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I 摘要 随着我国经济发展步入“新常态”,为更好发挥消费升级对经济增长的拉动 作用,以信用卡分期业务为代表的商业银行消费类贷款业务在近几年服务消费市 场的过程中得到快速成长,同时消费类贷款业务以其贴近市场和消费者的特征以 及可观的中间业务收入正迅速成为商业银行重要的利润增长点。在消费类贷款业 务的推进过程中,营销渠道相较于营销组合中的产品、价格、促销来说已成为商 业银行保持业务核心竞争力的重要营销要素,因此如何制定消费类贷款业务的营 销渠道策略已经成为各大商业银行共同关注的话题,也是本文主要研究的问题。 本文基于现实背景以及对理论文献的系统梳理,指出商业银行已进入“以客 户为中心”的全渠道发展阶段,丰富的渠道类型和渠道成员要求营销渠道要素需 要通过精准的渠道匹配以及有效的渠道激励来确保各利益相关者能够积极参与渠 道互动,进而为客户提供更加良好的业务体验。这与以消费者体验价值为核心, 强调各营销活动成员的价值共同创造,并追求在深入互动过程中不断提升客户体 验的价值共创理念不谋而合。因此,本文创造性地将价值共创理论与商业银行营 销渠道相结合,以某国有商业银行下属二级支行 A 银行为例展开研究。 本文研究内容主要分为三个部分:首先,介绍了 A 银行及其消费类贷款业务 的总体基本情况,同时详细说明了 A 银行开办的消费类贷款业务及其营销渠道的 基本种类,并分别对目前各类消费类贷款业务的营销渠道匹配情况进行了详细介 绍(详见第三章);其次,从营销渠道匹配以及营销渠道激励两个层面全面、深 入分析了 A 银行消费类贷款业务营销渠道现状中存在的问题(详见第四章);第 三,以基于价值共创理论的金融服务营销逻辑框架体系为指导,针对 A 银行消费 类贷款业务营销渠道现状中存在的问题提出了具体的营销渠道策略,并从人员配 备、绩效考核、风险控制三个方面提出了策略实施的保障措施(详见第五章)。 本文主要研究成果是从营销渠道匹配以及营销渠道激励两个层面提出了 A 银 行消费类贷款业务营销渠道具体策略。营销渠道匹配策略的重点在于优化营销渠 道结构、调整渠道匹配重心,形成了价值共创的基础运营框架;营销渠道激励策 略的重点在于针对不同激励对象提出相应激励措施,给定了基础运营框架下的价 值实现方法。营销渠道的匹配与激励相互配合共同助力价值共创的实现,相关策 略建议对于众多商业银行一线营销机构来说具备较强的可操作性。 关键词:消费类贷款业务,营销渠道,价值共创,商业银行ABSTRACT II ABSTRACT As “New economic state” of China is coming, in order to leverage the role of consumption upgrades in driving economic growth better, the consumption loans business of commercial banks represented by the credit card installment have gained rapid momentum in the process of serving the consumer market in recent years. At the same time, the consumption loans business can bring obvious profit growth for commercial banks due to its characteristics of being close to the market and considerable income. The marketing channel has become a more important marketing element for commercial banks to maintain their core competitiveness in comparison with the product, price, and promotion in the marketing combination. Therefore, how to formulate the marketing channel strategy of consumption loans business has become a hot topic of commercial banks, and it is also the key issue to research of this article. Based on the practical background and a systematic review of the relevant literature, this article points out that commercial banks have entered into the Omni-channel development stage which is consumer-oriented. In Omni-channel development stage, in order to ensure that every member can participate in interactive activities in marketing channels, it is very necessary to match abundant marketing channels with different kinds of business accurately, and to motivate each member in marketing channels effectively. Because of these measures are in accordance with value co-creation theory, this article creatively combines value co-creation theory with the marketing channels of commercial banks, and takes Bank A which is a secondary branch of a state-owned commercial bank as an example to research on the marketing channel strategy of consumption loans business. The content of this article is mainly divided into three parts. In the first part, this article introduces the overview of Bank A and its consumption loans business, and then clarifies the basic types of consumption loans business and the marketing channels of Bank A, as also as the match between them(Chapter Three); In the second part, this article comprehensively analyzes the problems of marketing channels from two sides, include the match between the consumption loans business and the marketing channels, and the incentives to the members of marketing channels(Chapter Four); In the third part, this article designs the strategy of marketing channels underABSTRACT III the guide of the financial services marketing logic framework, which is based on the value co-creation theory, and proposes three measures include staffing, performance assessment and risk management to implement the strategy(Chapter Five). This article designs the marketing channel strategy of consumption loans business of Bank A from two aspects, include the match between the consumption loans business and the marketing channels, and the incentives to the members of marketing channels. The aspect of match which is the foundations of value co-creation aims to adjust the structure and focus of marketing channels. The aspect of incentive which can promote value co-creation aims to propose incentive measures to the members of marketing channels. The two aspects reinforce each other to reach value co-creation, and have a powerful operability to the branches of commercial banks. Keywords: Consumption loans business, Marketing channel, Value co-creation, Commercial bank目录 IV 目 录 第一章 绪论.................................................................................................................... 1 1.1 研究背景............................................................................................................ 1 1.2 研究意义............................................................................................................ 2 1.3 研究内容............................................................................................................ 4 1.4 研究方法............................................................................................................ 4 1.5 解决的关键问题................................................................................................ 5 1.6 论文的创新之处................................................................................................ 5 1.7 研究路线............................................................................................................ 6 第二章 基本概念界定及文献综述................................................................................ 7 2.1 基本概念界定.................................................................................................... 7 2.1.1 消费类贷款业务基本概念界定 ............................................................ 7 2.1.2 营销渠道基本概念界定 ........................................................................ 7 2.2 文献综述............................................................................................................ 7 2.2.1 营销渠道文献综述 ................................................................................ 7 2.2.2 价值共创文献综述 ...............................................................................11 2.2.3 文献小结 .............................................................................................. 15 第三章 A 银行消费类贷款业务营销渠道现状.......................................................... 17 3.1 A 银行基本概况............................................................................................... 17 3.2 A 银行消费类贷款业务发展概况................................................................... 17 3.3 A 银行消费类贷款业务及营销渠道的分类................................................... 18 3.3.1 消费类贷款业务的分类 ...................................................................... 18 3.3.2 营销渠道的分类 .................................................................................. 21 3.4 A 银行消费类贷款业务的营销渠道匹配...

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