近年来,国内民众生活质量显著提升,进而对物质、精神、文化等方面有了 更高需求,尤其是体现在餐饮与旅游方面,愿意在此方面投入更多资金来提升生 活品质。基于此,也给餐饮旅游产业发展起到了有力的推进作用。越来越多的企 业开始在此方面进行投资,进而使得欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司竞争力得以提升。在此背景下,为了获 得更好的经济效益,便需对营销策略进行相应优化,使其能够更好的适应市场发 展。现阶段,受制于环境、企业发展等方面因素的制约,进而导致营销策略未能 及时进行优化,同时存在营销理念差、未能在市场中建立良好的品牌效应、营销 人员素养低等方面的问题。特别是在近年来的发展中,伴随网络订餐的快速发展, 给传统餐饮营销造成了较大威胁。为了能够更好的适应市场需求,便需对营销策 略进行优化,以推进企业发展。 对于MG餐饮76人烩面,自该企业成立以后,便在餐饮欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司中占据了有利 地位,经过这些年发展,已经在全国各大城市中建立了对应的连锁店。然而,伴 随市场环境的改变,该企业只有对营销策略进行完善,才能实现对自身竞争优势 的强化,进而获得更高效益。 在本文研究中,便选择了MG餐饮76人烩面为例,针对该企业发展情况进 行探究。首先,针对论文选题所对应的研究背景与意义进行概述,同时对目前国 内外在服务营销方面所开展的研究工作进行整理分析,以实现对服务营销特性的 确定。之后,针对该企业所处环境进行探究,在此过程中主要是借助STP、7P’s 分析法进行分析。对于用户意见的收集,则是借助于问卷调查的方式实现,通过 对问卷调查结果进行探究,进而实现对企业营销策略的完善。具体而言,就是从 品牌建设、产品定价、服务质量、促销方式等层面来进行优化。在此前的研究中, 针对餐饮欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司所开展的研究工作,主要是从餐饮市场的角度进行分析。而在本文 研究中,则是从营销策略层面进行研究,具有一定的创新性,并且有助于实现对 企业竞争力的强化,同时也能够给欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司内部其他企业发展提供相应借鉴,以更好 的推进餐饮领域市场营销工作的开展。 关键词:餐饮市场;76人烩面;7Ps 营销组合 II Abstract With the continuous development of society, people's living standard and consumption demand are constantly improving. More and more people are willing to increase consumption investment in tourism and catering to improve their quality of life, which brings better development opportunities for tourism catering enterprises. But at the same time, it also brings great challenges. In the process of development, relevant enterprises need to improve their own marketing strategies to adapt to the changing customer needs and market environment. MG catering 76 person stewed noodles is a chain restaurant and residential enterprise, which has achieved great success in the initial stage of the company's business. However, as the operation has passed the rising period, and the market continues to develop and change, the company needs to change its marketing strategy to break the development bottleneck and improve its market competitiveness. In this paper, MG catering 76 people chowder plate in three restaurants mainly for summer management as the research object. First of all, this paper makes a deep analysis of the company's macro environment, tourism catering market, industry status and internal environment by using the theory of marketing, and studies the advantages, disadvantages, opportunities and challenges of daixiaohe catering by using the SWOT analysis method; Through the questionnaire, the customer feedback was collected and sorted out, and the marketing plan was improved and optimized from the company's products, brand, pricing, promotion, personnel, service process and tangible display. In the past, the research on catering enterprises is based on the catering market in the conventional City, and the main innovation of this paper is the marketing strategy research on the catering market in the tourism area. Through the research of this paper, it can help enterprises to gain competitive advantage, and at the same time, it can promote the development of marketing in China's tourism catering industry.