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LF公司电商系统从上线至今,已经四年的时间。由于现在的技术日新月异,电商 系统的运营方式变得越来越复杂,市场竞争也越来越大,LF电商平台需不断地进行二 次开发,不断地收集LF电商系统所需要开发的新的功能。但是,需要开发的新功能数 量较多,而现LF公司的资源有限,无法同时完成所有开发任务。同时很难明确优先开 发哪些系统功能才能让公司第一时间把握市场的机会,让电商系统功能为公司带来更大 的价值。针对上述的问题,提出LF公司电商系统项目开发的优先级排序问题研究。 本文通过查阅有关优先级排序等相关国内外文献,并根据LF公司的电商系统开发 项目的实际情况,最终采用了加权有向图拓扑排序对LF电商系统项目开发的优先级排 序问题进行优化。 1.本文根据基于加权有向图拓扑排序的优先级排序步骤和方法应用于LF公司电商 系统项目。研究与分析了基于拓扑排序的电商系统项目开发的优先排序的可行性,分析 和设计了基于加权有向图拓扑排序的优先级排序方法,将开发周期、开发成本、紧急性、 绩效以及约束性五个维度作为权值,为了改善现有拓扑排序算法的不足之处,提出了加 权拓扑排序。在整体的使用中应用到了拓扑排序占极大的重要程度,并利用AOE网络 对所表示的任务进行排序,进行了分析和实现。 2.文章依据采用评价分析的方式进行有效的验证,并且依据了基于加权有向图拓 扑排序进行优先级排序的可行性。对LF电商系统的项目任务进行排序是通过采用基于 加权有向图拓扑排序的优先级排序方法,通过评价分析对比,验证了该方法是降低人工 判断次数,适应不断变化的任务以及进行动态调整的好方法。 3.项目开发的优先级排序评价结果分析。采用了基于基于加权有向图拓扑排序的 优先级排序是本文的最主要的重点应用效果。另外,基于有向图优先级排序与现有管理 方法进行对比分析,对于项目实施,平衡各部门对于任务排序的分歧、确保开发计划更 加严格的执行,且有效的降低项目风险有了很大的帮助。 研究LF公司电商系统项目开发的优先级排序,是明确优先级排序对项目开发的重 要性,通过分析加权有向图拓扑排序的拓扑结构。与其他方法比较,项目在进行开发的 优先级层次排列的时候,本方法可以有效减少人工判断的次数。建立健全的优先级评价 体系是应用于LF电商系统项目开发,能够合理规划和分配资源,避免决策的盲目性。 使得企业管理层更有效的调配资源、提高开发效率,降低开发成本,让开发的功能产品 II 更快速地为公司带来价值。 关键词:加权有向图;优先级排序;拓扑排序;权重分析;评价体系 III ABSTRACT It has been four years since LF's e-commerce system went online. Due to the current technology changes, the operation mode of e-commerce systems has become more and more complicated, and the market competition has become more and more. New features. However, a large number of new functions need to be developed, and the current LF company has limited resources and cannot complete all development tasks at the same time. At the same time, it is difficult to determine which system functions should be prioritized so that the company can grasp the market opportunities at the first time, and let the e-commerce system functions bring greater value to the company. Aiming at the above problems, this paper proposes a research on the prioritization of the e-commerce system project development of LF. In this paper, by consulting related domestic and foreign literature on priority ranking, and according to the actual situation of LF's e-commerce system development projects, a weighted directed graph topology ranking is used to optimize the priority ranking problem of LF e-commerce system project development. . 1. This paper applies LF company's e-commerce system project based on the priority ranking steps and methods based on the weighted directed graph topology ranking. Research and analyze the feasibility of prioritizing the development of e-commerce system projects based on topological sorting In order to improve the shortcomings of the existing topological ranking algorithms, a weighted topological ranking is proposed. Through the use of weights in the entire topology sorting process, the AOE network is used to sort the represented tasks, and the analysis and implementation are performed. 