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摘要.......I ABSTRACT .....................III 1 导论 ... 1 1.1 研究背景与意义 ...........................1 1.1.1 研究背景 .1 1.1.2 研究意义 2 1.2 研究思路与方法...........................3 1.2.1 研究思路 .3 1.2.2 研究方法 .3 1.3 研究内容与框架...........................3 1.3.1 研究内容 .3 1.3.2 研究框架 .4 2 相关理论和文献概述 ..... 5 2.1 相关理论的概述...........................5 2.1.1 商业银行公司金融业务概述.5 2.1.2 交易银行模式理论概述........6 2.1.3 供应链金融理论概述............7 2.1.4 场景金融理论概述................7 2.2 相关文献的概述 ...........................8 2.2.1 国外研究现状.........................8 2.2.2 国内研究现状.........................9 3 TF 银行公司金融业务发展现状及问题..... 13 3.1 TF 银行发展概况及组织架构简介 ...........................13 3.1.1 TF 银行发展概况 .................13 3.1.2 TF 银行内设架构简介 .........14 3.2 TF 银行公司金融业务发展现状 16 3.3 TF 银行公司金融业务发展过程中存在的问题分析 ..............................22 4 TF 银行公司金融业务转型所面临的条件与障碍因素............ 29 4.1 TF 银行公司金融业务转型发展的条件 ...................29 4.2 TF 银行公司金融业务转型发展的障碍因素 ...........31 5 TF 银行公司金融业务转型发展的思路和对策建议................ 35 5.1 TF 银行公司金融业务转型发展的思路 ...................355.1.1 改变经营理念,确立多元化金融服务模式......35 5.1.2 抓住企业“痛点”,专业化、特色化发展 ..........35 5.1.3 深化事业部改革,调整优化信贷结构..............36 5.1.4 提升公司业务精细化管理水平.........................36 5.2 TF 银行公司金融业务转型发展的对策建议 ...........36 5.2.1 利用交易银行模式,打造特色产业链金融......36 5.2.2 依托供应链金融,提供综合性金融产品和服务............................39 5.2.3 发展场景金融,公司零售联动发展..................41 5.2.4 创新公司金融产品,改变碎片化服务状态......42 5.3 TF 银行公司金融业务转型发展的支撑保障 ...........44 5.3.1 优化绩效考核,加强专业人才队伍建设.........44 5.3.2 建立对公 CRM 系统,精准营销公司客户......44 5.3.3 建立建立基于交易大数据和加强内控的风险管理体系................44 5.3.4 加强信息科技建设,推动公司业务数字化、智能化发展............45 6 结论与展望 ................... 47 6.1 结论..............47 6.2 展望..............48 参考文献........................... 49 致谢.... 51摘要 I 摘要 随着宏观经济增速放缓,利率汇率市场化的持续推进,多样化融资渠道不断 发展,和强监管态势下。银行依靠传统的“存贷汇”业务发展越来越难,净息差 不断收紧,银行间竞争日益激烈,特别是中小银行,面临很大的收入增长与转型 压力。其中公司金融业务是银行规模增长和盈利的支柱,如何转型发展公司金融 业务提升盈利能力和资产质量、加快公司金融业务从“融资”到“融智”转变已 成为中小商业银行热切关注的重要课题。 本文以 TF 行公司金融业务为研究对象,探索其转型发展策略。首先通过调查 分析 TF 行公司金融业务的基本情况,通过数据探究 TF 行公司金融业务存在的问 题,客观分析 TF 银行公司金融业务转型的必要性。其次,明析 TF 行公司金融业 务转型发展所具备的条件和障碍,为其转型发展的思路策略指明方向。最后,依 据国内外银行转型经验并结合 TF 行自身条件,以解决 TF 行公司金融业务存在的 问题为目标,提出针对性的、具体的转型发展思路和策略建议,也为其他的中小 银行公司金融业务转型发展提供一些经验和借鉴。 通过 TF 行一系列客观的数据,结合本人在 TF 行公司业务的多年工作经验, 深刻分析了 TF 行公司业务随着内外部环境变化,一是业务集中度高,欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司信用风 险较高,不利于长远发展;二是存贷利差进一步收窄,传统盈利模式难以为继; 三是中间业务收入来源单一,侧面反映金融服务缺乏技术含量;四是受前期粗放 式发展影响,不良率攀升,风险管理水平较为薄弱,资产质量承压较重。面临上 述问题,转型发展差异化经营,培养自己的专业化领域和核心竞争力,成为一个 必须且不得已的选择。本文通过相关理论知识结合 TF 行自身条件和前期对公司业 务转型发展的探索,以扎根当地民营企业,依托“三位一体”平台,改变传统经 营模式为思路,增加收入为目标,从五个方面提出 TF 行公司业务转型发展的建议: 一是发展交易银行,打造特色产业链金融,提供集账号管理、收付款结算管理、 贸易融资等一体化的金融解决方案,吸收稳定的低成本资金,提升综合服务能力, 多渠道增加收入,改善利差收窄,收入来源传统单一的问题;二是发展供应链金 融,交易银欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司务全面落地需要花费大量的人力、物力和时间,前期可以重点发 展交易银行主干业务供应链金融,将核心企业与上下游企业联系在一起,提供更 为灵活的金融产品和服务,能有效改善不良资产率及其真实性;三是发展场景金 融,公司零售联动发展,向专业化、特色化发展靠拢;四是创新金融产品,改变西南大学工商管理硕士学位论文 II 碎片化服务状态,提升公司金融业务盈利能力。为支撑上述转型发展,还需要提 升核心驱动能力,包括建立高效的管理机制、优化绩效考核、建立对公客户 CRM 系统、建立基于交易大数据和加强内控的风险体系、加强信息科技建设,为转型 落地提供保障。 