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企业要发展离不开人才支撑,而人才毕竟有限,尤其是关键、核心人才。因 此,更多地是要充分挖掘企业现有的人力资源潜能。薪酬管理是激发人力 资源的 有效手段。中国工商银行作为国有大型银行之首,进入21世纪后,随着我国加入 WTO银欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司对外开放脚步的加速,在加快建设国际一流现代商业银行步伐的同 时,也对薪 酬管理进行了相应改革。2006年工商银行股改上市,次年即在全行实 施了人力资源管理提升项目,重点对薪酬制度进行改革,2014年又在全行实施人 力资源管理深化项目,进一 步优化薪酬制度。工商银行对薪酬制度的持续改革与 完善,其目的不外乎是为了使自身的薪酬制度体系适应企业的经营转型与发展需 要。 工行新余分行作为工商银行的分支机构 之一,其薪酬制度按照总行改革要求 也进行了相应调整。但近年来随着国家经济转型和地方经济的持续下行,以及互 联网金融的不断冲击和同业竞争压力,新余工行现行的薪酬 管理体系越来越难以 适应经营发展的需要。鉴于此,本文以新余工行薪酬管理体系为研究对象,分析 新余工行薪酬管理存在的问题,并运用现代薪酬管理知识与理论、结合新余 工行 实际,提出了完善的对策与建议。首先,简要介绍了薪酬和激励的相关理论;接 着,对新余工行的薪酬管理现状进行了深入剖析,指出了新余工行薪酬管理体系 存在的主要 问题和产生的主要原因;最后,在比较了国内外一些优秀商业银行已 经成功实施的薪酬管理经验基础之上,结合薪酬管理相关理论的运用与实践,对 新余工行现行绩效管理体系 进行了改革完善,重点针对网点和员工的绩效考核体 系进行了全方位的完善。 本文对新余工行薪酬管理体系的系统分析,对于解决目前该行存在的薪酬导 向不一致、薪酬结构不 合理、员工积极性不高、经营效益不高等问题具有一定的 现实意义,为工商银行和其它国有商业银行的薪酬管理体系改革提供参考。 关键词:国有商业银行;薪酬;薪酬管理; 问题分析及对策 2 Abstract The development of enterprises is inseparable from the support of talents. After all, the talents are limited, especially the key and core talents. Therefore, it is more important to fully tap the existing human resources potential of enterprises. Salary management is an effective way to stimulate human resources. Industrial and Commercial Bank of China (ICBC), as the first of the large state-owned banks, has entered the 21st century. With the acceleration of China's entry into the WTO, the banking industry has accelerated the pace of opening up to the outside world. While accelerating the pace of building a world-class modern commercial bank, it has also made corresponding reforms in salary management. In 2006, the Industrial and Commercial Bank of China (ICBC) listed on the stock market. The following year, the bank implemented a human resources management promotion project, focusing on the reform of the salary system. In 2014, the bank implemented a human resources management deepening project to further optimize the salary system. The ICBC's continuous reform and improvement of the salary system is only for the purpose of adapting its own salary system to the business transformation and development needs of enterprises. Xinyu Branch of ICBC is one of the branches of ICBC, and its salary system has been adjusted accordingly according to the requirements of headquarters reform. But in recent years, with the economic transformation of the country and the sustained downturn of the local economy, as well as the continuous impact of Internet finance and the pressure of competition, the current salary management system of Xinyu ICBC is increasingly difficult to meet the needs of business development. In view of this, this paper takes the salary management system of Xinyu ICBC as the research object, analyzes the problems existing in the salary management of Xinyu ICBC, and puts forward the perfect countermeasures and suggestions based on the modern salary management knowledge and theory and the actual situation of Xinyu ICBC. Firstly, this paper briefly introduces the relevant theories of salary and incentive; secondly, it deeply analyzes the present situation of salary management in Xinyu ICBC, points out the main problems and causes of salary management system in Xinyu ICBC; finally, it compares the salary management which has been successfully implemented by some excellent commercial banks at home and abroad. On the basis of theoretical experience, combined with the application of relevant theories of salary management, the current 3 performance management system of Xinyu ICBC has been reformed and improved, focusing on the network and staff performance appraisal system has been improved in an all-round way. This paper makes a systematic analysis of the salary management system of Xinyu ICBC, which is of practical significance to solve the problems of inconsistent salary orientation, unreasonable salary structure, low employee enthusiasm and low enterprise operating efficiency in enterprises, and provides a proposal for the reform of salary management system of ICBC and other state-owned commercial banks. For reference.。。。。。。以下内容略

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