近年来,国家出台一系列调控政策干预房地产欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司,房地产欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司的发展速度 减慢,加上中国经济发展的“人口红利”正在逐渐消退,人才供给明显减少,尤 其是优秀人才供不应求,房地产企业开始出现招聘难的现象。由于河南RCAC置 业有限公司成立较晚,且存在重业务、轻人力资源的现象,现有招聘渠道供给的 人才,无论在数量还是质量上都极大地限制公司进一步发展,因此,如何解决招 聘渠道建设过程中存在的问题,为公司招揽更合适、更优秀的人才,对河南RCAC 置业有限公司能否持续、快速发展至关重要。 本文将河南RCAC置业有限公司作为研究对象,聚焦招聘渠道建设方面存在 的问题。通过问卷调查法,对河南RCAC置业有限公司招聘渠道建设的现状进行 了分析,总结出该公司内部推荐、移动社交网络招聘渠道、内部竞聘等4方面存 在的内部推荐成功率低、员工参与内部推荐积极性不高等诸多问题。针对招聘渠 道建设过程中存在的问题,对管理人员、一般员工、行政人事部员工进行访谈, 深入分析产生问题的原因,主要有:内部推荐奖励方式单一、公司忽视内部竞聘 的效果、公司对新型招聘渠道不敏感、招聘效果的评估反馈机制不完善、招聘队 伍专业性不强。基于国内外研究理论的支持,为了完善河南RCAC置业有限公司 招聘渠道建设,提出了四个方面的建议:提高猎头招聘的使用数量和质量,优化 内部竞聘方案,充分利用社交资源发展移动社交网络招聘,完善现有的内部推荐 机制。最后,为保证完善公司招聘渠道建设的建议能够顺利实施,提出五个保证 措施:公司领导重视人力资源工作,加大信息化建设投入,提供足够资金的保障, 提高招聘队伍的专业性,加强企业文化建设。 本文对河南RCAC置业有限公司招聘渠道建设的研究分析及建议,能够有效 解决公司人才供给不足、不及时的问题,提高招聘的效果,加快公司向房地产行 业引领者地位发展的速度,也可以给其他房地产公司的招聘管理工作提供一些 启示和帮助。 关键词:房地产;招聘渠道;渠道建设 II Abstract In recent years, the state introduced a series of regulatory policies to intervene in the real estate industry, and the development speed of the real estate industry is slowing down, coupled with the "demographic dividend" of China's economic development is gradually fading, which result in the significantly reduced supply of talents, especially the shortage of excellent talents, real estate enterprises began to find it difficult to recruit. Due to Henan RCAC real estate co., LTD. was set up late, and the phenomenon of paying more attention on business than human resources, the existing talents recruiting channel, either in quantity or quality greatly limit the company further development. Therefore, how to solve the problems existing in the process of recruiting channel construction, to attract more suitable and more excellent talents for the company, the Henan RCAC real estate co., LTD., the purpose of sustained and rapid development is crucial. This paper takes Henan RCAC real estate co., ltd. as the research object and focuses on the problems existing in the construction of recruitment channels. By means of questionnaire survey, this paper analyzes the current situation of the recruitment channel construction of Henan RCAC real estate co., LTD., and summarizes the problems : low success rate of internal recommendation and low enthusiasm of employees participating in internal recommendation in four aspects which are internal recommendation, mobile social network recruitment channels, and internal competition. In view of the problems existing in the process of recruiting channel construction, the management staff, general staff, administrative personnel department staff interview, analyzing the reasons of the problems, mainly include: single internal referral reward pattern, ignorance of the effect on internal competition, low sensitivity of the new recruitment channels, imperfection of recruitment mechanism on evaluation feedback, low profession of recruitment team. Based on the support of domestic and foreign research theories, in order to improve the recruitment channel construction of Henan RCAC real estate co., LTD., four Suggestions are being put forward: improve the quantity and quality of headhunter recruitment, optimize the internal recruitment III scheme, make full use of social resources to develop mobile social network recruitment, and improve the existing internal recommendation mechanism. Finally, in order to ensure the smooth implementation of the Suggestions on improving the company's recruitment channel construction, five guarantee measures are put forward: the company leaders attach importance to human resources work, increase the investment in information construction, provide sufficient fund guarantee, improve the professionalism of the recruitment team, and strengthen the construction of corporate culture. In this paper, the Henan RCAC real estate Co., LTD., research analysis and Suggestions of the construction of the recruitment channels, can effectively solve the problem of untimely lacking of company talent supply, improve the effectiveness of recruitment, to speed up the company's leading position to the real estate industry development, can also provide the recruitment management in other real estate companies with some enlightenment and help. Key words:Real estate;Recruitment channel; Channel construction IV 目录 第一章 绪论 .............................................. 1 第一节 研究背景和意义 .......................................... 1 一 研究背景 ........................................................ 1 二 研究意义 ........................................................ 2 第二节 国内外研究综述 .......................................... 2 一 国外关于招聘渠道的研究现状 ...................................... 2 二 国内关于招聘渠道的研究现状 ...................................... 2 三 研究评述 ........................................................ 3 第三节 研究对象 ................................................ 3 一 河南RCAC置业有限公司概况 ....................................... 4 二 河南RCAC置业有限公司组织架构图 ................................. 4 三 河南RCAC置业有限公司人力资源总体情况 ........................... 5 四 河南RCAC置业有限公司人力资源部门情况 ........................... 6 第四节 研究思路与方法 .......................................... 6 一 研究思路 ........................................................ 6 二 研究方法 ........................................................ 6 第二章 河南RCAC置业有限公司现有招聘渠道分析 ............. 8 第一节 河南RCAC置业有限公司招聘流程 ........................... 8 一 选择发起方式 .................................................... 8 二 制定岗位说明书 .................................................. 8 三 组织招聘 ........................................................ 8 第二节 河南RCAC置业有限公司现有招聘渠道 ....................... 9 V 一 内部招聘 ........................................................ 9 二 外部招聘 ....................................................... 10 三 招聘渠道的选择策略 ............................................. 14 第三节 调查问卷 ............................................... 14 一 问卷设计 ....................................................... 14 二 问卷结果 ....................................................... 14 第三章 河南RCAC置业有限公司招聘渠道建设存在的问题及原因分 析 ...................................................... 24 第一节 河南RCAC置业有限公司招聘渠道建设存在的问题 ............ 24 一 内部推荐方面存在的问题 ......................................... 24 二 移动社交网络招聘渠道方面存在的问题 ............................. 26 三 内部竞聘方面存在的问题 ......................................... 27 四 猎头招聘方面存在的问题 ......................................... 29 第二节 对河南RCAC置业有限公司招聘渠道建设存在问题的原因分析 .. 30 一 深度访谈 ....................................................... 30 二 原因分析 ....................................................... 31 第四章 完善河南RCAC置业有限公司招聘渠道建设的建议 ...... 34 第一节 完善现有的内部推荐机制 ................................. 34 一 加强内部推荐制度的的普及性 ..................................... 34 二 完善推荐激励机制 ............................................... 34 三 做好内部推荐的宣传与沟通 ....................................... 35 四 规范推