2. This paper verifies the effectiveness of this method through specific verification analysis, and it is based on the feasibility of prioritizing based on the weighted directed graph topology ranking. The ordering of the project tasks of the LF e-commerce system is based on the priority ranking method based on the weighted directed graph topology ranking. Through verification analysis and comparison, it is verified that the method reduces the number of manual judgments, adapts to changing tasks, and makes dynamic adjustments. Good way. 3. Analysis of priority evaluation results of project development. This paper analyzes the application effect of priority ranking based on the weighted directed graph topology ranking. In addition, based on the prioritization of directed graphs and the comparison and analysis of existing management methods, for project implementation, balancing the differences in task sequencing among various departments, ensuring stricter implementation of development IV plans, and effectively reducing project risks help. Studying the priority ranking of LF company's e-commerce system project development is to clarify the importance of priority ranking for project development, and analyze the topology structure of the weighted directed graph topology ranking. Compared with other methods, this method can effectively reduce the number of manual judgments when prioritizing project development. Establishing a sound priority evaluation system is applied to the development of LF e-commerce system projects, which can reasonably plan and allocate resources and avoid blindness in decision-making. It enables enterprise management to allocate resources more effectively, the rate of the high rate of the meta-seimoto, and make the developed functional products bring value to the company more quickly. Keywords: Weighted Directed graph, Priority ranking, topological ranking, Weight analysis, Evaluation system V 目 录 摘要 ............... I ABSTRACT . III 图表清单 ... VIII 第一章 绪论 .. 1 1.1 研究背景 ............................. 1 1.2 研究意义 ............................. 2 1.2.1 明确工作与职责 .......... 2 1.2.2 资源有效利用 .............. 2 1.2.3 科学有效的评价体系 .. 2 1.2.4 准确识别系统关键属性特征 ..................... 3 1.3 研究框架 ............................. 3 1.4 研究思路 ............................. 4 1.5 研究内容 ............................. 5 1.6 研究现状 ............................. 5 1.6.1 传统的优先级排序方法 ............................. 5 1.6.2 优先级排序方法在系统开发中的应用 ..... 7 1.7 研究方法 ............................. 8 第二章 LF公司电商系统项目任务优先级排序问题现状分析 ............. 9 2.1 优先级排序管理体系现状 . 9 2.1.1 多任务情况下优先级排序杂乱无序 ......... 9 2.1.2 按任务的提交时间排定优先级 ............... 10 2.1.3 优先实现“企业主的任务”或是“其他部门的任务” ............... 10 2.1.4 所有的任务都很紧急很重要 ................... 10 2.1.5 手工EXCEL登记任务优先级 ................... 10 2.2 优先级管理体系存在的问题 ...........................11 2.2.1 打乱开发节奏的特殊优先级 ....................11 2.2.2 资源有限,电商系统任务交付效率低 ....11 2.2.3 公司业务任务多元,电商系统优先级排序难 ...................... 12 2.2.4 外部环境的变化,任务不断变更 ........... 12 VI 2.2.5 任务难以去量化 ........ 12 2.3 优先级管理体系存在问题的原因分析 .......... 12 2.3.1 任务没有宏观把控 .... 12 2.3.2 没有合理的任务优先级评价体系 ........... 13 2.3.3 任务管理工具落后 .... 13 2.3.4 传统任务排序方法无法真正解决实际问题 .......................... 13 第三章 优先级排序问题的决策体系构建 .............. 15 3.1 拓扑排序的构建 ............... 15 3.2 权重的构建 ....................... 16 3.3 基于加权有向图拓扑排序的构建 .................. 19 3.3.1 加权有向图拓扑排序的构建 ................... 19 3.3.2 加权有向图拓扑排序的特征 ................... 21 3.3.3 加权有向图拓扑排序任务间的关系 ....... 22 3.3.4 加权有向图拓扑排序实现与分析 ........... 25 3.4 基于加权有向图拓扑排序下多任务调度优化 ............................. 27 3.5 基于加权有向图拓扑排序的可行性分析 ...... 28 3.6 本章小结 ........................... 29 第四章 基于加权有向图拓扑排序的分析与设计 .. 30 4.1 权重分析与设计 ............... 30 4.1.1 总体要求 ........

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