在中国的主体经济全面进入“新常态”的关键时期,建筑欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司资金门槛、技术水平、 资质要求都越来越高,欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司整体结构向两端靠拢,一种是“大而全”的巨头建筑企业,另 一种是“小而美”的专业化企业。这就意味着作为民营建筑公司的JZ公司在需要制定适 合企业自身的发展战略。 本文首先分析了JZ建筑公司外部发展环境,用PEST分析法分析政治、经济、社 会、技术的宏观环境,认为在“一带一路”的政策优势下,开拓海外建筑市场是机遇;再 用波特五力模型分析了建筑欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司竞争环境,得出外部环境的存在的机会和威胁,认为在 区域内竞争对手中JZ公司在房地产业务领域保有一定优势,但在大型公建项目的竞争 中从资金和技术方面仍处于劣势。然后探讨了JZ建筑公司内部资源环境当中的人力资 源、财务资源、技术资源和管理资源,认为新技术和人才管理是JZ公司在竞争中两个 主要待提高的领域。 运用SWOT分析法提出了JZ建筑公司的发展战略:以增长型战略为核心,采取成 本优先的竞争战略迅速取得市场,同时部署开拓海外市场、拓宽公司商业模式、提升公 司的建筑技术水平的战略布局。 关键词:建筑欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司、发展战略、SWOT分析 II Abstract It is the main time of “New normal” economy stage, that capital requirements、technical requirements and quality requirements are inreasingly higher. Industrial strucuture draws close to both ends, one is “ large and complete” while othe is “small and professional”. This meas JZ architectural company should adjust the business strategy for improving the competitiveness and risk resistance ability depends on the internal and external environment analysis, which is the important part of this research.. Firstly, this dissertation analyzed the external environment of JZ architectural company, which including politics, economy, society, technology etc., and internal environment including financial resources, human resources, technology resources and management. Secondly, this dissertation analyzed the opportunity and the threaten of the external environment, the strength and weakness of the internal environment. By using SWOT analytical approach, business strategy of JZ company had been concluded as the overall cost leadership. The method is establishing the unique brand, products and service of JZ company, while building up the strategic cooperation, therefor making sure the long-lasting development in the market.