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当今互联网金融快速崛起,其以高效、大数据性、体验度好的优势,正在全面冲 击着银欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司的主导地位。为了适应严峻的竞争局势以及变化的市场环境,银欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司在不 断提高服务营销能力,现阶段大部分商业银行都调整了原有存贷差的盈利模式,把顾 客作为重要资源,以客户需求为中心,创新服务营销意识,提升服务品质等,以此来 提升自身的市场竞争力。因此,研究银欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司服务营销具有重要意义。 鉴于此,本文 Y 银行石家庄分行为例,采用文献研究、问卷调研等研究方法,重 点研究了其服务营销策略实施的现状及存在的问题,并依据服务营销理论、借鉴国内 外优秀企业的成功经验和结合该企业实际,对其提出相应改进对策,希望为 Y 银行石 家庄分行提升市场竞争力提供一定的指导。本文首先分析了 Y 银行石家庄分行的内部 能力与外部环境;其次在明确 Y 银行石家庄分行在互联网金融冲击、商业银行及外资 银行瓜分金融市场的大环境下的市场目标选择和市场定位前提下,提出了该银行服务 营销存在的主要问题,包括:产品同质化严重、促销方式传统、营销渠道粗放、人员 服务质量差、服务环境有待改善等,最后探讨出相应的服务营销改进对策,包括产品 差异化化策略、促销方式多样化、营销渠道精细化、提升人员素质、改善服务环境等 策略,研究将有助于提高银行客户满意度,进而有效提高 Y 银行石家庄分行的市场竞 争力。 论文主要结论:(1)通过提高员工的满意度和忠诚度,使员工对客户提供优质 的服务并创造优异的市场价值。(2)提升银行网点人员专业能力,在逐步提升客户 满意度的同时增强盈利能力。(3)针对目前银行产品种同质化严重、促销方式传统、 营销渠道粗放、服务环境有待改善等服务营销问题,提出网点数字化转型的对策,以 期进一步提高 Y 银行石家庄分行的市场竞争力。 论文创新之处:(1)研究角度上。本文站在7P的角度对Y银行石家庄分行服务营 销策略进行探讨,研究更具有针对性和可操作性,并可为以后的研究提供一个理论参 考和分析视角。(2)研究内容上。本文采用定性与定量相结合的分析法,理论联系 实际,提出网点数字化转型策略,使得研究更加科学,更有实用价值,这是论文创新 之处。 关键字:互联网;商业银行;服务营销;提升策略II ABSTRACT Today, the fast-growing Internet finance, with its advantages of high efficiency, big data, and better experience, is impacting the dominant position in banking industry. As Internet finance companies continue to carve up the financial market, the market competitiveness of traditional banks has gradually declined. In order to adapt to the severe competition and the changing market environment, the banking industry is constantly improving its service marketing capabilities. At this stage, to enhance market competitiveness, most commercial banks have adjusted their original profit model—deposit-loans surplus, and then start to regartd customers as the important resource, centere on customer needs, innovate in service marketing awareness, and improve service quality, and so on. Therefore, studying banking service marketing is of great significance. In view of this, this essay takes Y Bank Shijiazhuang Branch as an example and uses research methods of document research, questionnaire survey, comparative analysis, and case analysis to study the current situation and existing problems of the implementation of its service marketing strategy. Besides, it proposes corresponding improvement strategies for it, based on the service marketing theory, using the reference of the successful experience of domestic excellent banks and compared with the actual situation of the company, which is to provide certain guidance for the bank to improve its market competitiveness. First, this essay analyzes the internal capabilities and external environment of Y Bank Shijiazhuang Branch; secondly, it comes up with some problems of the bank’s service marketing, including serious homogeneity of products, traditional promotion methods, extensive marketing channels, poor staff service quality, need-to-be-improved service environment, etc., under the premise of clarifying the market target selection and market positioning of this bank in the context of impacting by the Internet finance, commercial banks and foreign banks; finally, this essay also gives some corresponding improvement measures, including product differentiation, diversification of promotion methods, refined marketing channels, improvement of service quality and environment, etc. This research will help improve bank customer