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摘要 中德合资A保险公司在华发展二十年,业务规模和市场占有率均 未达到集团预期,同时集团也寄希望于A公司能够在具有无限潜力的 中国保险市场赢得市场与口碑,为集团带来新的业务增长点。另一方 面,A公司的运营管理受集团制约,一定程度影响了公司的“本土化” 进程,战略决策往往跟不上中国市场的节奏,面临业务规模较孝市 场影响力不足、在人力资源吸引和保留方面存在劣势、网点较多导致 运营成本相对较高等问题。 A保险公司成立以来,还未对薪酬管理进行全面化、系统化的研 究与探讨。随着保险业市场的开放,加速了市场主体之间的竞争,外 资保险公司A公司意识到人力资源管理的必要性和急迫性,薪酬管理 优化是首先需要思考的问题。本文研究的目的是帮助A保险公司明确 公司战略与薪酬战略之间关联,分析并尝试解决薪酬管理问题,发挥 薪酬的激励作用,提升员工工作积极性,减少不必要的人才流失,提 高外部人才吸引力,从而增强A公司人力资源管理水平和竞争力,为 公司进一步发展提供保障。 本文由六个部分组成。第一章绪论,主要介绍研究背景、研究目 的和意义、研究思路和内容,主要研究方法为案例研究法。第二章薪 酬理论基础和国内外文献综述,回顾了薪酬管理的相关理论和实证研 究,为后续的分析奠定基矗第三章介绍了A公司的概况,阐述了人 力资源和薪酬管理现状,初步发现人力资源和薪酬管理问题。第四章 通过离职数据分析,发现薪酬因素是导致离职的主要原因;通过薪酬 调研,归纳整理出A保险公司目前薪酬管理存在的问题和原因。第五 章,遵循薪酬管理优化的目的和原则,结合公司发展战略提出薪酬战 略发展和薪酬水平优化、薪酬结构优化和薪酬激励优化等三个系统化 的解决方案,对公司关键岗位人群制定了针对性的薪酬管理优化方 案,最后提出了薪酬改进过程中的保障措施,以有效保障A保险公司 薪酬改革的顺利实施。第六章对本文的研究成果进行总结,阐述了研 究的局限性和对未来薪酬管理的展望。 本文研究发现,A保险公司的薪酬管理未能与公司发展战略相匹 配,存在薪酬战略与公司战略不匹配、薪酬水平和结构不合理、薪酬 激励不明显和薪酬管理没有差异化的问题,影响公司对人才的吸引、 摘要 保留和激励,不能支撑公司的业务发展需要。结合薪酬管理理论和实 践,本文对A公司的薪酬管理问题提出了优化方案:一、推动薪酬战 略管理,将薪酬管理需要与公司战略相结合;二、调整薪酬结构和薪 酬水平,加强公司薪酬的内部公平性和外部竞争力;三、优化薪酬激 励,提升绩效与薪酬激励的联动性,丰富薪酬激励内容,提高福利激 励的弹性和灵活度;四、对核心岗位制定有针对性的薪酬管理方案。 囿于学术水平和案例研究的时间限制,笔者没有对销售人员的业 绩提成相关的薪酬科目进行研究;局限于公司整体战略和人力成本预 算控制 ,薪酬结构未有太大的突破;对保险欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司特别是寿险欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司的 薪酬研究不够深入。笔者将在未来的工作中,继续对A保险公司薪酬 管理优化进行不断的丰富和完善。 关键词: A寿险公司 薪酬体系 内部公平性 外部竞争力 ABSTRACT TITLE Research on Salary Management Optimization of A Insurance Company ABSTRACT Life insurance company A which is a joint venture between domestic company and German company has been set up in China for more than 20 years. But neither the business scale nor market share reached the anticipation of parent companies. Meanwhile the target of company A is to get both a high market share and a good reputation in the Chinese booming insurance market, and to contribute more to parent companies. In another way, the operation of company A gets controlled and influenced by parent companies’ regulations, so the progress of “localization” limited at a certain extent. The strategy decision of company A could not keep in step with the reform of Chinese market. As a result, company A is now facing many issues, like business scale too small, market influence insufficient, disadvantage in attracting and retaining talented people, high operation cost due to too many sales net work. The company A has been keeping the same compensation strategy since start. It is high necessary to perform a comprehensive and systemic study on compensation management since the competition among companies is becoming fierce with the opening-up of the Chinese insurance market. The purpose of this study is to highlight the correlation between company strategy and compensation management, analyze the status quo and to figure out the weak point of salary management for the company.Witht the effect of compensation effect, to motivate staff, reduce the loss of talents and increase the attractiveness of eternal talents, so as to strengthen the management and competitiveness of company A and to ensure the company’s development. The article is devided into six parts. The first chapter is introduction, mainly expatitates the background of the research, the purpose and significance of the research, and the objective, method and frame of the research. The main method of this research is CASE method. The second chapter: review documents, and theoretical basis. The third parts: introduce status quo of company A, analyze the management issue of human resource and compensation. The fourth chapter: realize compensation is the main reason for leaving through the analysis of exit interview, figure out the compensation issue for company A through questionnaire investigation. Chapter 5: propose three solutions based on the purpose and principle of compensation management comnbining with strategy development of company A: optimize compensation level, compensation structure and compensation incentive. And provide safeguard measures to carry out the proposed solutions effectively. The last chapter summarizes the conclusions of this study, discusses its limitation and prospect the furture of compensation management. This study found that, the status quo of compensation management for company A did not match with the company strategy, including compensation strategy not clear, compensation level and structure unreasonable, compensation incentive not enough etc.. And it could not support the company business development due to the lack of attraction, retention and motivation for talent. Therefore, combining the theory and practice of compensation management, this study proposed: 1, Promote compensation strategy management, to keep up with company strategy; 2. Adjust compensation structure and improve compensation level, to strengthen salary internal consistency and external competitiveness; 3. Optimize compensation incitement level, to improve the correlation between compensation incitement and performance, enrich incitement method, improve the flexibility of incitement. 4. Make specific compensation proposal for core position. Due to the academic level and the time limitation of case studies, the author did not study the salary subjects which related to sales staff. There is not much breakthrough as the limitation of the company's overall strategy and labor cost budget control. The salary study is not deep enough.for the insurance industry, especially the life insurance industry. The author will continue to enrich and improve the compensation management of an insurance company in the future. KEYWORDS:A Life Insurance Company Compensation System Salary Internal Consistency External Competitiveness ABSTRACT 目录 目 录 第一章 绪论 ............................................ 1 第一节 选题背景 .............................................. 1 第二节 研究目的和意义 ........................................ 2 一、研究目的 ....................................................... 2 二、研究意义 ....................................................... 2 第三节 研究方法和内容 ........................................ 2 第二章 薪酬相关理论基础和国内外研究综述 ................ 5 第一节 薪酬相关概念和理论基础................................. 5 一、相关概念 ....................................................... 5 二、薪酬管理理论基础 ............................................... 6 第二节 国内外研究综述 ........................................ 7 一、国外薪酬管理研究 ............................................... 7 二、国内薪酬管理研究 ............................................... 7 三、国内保险欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司薪酬管理研究 ........................................ 8 第三章 A保险公司人力资源管理和薪酬管理现状 ............. 9 第一节 A保险公司概况及发展 ................................... 9 第二节 A保险公司人力资源现状 ................................ 10 一、公司组织架构 ............................................

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