I 中文摘要 近年来,中国经济迅速发展,城市化进程加快,进而促进了建筑欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司的高速 发展,管道欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司作为建筑欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司不可或缺的一部分也随之迅猛发展。黑龙江地区作 为东北老工业基地振兴计划中的重要一环,面临大中城市老工业区旧城改造、乡 村城镇化建设等问题,为管业公司的发展提供了有利契机。如何把握国家政策, 对抗同欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司竞争,是日丰公司当前以及今后需要重视的关键问题。本文选取黑龙 江日丰公司作为实际的研究样本,结合黑龙江地区日丰公司当前的经营管理以及 市场营销的实际情况进行分析,分析了当前现行营销策略的优点和缺点,希望可 以提出有效的升级和改善方案,为其他相关企业的发展和扩张提供重要的参考依 据,具有重要的研究价值和实践意义。首先,基于“技术为王,营销制胜”相关 服务宗旨出发,结合黑龙江日丰公司当前面临的市场环境进行深入的研究和分析, 明确自身发展的优势和劣势。然后开始相应的SWOT分析,比如公司当前经营发 展存在的优势、劣势、机遇和风险等。之后,借助相关的4Ps理论,开发研究新 型的营销策略,利用组织结构的优化、薪酬激励政策的实施、员工培训的完善、 财务管理机制的升级、后勤保障的落实、突发事故应对预案的设计等,确保公司 的营销策略可以得到有力的实施和保障。 关键词:日丰公司;产品定位;营销现状;营销策略 黑龙江大学硕士学位论文 II Abstract In recent years, with the rapid development of China’s economy and the acceleration of urbanization, the rapid development of the construction industry has been promoted. As an indispensable part of the construction industry, the pipeline industry has also developed rapidly. Heilongjiang area, as an important part of the revitalization plan of the old industrial base in Northeast China, it is faced with the problems of old industrial zone transformation in large and medium-sized cities, rural urbanization construction, etc., which provides a favorable opportunity for the development of the management company. How to grasp the national policy, fight against the competition in the same industry, is the key issue that the company needs to pay attention to at present and in the future. This paper selects Heilongjiang RIIFO company as the actual research sample, analyzes the current operation management and marketing situation of Heilongjiang RIIFO company, analyzes the advantages and disadvantages of the current marketing strategy We hope that we can put forward effective upgrading and improvement programs, and provide important reference for the development and expansion of other related enterprises, which has important research value and practical significance. First, based on the relevant service tenet of “technology is the king, marketing is the winner”, combined with the current market environment faced by Heilongjiang RIIFO company, the company conducts in-depth research and analysis to clarify its own development advantages and disadvantages. And then, starts the corresponding SWOT analysis, such as the advantages, disadvantages, opportunities and risks of the company’s current business development. Then, with the help of the relevant 4Ps theory, develop and research new marketing strategies, and make use of the optimization of organizational structure, the implementation of salary incentive policies, the improvement of staff training, the upgrading of financial management mechanism, the implementation of logistics support, the design of emergency response plan, etc., to ensure that the company’s marketing strategies can be effectively implemented. Keywords:REEFO company; Product positioning; Marketing strategy; Marketing situation 目录 III 目录 中文摘要·I Abstract··II 绪论·······1 一、研究背景·······1 二、研究目的及意义·················1 (一)研究目的················1 (二)研究意义················1 三、国内外研究现状·················2 (一)国外研究现状··········2 (二)国内研究现状··········4 四、研究内容及方法·················5 (一)研究内容················5 (二)研究方法················7 第一章 相关概念及基本理论···········8 第一节 相关概念··8 一、市场营销·8 二、营销策略·················10 三、市场细分·················11 四、竞争者··11 五、目标市长················11 第二节 基本理论12 一、4Ps市场营销策略组合理论············12 二、SWOT分析方法········12 本章小结···········14 第二章 H地区日丰公司产品营销现状分析·········15 黑龙江大学硕士学位论文 IV 第一节 H地区日丰公司概况···15 第二节 日丰公司产品营销现状17 第三节 日丰公司产品营销存在的问题·········18 一、产品创新不足,新增竞品抢占市长·19 二、促销形式陈旧,价格优势不明显·····19 三、营销观念传统,缺乏市场调研········19 四、营销渠道单一,对新市场环境适应能力差···········19 第四节 日丰公司产品营销存在的问题的原因20 一、企业高层营销管理缺位·················20 二、企业缺乏先进的创新意识··············20 三、企业营销创新手段多留于形式和跟风·················20 四、企业获取市场信息的途径受到限制··21 本章小结···········21 第三章 H地区日丰公司营销环境分析···············22 第一节 宏观环境分析············22 一、政治和法律相关的环境分析和研究··22 二、经济环境的分析········23 三、社会文化和自然环境之间的影响关系的分析········24 四、技术环境的分析········25 第二节 微观环境分析············26 一、市场环境分析···········26 二、欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司环境分析···········32 第三节 SWOT分析···············34 一、优势(Strength)·······34 二、劣势(Weakness)·····35 三、机遇(Opportunity)···35 四、威胁(Threats)········35 目录 V 五、SWOT矩阵··············36 本章小结···········37 第四章 H地区日丰公司营销策略调整···············38 第一节 产品策略38 第二节 价格策略39 第三节 渠道策略40 第四节 促销策略42 本章小结···········45 第五章 H地区日丰公司营销策略实施保障·········46 第一节 组织机构设计············46 第二节 员工激励措施············50 一、薪酬激励·················50 二、加强培训·················51 第三节 完善财务管理制度······52 一、应收账款管理···········52 二、现金管理·················52 三、存款管理·················53 四、借款制度。··············53 第四节 加强后勤保障············53 第五节 制定突发事件应急预案54 一、爆管漏水预案···········54 二、迎检应对预案···········55 三、货物配送预案···········55 四、激励有功人员···········55 五、完善突发事故预案·····55 本章小结···········55 结论·····56 黑龙江大学硕士学位论文 VI