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绿色技术是实现社会可持续发展的有效手段[1],各国政府都期望通过环境规 制来推广绿色技术。但在绿色创新实践中,企业面对环境规制有着不同响应, 说明环境规制未能取得预期效果。环境规制会和哪些微观层面因素发生共同作 用,如何统合利用环境规制和微观层面要素推动绿色创新,使环境规制和绿色 产业政策切实发挥作用,推动我国企业的绿色竞争力,是一个值得研究的课题。 本研究通过考察决策者机遇识别和决策者个体环境意识在环境规制对企业 绿色技术采纳意愿中的作用机制来解释响应不一现象。与大多数学者在创业领 域研究的决策者机遇识别不同,本研究主要是将外部环境具体为政府环境规制, 在政府环境规制的背景下探究决策者机遇识别。在此基础上,本研究提出决策 者机遇识别中介环境规制对企业绿色技术采纳意愿的作用。不同于高管环境意 识,本研究提出的决策者个体环境意识是决策者作为一名普通社会成员所拥有 的对整个社会所面临的环境问题及未来解决方案的看法。由此,本研究提出决 策者个体环境意识正向调节对决策者机遇识别对企业绿色技术采纳意愿的作用。 在文献研究和专家访谈的基础上,本研究提出了各构念的测量指标,设计 了调查问卷,以企业决策者为对象发放问卷,通过预调研修正了问卷。本研究 共搜集288份问卷。通过AMOS23.0进行了中介效应的检验,将自变量命令控 制型环境规制,经济诱因型环境规制,中介变量决策者机遇识别和因变量企业 绿色技术采纳意愿之间的路径系数进行比较,并进一步对模型系数进行效应分 解。结果表明,决策者机遇识别分别对命令控制型环境规制与企业绿色技术采 纳意愿,经济诱因型环境规制与企业绿色技术采纳意愿起到部分中介的作用。 通过SPSS22.0对调查的数据进行了探索性因子分析、相关分析、回归分析,结 果表明决策者个体环境意识对决策者机遇识别与企业绿色技术采纳意愿起到正 向调节作用。 根据实证研究结果,本研究提出政府主要可以从合理运用环境规制、引导 决策者机遇识别更偏向于机会和增强决策者个体环境意识这三个方面来加强企 业绿色技术采纳意愿的政策建议。 关键词:环境规制,决策者个体环境意识,决策者机遇识别,企业绿色技术采纳意 愿 II Abstract Green technology is an effective means to achieve sustainable development of society, and governments of all countries expect to promote green technology through environmental regulations. However, in green practice, companies have different responses to environmental regulations, indicating that environmental regulations have failed to achieve the desired results. What micro-level factors will environmental regulation interact with? How to use environmental regulation and micro-level elements to promote green innovation, make environmental regulations and green industrial policies work effectively, and promote the green competitiveness of Chinese companies is a topic worthy of study. This study investigated the role of decision-makers' opportunity recognition and decision makers' individual environmental awareness in environmental regulations’ influence on the intention of companies to green technology adoption to explain the different response phenomenon. Unlike most scholars who identify decision-makers’ opportunity recognition in the field of entrepreneurship, this paper is mainly to specify the external environment as government environmental regulations, in the context of government environmental regulations to explore decision-makers’ opportunity recognition. On this basis, this study proposes that decision-makers’ opportunity recognition mediate the effect of environmental regulations on the intention of company to green technology adoption. At the same time, unlike the environmental awareness of executives, decision makers' individual environmental awareness proposed in this study is the decision-makers' views as an ordinary member of society on the environmental problems and future solutions faced by the entire society. Based on this concept, this study proposes that decision makers' individual environmental awareness positively moderate the effect of decision-makers' opportunity recognition on the intention of company to green technology adoption. Based on literature research and expert interviews, this study proposed measures for each construct, designed a questionnaire, distributed questionnaires to company decision makers, and revised the questionnaire after pilot survey. A total of 288 III questionnaires were collected in this study. The mediation effect was tested using AMOS 23.0, the path coefficients between the mediation variable ,decision-makers' opportunity recognition and the dependent variable ,the intention of company to green technology adoption through independent variable command-and-control environmental regulation economic incentive environmental regulation were compared, and the model coefficients were further decomposed. The results show that the decision-makers' opportunity recognition has a significant positive relationship with command-and-control environmental regulation, economic incentive environmental regulation, and the intention of company to green technology adoption, and decision-makers' opportunity recognition plays a part of the role of intermediary in the impact of command-and-control environmental regulation and economic incentive environmental regulation on the intention of company to green technology adoption. Employing SPSS22.0, the exploratory factor analysis, correlation analysis and regression analysis were carried out on the survey data. The results show that decision makers' individual environmental awareness positively moderates the impact of decision-makers' opportunity recognition on the intention of company to green technology adoption. Based on empirical research results, this study give policy suggestions that the government can strengthen the intention of company to green technology adoption from three aspects: rational application of environmental regulations, guiding decision-makers' opportunity recognition is more biased towards opportunities and strengthen decision makers 'individual environmental awareness. Key words: environmental regulations; decision makers' individual environmental awareness; decision-makers' opportunity recognition; the intention of company to green technology adoption V 目 录 摘要 .................... I Abstract ................ II 目 录 ................. V 第1章 绪论 ........ 1 1.1 研究背景 ............................. 1 1.2 研究目的及意义 ................. 2 1.2.1 研究目的 ................. 2 1.2.2 研究意义 ................. 2 1.3.1 企业绿色技术采纳意愿的影响因素 ..... 3 1.3.2 环境规制的理论研究及其规制类型 ..... 5 1.3.3 环境规制影响企业绿色技术采纳意愿的相关研究 ............ 6 1.3.4 研究现状综合评述 . 8 1.4 研究内容与研究方法 ......... 8 1.4.1 研究内容 ................. 8 1.4.2 研究方法 ................. 9 1.4.3 技术路线 ............... 10 第2章 理论基础和概念界定 ......... 11 2.1 技术采纳理论 ................... 11 2.1.1 理性行为理论 ....... 11 2.1.2 计划行为理论 ....... 11 2.1.3 技术采纳模型及其发展过程 ............... 12 2.2 规范激活模型(Norm Activation Model, NAM) ............................. 14 2.3 概念界定 ........................... 15 2.3.1 企业绿色技术采纳意愿 ....................... 15 2.3.2 决策者个体环境意识........................... 16 2.3.3 决策者机遇识别 ... 18 第3章 研究假设和变量的测量 ..... 22 3.1 研究假设 ........................... 22 3.1.1 环境规制与绿色技术采纳意愿 ........... 22 3.1.2 环境规制与决策者机遇识别 ............... 23 3.1.3 决策者机遇识别与绿色技术采纳意愿 .............................. 27 3.1.4 决策者机遇识别的中介效应 ............... 27 3.1.5 决策者个体环境意识的调节作用 ....... 28 3.1.6 模型建立 ............... 29 3.2 变量的测量 ....................... 30 3.2.1 企业绿色技术采纳意愿 ....................... 30 VI 3.2.2 环境规制 ............... 31 3.2.3 决策者机遇识别 ... 32 3.2.4 决策者个体环境意识........................... 32 3.2.5 控制变量 ............... 33 第4章 问卷设计 ............................. 37 4.1 初始问卷设计 ................... 37 4.2 初始问卷信效度分析 ....... 38 4.2.1 预调研的信度分析 .............................. 38 4.2.2 预调研的效度分析 .............................. 39 4.3 数据收集 ........................... 42 第5章 样本数据分析 ..................... 43 5.1 描述性统计分析 ............... 43 5

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