satisfaction and effectively improve the market competitiveness of the Shijiazhuang branch of Y Bank.III The main conclusions of the essay: (1) By improving employee satisfaction and loyalty, employees can provide quality services to customers and create excellent market value. (2) Through improving the professional capabilities of bank branch personnel, it can increase profitability while gradually improving customer satisfaction. (3) To solve the current service marketing problems, the countermeasures for digital transformation of outlets are proposed to further enhance the market competitiveness of Shijiazhuang Branch of Y Bank. Innovations in the essay: (1) As for the research itself, this research is more pertinent and feasible, and can provide a theoretical reference and analytical perspective for future research. (2) As for the content, this thesis uses a combination of qualitative and quantitative analysis methods, combining theory with practice, and proposes a digital transformation strategy for outlets, making the research more scientific and more practical. Keywords: Internet, commercial banks, service marketing, promotion strategyIV 目 录 摘要....I Abstract..............................II 第一章 绪论............................1 1.1 课题研究的背景与意义......................1 1.1.1 课题研究的背景........................1 1.1.2 课题研究的意义........................1 1.2 国内外研究现状及评述.....................2 1.2.1 国内研究现状.............................2 1.2.2 国外研究现状.............................3 1.2.3 国内外研究述评........................4 1.3 课题研究内容和方法...........................5 1.3.1 研究内容.......5 1.3.2 研究方法.......6 1.4 创新点与技术路线.............................. 6 1.4.1 论文创新之处..............................6 1.4.2 技术路线........6 第二章 相关概念及理论基础.................8 2.1 相关概念..................8 2.1.1 服务的特征、服务营销的含义及与产品营销的区别.................8 服务的特征......................8 服务营销的含义.............8 服务营销与产品营销的区别.....................9 2.1.2 互联网金融..9 2.2 服务营销理论基础............................ 10 2.2.1 7Ps 营销理论.............................10 2.2.2 客户关系管理(CRM)理论.............................10 2.2.3 客户满意度理论......................10 2.2.4 客户忠诚度理论......................10 2.2.5 服务利润链模型理论.............11V 第三章 Y 银行营销环境分析..............12 3.1 外部营销环境分析............................ 12 3.1.1 经济环境分析...........................12 3.1.2 政策环境分析...........................12 3.1.3 欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司环境分析...........................13 3.1.4 风险环境分析...........................14 3.2 内部营销环境分析............................ 14 3.2.1 Y 银行经营能力分析..............14 3.2.2 人力资源分析...........................15 3.2.3 产品定位分析...........................15 第四章 Y 银行石家庄分行服务营销现状........................17 4.1 Y 银行石家庄分行简介......................17 4.2 Y 银行零售业务服务营销现状分析............................. 17 4.2.1 市场占有率低...........................18 4.2.2 营销能力薄弱...........................18 4.2.3 客户结构不合理......................18 4.2.4 服务人员专业水平低..............19 4.2.5 营业网点无功能分区..............19 4.3 Y 银行石家庄分行及同业服务营销情况调研汇总..19 第五章 Y 银行石家庄分行服务营销问题及产生原因..............................21 5.1 产品同质化...........21 5.2 促销方式传统.......23 5.3 营销渠道粗放.......24 5.4 人员服务质量差..26 5.5 服务环境有待改善............................ 26 第六章 Y 银行石家庄分行服务营销策略改进............27 6.1 产品差异化...........27 6.2 促销方式多样化..29 6.3 营销渠道精细化,网点数字化..... 31 6.4 注重人才建设,提升人员职业满意度.......................33 6.5 完善服务环境.......35 第七章 结论与展望37 7.1 结论.........................37 7.2 不足与展望........... 3

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