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I 摘要 家庭农场作为新型农业经营主体,保留了农户家庭经营的内核,适合我国基本国 情,符合农业生产特点,契合经济社会发展阶段,已成为引领适度规模经营、发展现 代农业的有生力量。2013年至2020年,连续8年的中央“一号文件”均强调了发展家 庭农场的重要性。2019年9月,中央农办、国家发展改革委等11部门和单位联合印发 《关于实施家庭农场培育计划的指导意见》明确提出:“支持家庭农场开展绿色食品、 有机食品、地理标志农产品认证和品牌建设。”很多家庭农场主也意识到了家庭农场 品牌化是实现农产品溢价的关键,但目前并没有相关文件指导家庭农场主如何进行品 牌塑造。因此,家庭农场品牌塑造策略是非常值得研究的。 通过检索国内外文献,目前的研究主要集中在农产品品牌创建存在的问题、影响 因素和对策方面,作为新型农业经营主体之一的家庭农场品牌塑造策略方面的研究却 非常稀少,尤其是针对品牌外部要素的塑造策略,理论支撑不足。本文对于家庭农场 品牌塑造策略的研究,引入了品牌资产模型,主要从品牌塑造的第一阶段——外部品 牌要素,对家庭农场的品牌塑造策略提供指导,旨在充实家庭农场的理论研究体系。 本文运用文献研究法、比较研究法、历史研究法,结合家庭农场的品牌塑造特色, 提出了“基于消费者——家庭农场品牌互动的品牌资产模型”,用于指导家庭农场的 品牌塑造。鉴于我国家庭农场的品牌塑造尚处在初级阶段,故本文着重研究该模型的 第一阶段——“品牌要素”,对于二、三阶段的“品牌互动”和“品牌关系”仅在论 文中做方向指导性论述。在第三章重点对该模型的第一层次品牌要素的厂商名称、商 标、广告语三个品牌要素进行设计指导、申请注册、运用和知识产权保护等,以期将 家庭农场品牌塑造成有竞争力、受知识产权法保护的品牌。第四章以重庆C家庭农场 为例,用新建的模型结合实地调研法和访谈法,分析重庆C家庭农场品牌塑造的现状 及存在的问题,并提出建设性的策略,促进C家庭农场健康发展,也为其他家庭农场 品牌创建提供借鉴和参考。 家庭农场的品牌化发展,可以提高其竞争力以拓宽国际市场,确保重要农产品供 给不出问题、确保农户增产增收,在实现全面小康的关键之年为稳住“三农”这个基 本盘添砖加瓦。 关键词:家庭农场;品牌塑造;品牌要素;知识产权 重庆理工大学硕士学位论文 II Abstract Family farm, as a new type of agricultural operation subject, has retained the core of family management of farmers. It is suitable for China's basic national conditions, in line with the characteristics of agricultural production, and in line with the stage of economic and social development. It has become a living force leading the moderate scale operation and the development of modern agriculture. From 2013 to 2020, the central "No.1 Document" for eight consecutive years stressed the importance of developing family farms. In September 2019, 11 departments and units including the central agricultural office and the national development and Reform Commission jointly issued the guidance on the implementation of family farm cultivation plan, which clearly stated: "Support family farms to carry out green food, organic food, geographical indication agricultural product certification and brand building." Many family farmers also realize that family farm branding is the key to realize the premium of agricultural products, but there is no relevant document to guide family farmers how to build brand. Therefore, family farm brand building strategy is very worthy of study. Through the retrieval of domestic and foreign literature, the current research mainly focuses on the problems, influencing factors and countermeasures in the brand building of agricultural products, but the research on the brand building strategy of family farm, as one of the main body of new agricultural operation, is very rare, especially for the brand building strategy of external factors, the theoretical support is insufficient. In this paper, the brand equity model is introduced to the research of family farm brand building strategy, mainly from the first stage of brand building - external brand elements, to provide guidance for family farm brand building strategy, in order to enrich the theoretical research system of family farm. By using the methods of literature research, comparative research and historical research, combined with the characteristics of family farm brand building, this paper puts forward a brand equity model based on the interaction between consumers and family farm brand, which is used to guide the brand building of family farm. Since the brand building of family