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电子元器件是工业的粮食,电子元器件产业对中国经济发展的推动作用功不可没。电子元 器件分销商处于电子元器件产业链的中间环节。市场营销就是通过教育迫使目标客户、观众或 听众赏识你的产品和服务。成功的营销,不但能够盘活一个企业,而且给一个企业带来蓬勃的 生机和腾飞的希望。尤其在买方市场占统治地位的电子元器件分销市场,营销的重要性更加不 言而喻。因此,市场营销水平高低是当前众多电子元器件分销商的核心竞争力主要体现。 深圳市亿兆电子有限公司是中国众多电子元器件分销商的典型代表。如何以更加优异的营 销策略来提高客户的满意度和忠诚度,提升企业的财务绩效,确保中国中小型电子元器件分销 商在旷日持久的中美贸易战中抓住当前经济全球化的大好机遇,充分利用电子元器件欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司优质 资源,实现企业长久稳定的发展目标,已经是企业界和学术界越来越关心的话题。由此可见, 此论文的研究意义非常重大。 本论文在研究的过程中将深圳市亿兆电子有限公司作为研究样本,以营销策略、营销组合 理论、企业经营环境分析理论作为理论依据,从全球电子元器件产业环境、我国电子元器件产 业发展环境、深圳亿兆电子公司营销现状,以及国内外电子元器件产业营销策略发展状况等进 行比较;从不同的视角出发,开展了全面、深入的研究。第一,本论文采用了当前企业竞争最 为流行的的分析方法,如SWOT、PEST 、STP分析法等进行了比对分析,从而更好地进行后续 的研究。第二,对现阶段深圳市亿兆电子有限公司的业务现状及其营销现状进行分析研究,借 助PEST模型对公司宏观环境进行分析,运用SWOT和波特五力模型对亿兆公司竞争环境进行分 析。第三,对亿兆公司电子元器件分销市场进行STP分析和差异化分析,并根据分析结果明确 了亿兆公司的营销目标。第四,对深圳亿兆电子有限公司的产品(Product)、价格(Price)、 渠道(Place)、促销(Promotion),尤其对人(People)、服务流程(Process)、有型展示(Physical Evidence)等营销组合策略能够在企业落地制定了保障措施;对亿兆公司员工激励机制、组织 架构、人力资源配置、企业文化建设等进行了不断优化,为制定的营销组合策略在深圳市亿兆 电子有限公司的有效实施奠定了坚实的理论基础。 关键词:分销商,电子元器件,营销策略,营销组合策略 MBA学位论文 作者:童秣林 深圳市亿兆电子有限公司营销策略研究 II RESEARCH ON MARKETING STRATEGY FOR SHENZHEN EASER ELECTRONICS CO., LTD. Abstract Electronic components are the food of industry, the electronic component industry has contributed greatly to China's economic development. Electronic components distributors are in the middle of the electronic components industry chain. Marketing is to force target customers, viewers or listeners to appreciate your products and services through education. Successful marketing can not only revitalize an enterprise, but also bring vigorous vitality and hope to the enterprise. Especially in the electronic component distribution market where the buyer's market is dominant, the importance of marketing is even more self-evident. Therefore, the level of marketing is the core competitiveness of many electronic component distributors. Shenzhen Easer Electronic Co., Ltd. is a typical representative of many electronic components distributors in China. How to improve customer satisfaction and loyalty with better marketing strategies, improve the financial performance of enterprises, and ensure that Chinese small and medium-sized electronic component distributors seize the great opportunities of the current economic globalization in the protracted Sino-US trade war. Making full use of the high-quality resources of the electronic components industry and achieving the long-term and stable development goals of enterprises have become a topic of increasing concern in the business and academic circles. This shows that the research significance of this paper is very significant. In the research process of this paper, Shenzhen Easer Electronics Co., Ltd. was used as a research sample, and the marketing strategy, marketing mix theory, and enterprise operating environment analysis theory were taken as the theoretical basis.The environment, the marketing status of Shenzhen Easer Electronics Co., Ltd., and the development status of domestic and foreign electronic component industry marketing strategies are compared. From a different perspective, comprehensive and in-depth research has been carried out. First, this paper used the most popular analysis methods of current enterprise competition, such as SWOT, PEST, and STP analysis MBA学位论文 作者:童秣林 深圳市亿兆电子有限公司营销策略研究 III methods for comparative analysis, so as to better carry out subsequent research. Second, analyze and study the current business and marketing status of Shenzhen Easer Electronics Co., Ltd., analyze the company's macro environment with the help of the PEST model, and analyze the competitive environment of Easer with the SWOT and Porter's five-force model. Third, carry out STP analysis and differentiation analysis on the electronic component distribution market of Easer, and clarify the marketing goals of Easer based on the analysis results. Fourth, to Easer's Products , Price , Place, Promotion, especially for People, Process, Physical Evidence, and other marketing mix strategies can formulate guarantee measures for the implementation of the enterprise. The employee incentive mechanism, organizational structure, human resource allocation, and corporate culture construction of Easer have been continuously optimized, laying a solid theoretical foundation for the effective implementation of the formulated marketing mix strategy in Shenzhen Easer Electronics Co., Ltd. Keywords: Distributor, Electronics Components Industry, Marketing Strategy, Marketing Mix Strategy. MBA学位论文 作者:童秣林 深圳市亿兆电子有限公司营销策略研究 IV 目 录 中文摘要 ................................................. I ABSTRACT ................................................ II 目 录 .................................................. IV 第一章 绪论 .............................................. 1 1.1 研究背景和研究意义 .......................................... 1 1.1.1 研究背景 ................................................ 1 1.1.2 研究意义 ................................................ 2 1.2 研究内容和研究方法 .......................................... 2 1.2.1 研究内容 ................................................ 2 1.2.2 研究方法 ................................................ 3 1.3 研究思路和技术路线 .......................................... 4 1.3.1 研究思路 ................................................ 4 1.3.2 技术路线 ................................................ 4 第二章 相关理论概述 ...................................... 6 2.1 营销理论综述 ................................................ 6 2.1.1 营销定义 ................................................ 6 2.1.2 营销研究 ................................................ 6 2.2 营销组合理论 ................................................ 6 2.2.1 4Ps理论 ................................................ 7 2.2.2 7Ps理论 ................................................ 7 2.3 国内外营销研究现状 .......................................... 8 2.3.1 国内营销研究现状 ........................................ 8 2.3.2 国外营销研究现状 ........................................ 9 2.4 相关分析工具概述 ........................................... 10 MBA学位论文 作者:童秣林 深圳市亿兆电子有限公司营销策略研究 V 2.4.1 SWOT分析模型 .......................................... 10 2.4.2 PEST分析模型 .......................................... 10 2.4.3 STP 分析法 ............................................. 11 第三章 亿兆电子有限公司营销管理现状与问题分析 ........... 12 3.1 公司概况 ................................................... 12 3.1.1 公司基本概况 ........................................... 12 3.1.2 公司产品简介 ........................................... 12 3.1.3 公司服务简介 ........................................... 13 3.2 亿兆电子有限公司营销现状 ................................... 14 3.2.1 公司基本营销状况 ....................................... 14 3.2.2 不同营销渠道的营销效果 ................................. 15 3.2.3 全球区域营销情况 ....................................... 16 3.3 亿兆电子有限公司营销管理存在的问题分析 ..................... 17 3.3.1 亿兆电子营销管理存在的问题问卷调查

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