关键词:银行公司金融业务;转型策略;交易银行;供应链金融Abstract III Abstract With the slowdown of macroeconomic growth, the continuous progress of interest rate and exchange rate liberalization, the development of diversified financing channels, and strong supervision. It is more and more difficult for Banks to rely on the traditional "deposit and loan exchange" business to develop. The net interest margin is constantly tightening, and inter-bank competition is increasingly fierce. In particular, small and medium-sized Banks are facing great pressure of revenue growth and transformation. Among them, corporate finance business is the pillar of Banks' scale growth and profitability. How to transform and develop corporate finance business to improve profitability and asset quality and speed up the transformation of corporate finance business from "financing" to "financing intelligence" has become an important subject that small and medium-sized commercial Banks pay close attention to. This paper takes the financial business of TF bank as the research object to explore its transformation and development strategy. Using the method of "theory + practice", the basic situation of TF bank's financial business was firstly investigated and analyzed, and the existing problems in TF Bank's financial business were explored through data, so as to objectively analyze the necessity of TF Bank's financial business transformation. Secondly, it analyzes the conditions and obstacles of TF bank's financial business transformation and development, and points out the direction of its transformation and development strategy. Finally, based on the transformation experience of domestic and foreign Banks and in combination with TF bank's own conditions, targeted and specific transformation and development ideas and strategies were proposed to solve the problems existing in TF bank's financial business, and some experience and reference were also provided for the transformation and development of financial business of other small and medium-sized Banks. Through a series of objective data of TF Bank and combining with my years of working experience in TF bank's business, I deeply analyzed the changes of TF bank's business with the internal and external environment. Firstly, the business area development is limited, the business concentration is high, and the risk is difficult to be dispersed. Second, deposit and loan spreads have further narrowed, making it difficult to sustain the traditional profit model. Third, the income source of intermediate西南大学工商管理硕士学位论文 IV business is single, which reflects the lack of technical content of financial services. Fourth, under the influence of extensive development in the early stage, the defective rate is rising and the asset quality is under heavy pressure. Faced with the above problems, it is a must and last choice to transform and develop differentiated management and cultivate one's own specialized fields and core competitiveness. This article through the relevant theoretical knowledge combined with the conditions and TF line preliminary exploration to the transformation of the company's business development, to take root in the local private enterprises, change the traditional management pattern, increase their income as the goal, from five aspects proposed TF company business transformation development Suggestions: one i

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