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I 摘要 汽车产业作为我国国民经济支柱产业之一,对经济社会发展推动作用巨大,潜在 效益明显。截至2019年,我国汽车年产量和销售量两项指标已经连续十一年稳居世界 第一位。随着我国经济供给侧结构改革深入推进,经济形势持续稳中向好,国民消费 水平和消费欲望日益提升。汽车工业协会预测未来十年我国汽车产销量有望以10%左 右的速度增长。汽车产业的巨大市场需求和潜力,对汽车物流产生深远影响。滚装汽 车码头作为汽车物流产业链的重要节点,在整车物流运输中的作用日益凸显、竞争也 日趋激烈。在激烈的竞争和复杂的市场环境中,滚装汽车码头单纯依靠传统装卸、仓 储等服务来获取利润的模式已经难以为继。再此背景下,探讨NS汽车码头如何利用自 身优势,解决发展中存在的问题,提高竞争力保持欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司领先势头,具有重要现实意义。 本文首先从论述我国滚装汽车码头发展现状及存在的问题入手,简要分析滚装汽 车码头的竞争情况和发展趋势。其次,在对 NS汽车码头进行深入调研了解的基础上, 使用PEST分析法,从政策、经济、社会、技术四个方面对NS汽车码头所处的外部环 境进行分析。同时,利用SWOT分析模型对NS汽车码头优势、劣势、机遇和挑战进 行分析,构建SWOT矩阵并提出相应的组合战略。再次构建NS汽车码头物流发展战 略框架,包括指导思想、战略定位和战略目标。最后根据NS汽车码头物流发展战略重 点,提出巩固装卸、仓储主营业务优势、拓展增值服务、加快信息化建设、完善人才 培养储备等具体保障措施。本文通过对NS汽车物流发展战略研究,将对滚转码头经营 管理和战略制定提供一定的参考价值。 关键词:汽车物流;PEST工具;SWOT分析;发展战略 广东工业大学硕士学位论文 II Abstract The automobile industry as one of the mainstay industry in the national economy, has a great impetus to the development of the national economy. Up to 2019, China’s automobile production and sales have ranked first all over the world for ten years running. With the stable economic development and the increasing living standards, ‘China’s auto market will grow at 10% within the next decade’, predicted by the China Automobile Industry Association. The huge consumer demand and market potential of the automobile industry will have a far-reaching influence on the automobile logistics. The automobile ro-ro terminal as one of important node of automobile logistics, is becoming more rational in vehicle logistics, and its competition is increasingly fierce. The mode that automobile ro-ro terminals make profit just by warehousing, loading and unloading can no longer be continued. Under this background, discussing that NS Auto Dock how to make full use of advantages to solve the problems that exist in its development will have practical meaning to improve competitiveness. This paper first analyzes the development status, existing problems, competition situation and development trend of the automobile ro-ro terminal. Secondly, on the basis of deeply research of NS Auto Dock, the external environment was analyzed from four aspects of policy, economy, society and technology by PEST. SWOT model analyzed its facing advantages, disadvantages, opportunities and challenges and put forward the corresponding strategy. Next, the appraisal target system was built, and the port logistics develop strategy was identified. the logistics development strategy framework include guiding ideology, strategic orientation and strategy target was built. Finally ,The collective guarantee measures consist of consolidating main business advantage, expanding value-added services, speeding up information construction, perfecting personnel training and reserves and other measures were presented according the emphasis of NS Auto Dock’s development strategy. This paper will have a certain reference value for the management and development strategy of ro-ro terminal. Key Words: Automotive Logistics; PEST Tool; SWOT Analysis; Development Strategy 目 录 III 目 录 摘要 ........... I Abstract ...... II 目 录 ..........III Contents ..... VI 第一章 绪论 1 1.1研究背景和意义 .............. 1 1.1.1研究背景 .................. 1 1.1.2研究的意义 .............. 2 1.2国内外研究现状 .............. 3 1.2.1国外研究综述 .......... 3 1.2.2国内研究综述 .......... 4 1.3研究内容 .......................... 6 1.4研究方法和技术路线图 .. 6 1.4.1研究方法 .................. 6 1.4.2技术路线图 .............. 8 第二章 企业发展战略理论综述 .............................. 9 2.1企业发展战略的概念 ...... 9 2.2企业发展战略理论研究 .. 9 2.2.1波特竞争理论 .......... 9 2.2.2企业核心竞争力理论 ........................... 10 2.2.3战略联盟及商业生态系统理论 ........... 11 2.3本章小结 ........................ 11 第三章 NS汽车码头外部环境分析 ...................... 12 3.1我国滚装汽车码头简介 12 3.1.1我国汽车产业布局 12 3.1.2滚装汽车码头现状 13 3.1.3我国滚装汽车码头存在的问题 ........... 15 3.1.4滚装汽车码头发展趋势 ....................... 16 广东工业大学硕士学位论文 IV 3.2 PEST 外部宏观发展环境分析.................... 17 3.2.1政治环境分析 ........ 17 3.2.2经济环境分析 ........ 18 3.2.3社会环境分析 ........ 18 3.2.4技术环境分析 ........ 19 3.3 NS汽车码头产业环境分析 ......................... 19 3.3.1竞争者分析 ............ 19 3.3.2替代品分析 ............ 20 3.3.3供应商分析 ............ 20 3.3.4顾客分析 ................ 21 3.3.5潜在进入者的威胁 21 3.4机会与威胁分析 ............ 22 3.4.1机遇分析 ................ 22 3.4.2威胁分析 ................ 23 3.5本章小结 ........................ 26 第四章 NS汽车码头内部环境分析 ...................... 27 4.1 NS汽车码头简介 .......... 27 4.2 NS汽车码头资源分析 .. 27 4.2.1自然资源 ................ 27 4.2.2港口设施 ................ 28 4.2.3人力资源状况 ........ 29 4.3NS汽车码头能力分析 ... 30 4.3.1生产能力 ................ 30 4.3.2盈利能力 ................ 31 4.3.3增值服务 ................ 32 4.4 NS汽车码头优劣势分析 ............................. 33 4.4.1优势分析 ................ 33 4.4.2劣势分析 ................ 35 4.5本章小结 ........................ 36 第五章 NS汽车码头物流发展战略 ...................... 38 目 录 V 5.1 SWOT矩阵分析 ........... 38 5.2 NS汽车码头物流发展战略使命、宗旨 ..... 40 5.2.1战略使命 ................ 40 5.2.2战略宗旨 ................ 40 5.3指导思想与战略目标 .... 40 5.3.1指导思想 ................ 40 5.3.2战略目标 ................ 40 5.4 NS汽车码头竞争战略制定 ......................... 41 5.4.1目标市场需求与定位 ........................... 41 5.4.2目标市场选择 ........ 43 5.4.3竞争战略关键要素 44 5.5本章小结 ........................ 47 第六章 NS汽车码头物流发展战略保障措施 ...... 48 6.1战略保障措施 ................ 48 6.1.1核心业务建设 ........ 48 6.1.2品质管理 ................ 48 6.1.3增值服务拓展 ........ 49 6.1.4信息化建设 ............ 49 6.1.5人力资源建设 ........ 49 6.2本章小结 ........................ 50 结 论 .......... 51

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