随着中国经济的增长,人们生活水平的不断提高,同时工作节奏的加快也导致了 早餐时间被不断地压缩,越来越多的消费者有了在外购买早餐食品的习惯,在外购买 早餐的市场也呈现迅速发展的趋势。在不同的早餐产品中,中式面点包点更符合中国 消费者习惯。然而,中式面点餐饮欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司也面临着准入门槛低、同质化严重、食品原材 料成本上升、劳动力成本提升、管理人才匮乏、客单价低等多方面难题,欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司竞争愈 发激烈。对于初创的连锁餐饮店而言,特别是跨地区发展的连锁餐饮店,因地制宜地 制定合理的营销策略对其稳定经营十分重要。 本文以 MJ 公司包点连锁店在佛山地区的门店作为研究对象,首先,通过国内外 文献研究,了解了餐饮欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司的营销策略。其次,阐述 MJ 公司包点连锁店在佛山地区 的营销现状,接着结合欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司环境分析、竞争环境分析和市场需求分析论述早餐欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司的 潜在红利。第三,通过 STP、7P 营销组合理论及 SWOT 分析法,对 MJ 公司的营销现 状进行了分析。第四,通过摘取点评网站与外卖网站的有效的消费者文本评论,总结 出影响消费者购买行为的因素,继而开展消费者需求问卷调查,收集消费者购买行为 的相关数据,辅以进行论证,找出 MJ 公司包点连锁店营销策略存在的问题。最后提 出符合企业现状的改进建议,为 MJ 公司提供一个符合以佛山地区消费者需求为基础 的营销策略。 关键词:中式面点;连锁餐饮;营销策略II 2 Abstract As China's economy grows, people's living standards continue to improve, while the pace of work also accelerates, resulting in breakfast time is constantly compressed, more and more consumers have the habit of buying breakfast food outside, and the market for buying breakfast outside also shows a rapid development trend. Among the different breakfast products, the Chinese baozi and bun are more in line with Chinese consumers' habits. However, the Chinese baozi and bun catering industry is also facing low entry threshold, serious homogenization, rising food raw material costs, rising labor costs, lack of management personnel, low unit price and other difficulties, the industry competition is increasingly fierce. For start-up restaurant chains, especially those that develop across regions, it is important to develop a reasonable marketing strategy for their stable operation. In this paper, MJ's chain store in Foshan region is used as the research object, and firstly, the marketing strategy of the restaurant industry is understood through domestic and international literature research. Secondly, the marketing status of MJ's chain stores in Foshan, and then the potential dividends of the breakfast industry are discussed in the context of industry environment analysis, competitive environment analysis and market demand analysis. Third, the marketing status of MJ's company was analyzed through STP, 7P marketing mix theory and SWOT analysis method. Fourth, by extracting effective consumer text reviews from review sites and takeaway sites, the factors that affect consumer buying behavior are summarized, then conduct a consumer demand questionnaire survey to collect relevant data on consumer buying behavior in the Foshan area, supplemented with arguments, to find out the problems of MJ's marketing strategy for the Foshan region. In the end, I propose improvements that are in line with the company's current situation and provide MJ with a marketing strategy based on the needs of consumers in the Foshan region. Keywords: Chinese baozi; Chain restaurant; Marketing strategyIII 3 目录 摘要.0 ABSTRACT.................... II 录III 图表清单......................VI 第一章 绪论................1 1.1 研究背景与意义...........................1 1.2 文献综述与理论基础..................2 1.2.1 国内外文献综述.................2 1.2.2 相关理论基础......................4 1.3 研究方法与研究内容..................5 1.3.1 研究方法5 1.3.2 研究内容6 第二章 MJ 公司包点连锁店佛山地区营销策略现状..8 2.1 MJ 公司概述....8 2.2 MJ 公司包点连锁店佛山地区营销现状.............11 2.2.1 营销战略现状....................11 2.2.2 营销策略现状....................13 2.3 本章小结........16 第三章 MJ 公司包点连锁店佛山地区营销环境分析17 3.1 宏观环境分析..............................17 3.1.1 政治与法律环境分析......17 3.1.2 经济环境分析....................18 3.1.3 社会文化环境分析...........19 3.1.4 技术环境分析....................21IV 3.2 竞争环境分析..............................21 3.2.1 主要竞争者分析...............21 3.2.2 新进入者的威胁...............23 3.2.3 原料供应商的议价能力..24 3.2.4 顾客的议价能力...............24 3.2.5 替代产品的威胁...............24 3.3 MJ 公司包点连锁店佛山地区需求分析.............25 3.3.1 市场需求分析....................25 3.3.2 消费者需求问卷调查......26 3.4 MJ 公司的 SWOT 分析.............30 3.4.1 优势分析(S)..................31 3.4.2 劣势分析(W)................31 3.4.3 机会分析(O).................32 3.4.4 威胁分析(T)..................32 3.4.5 SWOT 组合矩阵分析.......33 3.5 本章小结........33 第四章 MJ 公司包点连锁店佛山地区营销问题分析35 4.1 营销战略问题分析....................35 4.1.1 没有明确的市场细分......35 4.1.2 标市场不清晰...............36 4.1.3 市场定位不一致...............36 4.2 营销策略问题分析....................37 4.2.1 产品品类过少无法满足佛山地区消费者需求的多样性 ...37 4.2.2 价格策略单一....................38 4.2.3 渠道需要拓宽....................39 4.2.4 促销策略单一....................39 4.2.5 工作人员缺乏标准化服务培训...................39 4.2.6 包装展示过于简单...........40V 4.2.7 服务流程效率较低...........40 4.3 本章小结........41 第五章 营销战略和营销策略改进建议.........................42 5.1 营销战略改进建议....................42 5.1.1 市场细分使用三个细分指标.......................42 5.1.2 明确标市场....................44 5.1.3 重新设立一致的市场定位............................45 5.2 营销策略改进建议....................46 5.2.1 增加产品丰富度...............46 5.2.2 价格策略增加针对不同份量产品的定价48 5.2.3 增加渠道布局....................49 5.2.4 增加线上促销与分时促销手段...................50 5.2.5 提高工作人员服务标准及工作积极性.....51 5.2.6 有形展示突出健康营养的关键效用.........51 5.2.7 改进服务流程减少顾客购买等待时间.....52 5.3 本章小结........53 结论..............................54