farm in China is still in the primary stage, this paper focuses on the first stage of the model - "brand elements". For the second and third stages of "brand interaction" and "brand relationship", only the direction of the paper is discussed. In the third chapter, I focus on the Abstract III design guidance, application registration, application and intellectual property protection of the three brand elements of the first level brand elements of the model, which are manufacturer name, trademark and advertising language, in order to shape the family farm brand into a competitive brand protected by intellectual property law. The fourth chapter takes Chongqing C family farm as an example, analyzes the current situation and existing problems of Chongqing C family farm brand building with the new model combined with field research and interview, and puts forward constructive strategies to promote the healthy development of C family farm, and also provides reference for other family farm brand building. The brand development of family farms can improve their competitiveness to broaden the international market, ensure that the supply of important agricultural products is not in trouble, and ensure that farmers increase production and income. In the key year of achieving a well-off society in all respects, it can contribute to stabilizing the basic plate of " Three Rural". Key Words: Family farm; Brand building; Brand elements; Intellectual property 重庆理工大学硕士学位论文 IV 目录 摘要 ........................... I Abstract .................... II 1 绪论 ................... 1 1.1 研究背景 ...................... 1 1.1.1 家庭农场是发展现代农业的有生力量 ..................... 1 1.1.2 支持家庭农场品牌建设 .................. 1 1.2 研究目的及意义 .......... 2 1.2.1 研究目的 .............. 2 1.2.2 研究意义 .............. 3 1.3 国内外研究综述 .......... 3 1.3.1 国内研究动态 ..... 3 1.3.2 国外研究动态 ..... 5 1.3.3 国内外研究评述 . 7 1.4 研究内容与研究方法 . 7 1.4.1 研究内容 .............. 7 1.4.2 研究方法 .............. 8 1.5 技术路线 ...................... 9 2 家庭农场品牌塑造的现实意义 .. 10 2.1 家庭农场的概念界定及特征 .................. 10 2.1.1 家庭农场概念的界定 ................... 10 2.1.2 家庭农场的特征 ............................. 10 2.2 发展家庭农场的重要性 .......................... 10 2.2.1 坚持并完善了农村基本经营体制 ........................... 10 2.2.2 发挥农业适度规模经济效益 ...... 11 2.2.3 解决“三农”问题的关键 ................ 11 2.2.4 提升我国农业市场竞争力 .......... 11 2.3 家庭农场品牌塑造的必要性 .................. 12 2.3.1 自身生存发展的需要 ................... 12 2.3.2 在目标市场中建立品牌忠诚度 . 12 2.3.3 稳定市场地位并创造新价值 ...... 12 目录 V 2.3.4 形成品牌资产 .. 13 2.3.5 有利于提高竞争力拓宽国际市场 ........................... 13 2.4 家庭农场品牌塑造的可行性 .................. 14 2.4.1 家庭农场主品牌意识增强 .......... 14 2.4.2 公众品牌意识的增强 ................... 14 2.4.3 信息化发展带来新契机 ............... 15 2.4.4 政府对品牌发展提供的政策支持 ........................... 15 3 家庭农场品牌塑造策略 ............... 16 3.1 品牌以及品牌塑造的概念 ...................... 16 3.1.1 品牌的概念 ....... 16 3.1.2 品牌塑造的概念 ............................. 16 3.2 品牌资产模型的构建 . 16 3.2.1 构建模型的总体思路 ................... 16 3.2.2 构建模型的理论依据 ................... 17 3.2.3 维度选择 ........... 18 3.2.4 模型图及其逻辑关系 ................... 19 3.2.5 模型使用的限制条件 ................... 20 3.3 家庭农场品牌塑造策略分析 .................. 20 3.3.1 家庭农场商标策略分析 ............... 21 3.3.2 家庭农场厂商名称策略分析 ...... 27 3.3.3 家庭农场广告语策略分析 .......... 29 3.3.4 品牌互动与品牌关系策略分析 . 31 4 重庆C家庭农场品牌塑造案例分析 ....................

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