantee companies. This paper first analyzes the current status of risk management during the business development process of Jiangsu ND agricultural guarantee company, and finds the hidden risks of the company's operation and management through consulting the relevant theories of risk management. After analyzing the problems, it starts from establishing a segmented industry quota measurement model , Establish a credit rating system and enrich counter-guarantee measures, and provide specific risk mitigation solutions. This article is divided into six parts. The first is an introduction, explaining the background of the topic and the significance of the research; the second is the elaboration of the theoretical basis of the research; the third is the analysis of the risk management status of Jiangsu ND agricultural guarantee company. Introduction and analysis of the company's basic situation, business development process and risk management system, and found the company's deficiencies in risk prevention and control under the guidance of risk management and guarantee theory; the fourth part is the risk management plan of Jiangsu ND agricultural guarantee company To improve, this article systematically puts forward improvement plans for the problems in risk management; the fifth part puts forward safeguard measures for risk management improvement plans. The last is the summary and prospect of the article. 南京航空航天大学硕士学位论文 iii The research results of this paper have certain practical significance for the improvement of the risk management level of Jiangsu ND Agricultural Guarantee Company, and also have certain reference significance for other brother companies in the national agricultural burden system. Key words: Jiangsu ND agricultural guarantee company; risk management; credit evaluation; Guarantee amount calculation 南京航空航天大学硕士学位论文 v 目录 第一章 绪论 ............... 1 1.1 研究背景及意义 ......................... 1 1.1.1研究背景 .......................... 1 1.1.2 研究意义 ......................... 2 1.2 国内外研究现状 ........................ 3 1.2.1国外研究现状 .................. 3 1.2.2 国内研究现状 .................. 3 1.2.3 国内外研究评述 .............. 5 1.3 研究内容和方法 ........................ 5 1.3.1研究目标 .......................... 5 1.3.2研究内容 .......................... 5 1.3.3研究方法 .......................... 6 1.3.4研究技术路线 .................. 7 第二章 本文研究的理论基础 ................... 8 2.1信用担保理论 ............................. 8 2.1.1 信用担保概念 .................. 8 2.1.2 信用担保原则 .................. 8 2.1.3 信用担保的功能 .............. 9 2.2风险管理理论 ............................. 9 2.2.1 风险管理理论研究概述 .. 9 2.2.2 风险管理的目标 ............ 10 2.2.3 风险管理的原则 ............ 10 2.2.4风险管理流程 ................ 11 2.3内部控制理论 ........................... 11 2.3.1 内部控制的产生 ............ 11 2.3.2 内部控制的要素 ............ 12 第三章 江苏ND农业担保公司风险管理运行现状分析 .... 14 3.1 江苏ND农业担保公司概况 ... 14 3.1.1 基本情况 ........................ 14 江苏ND农业担保公司风险管理改进研究 vi 3.1.2 组织架构 ........................ 14 3.1.3担保业务开展情况 ........ 15 3.1.4公司担保业务流程 ........ 18 3.2 江苏ND农业担保公司风险管理现状分析 .......... 20 3.2.1农业信贷担保欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司面临的风险分析 ........... 20 3.2.2 江苏ND农业担保公司风险管理现状分析 .............................. 22 3.3 江苏ND农业担保公司风险管理存在的问题 ...... 25 3.3.1保前环节缺少风险评估模型 ....................... 25 3.3.2 额度测算模型存在局限性 ........................... 25 3.3.3反担保措施单一 ............ 26 3.3.4保后项目跟踪管理不到位 ........................... 27 第四章 江苏ND农业担保公司风险管理改进策略及案例分析 ...................... 28 4.1 国外担保欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司风险管理经验借鉴与启示 ............. 28 4.1.1美国担保欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司风险管理现状及经验 ........... 28 4.1.2印度担保欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司风险管理现状及经验 ........... 28 4.1.3启示 . 28 4.2 江苏ND农业担保公司风险管理改进策略 ........... 29 4.2.1 建立项目信用评价体系 29 4.2.2 建立农业细分产业额度测算模型 ............... 32 4.2.3 丰富反担保措施 ............ 42 4.2.4加强保后监控管理 ........ 43 4.3 案例分析 ... 44 4.3.1申保项目概况 ................ 44 4.3.2信用评价及额度测算模型运用 ................... 45 第五章 江苏ND农业担保公司风险管理改进策略实施与保障 ....................... 47 5.1实施步骤 .... 47 5.1.1加强组织领导 ................ 47 5.1.2强化风险识别能力 ........ 47 5.1.3管理办法制定及实施 .... 47 5.1.4持续优化 ........................ 47 5.2保障措施 .... 48 5.2.1健全风险防控机制 ........ 48 南京航空航天大学硕士学位论文 vii 5.2.2建立奖惩机制 ................ 48 5.2.3强化员工风险防控意识和能力 ................... 48 5.2.4完善业务管理系统建设 48 第六章 结论与展望 49