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目前政府站群建设管理分散、界面不友好、办事系统繁杂、事项标准不一、数据共 享不畅、业务协同不足等客户体验问题较为普遍。河南省教育厅站群系统客户体验有些 地方做的很优秀,值得分析探讨学习;针对教育群体客户体验的研究分析论文还比较少, 结合案例分析论文分析的也更少;站群系统也明显存在客户体验不佳的问题,值得去分 析;河南省是人口大省,在国家一体化服务平台建设的新形势下,对河南省教育厅站群 系统客户体验优化进行分析研究显得更有意义。 本文以“客户体验的优化研究”为核心,把“河南省教育厅站群系统”作为研究对 象,深入分析了站群系统、客户体验、客户需求、客户分群、数据挖掘与客户体验等相 关的理论进行了深入的分析。在研究中运用了文献研究法、问卷调查法、客户分群分析、 统计分析方法、案例分析法等研究方法。 文章的主线是客户分群分析、客户需求分析、客户体验优化以层层递进的方式对客 户体验优化进行分析研究。通过客户群的整体分析、客户行为分析、客户终端分析、用 户画像等得出客户整体分群。通过站群系统调研分析、客户体验调研分析、客户服务事 项分析、客户体验需求分析等对客户群体进行客户体验需求分析,深入的挖掘和分析了 客户各种需求,在客户体验优化研究部分,以客户体验为基点,针对客户体验需求、客 户分群的结果进行客户体验优化分析,最终得出一系列客户体验优化方案。明确提出针 对客户的意见和建议的客户体验优化、在网页交互设计上进行客户体验优化、站群模块 的客户体验优化等,在站群模块方面包含客户服务主线、客户中心模块、客户交流互动 模块、客户服务事项、平台终端等客户体验优化方法。 本文通过对教育厅站群系统客户体验的优化研究,笔者认为客户分群分析是客户体 验优化的基础、客户体验需求分析是客户体验优化的依据,客户体验的优化需要针对不 同的客户分群、客户体验需求的优化。本论文希望能够为河南省教育厅站群系统客户体 验优化提供依据和参考,同时也为其他政府单位、企事业单位的站群系统客户体验优化 方面提供依据和参考。 关键词:客户体验;站群系统;数据挖掘;客户画像 II Abstract At present, customer experience problems such as decentralized management and construction of government stations, unfriendly interfaces, complicated service systems, inconsistent event standards, poor data sharing, and insufficient business collaboration are common. The customer experience of the station group system of the Henan Provincial Department of Education is excellent in some places, and it is worth analyzing and studying. There are relatively few research and analysis papers on the customer experience of the education group, and there are fewer analysis cases based on case analysis. The problem of poor customer experience is worth analyzing. Henan is a province with a large population. Under the new situation of the construction of the national integrated service platform, it is more meaningful to analyze and optimize the customer experience of the station system of the Education Department of Henan Province. This article takes “Research on Optimization of Customer Experience” as the core, and takes “Henan Province Education Department Station Group System” as the research object, and analyzes the station group system, customer experience, customer needs, customer grouping, data mining and customer experience. The theory is deeply analyzed. In the research, research methods such as literature research method, questionnaire survey method, customer group analysis, statistical analysis method, and case analysis method were used. The main line of the article is customer group analysis, customer demand analysis, and customer experience optimization. The customer experience optimization is analyzed and researched in a progressive manner. Through the overall analysis of customer groups, customer behavior analysis, customer terminal analysis, user portraits, etc., the overall customer group is derived. Through the station group system survey analysis, customer experience survey analysis, customer service matters analysis, customer experience demand analysis, etc., customer experience demand analysis is performed on the customer group, and various customer needs are deeply explored and analyzed. In the customer experience optimization research part, Based on customer experience, the customer experience optimization analysis is performed based on the results of customer experience needs and customer segmentation, and a series of customer experience optimization solutions are finally III obtained. Clearly put forward customer experience optimization based on customer opinions and suggestions, optimize customer experience on web page interaction design, customer experience optimization of station group module, etc. In terms of station group module, it includes customer service main line, customer center module, and customer interaction module. , Customer service matters, platform terminal and other customer experience optimization methods. In this paper, through the research on the customer experience optimization of the Education Department station group system, the author believes that customer segmentation analysis is the basis for customer experience optimization, and customer experience demand analysis is the basis for customer experience optimization. The optimization of customer experience needs to target different customer segments and customer experiences. Demand optimization. This paper hopes to provide the basis and reference for the customer experience optimization of the station group system of the Education Department of Henan Province, as well as the basis and reference for the customer group experience optimization of the station group system of other government units, enterprises and institutions. Key words: Customer experience; station group system; data mining; customer portrait IV 目 录 1 绪论 ...................... 1 1.1引言 ............... 1 1.2研究背景、现状和意义.................. 1 1.2.1研究背景 ................ 1 1.2.2研究现状 ................ 2 1.2.3河南省教育厅站群系统现状 ................... 3 1.2.4研究意义 ................ 3 1.3研究综述 ........ 4 1.3.1客户分群 ................ 4 1.3.2客户需求 ................ 5 1.3.3客户体验 ................ 5 1.3.4数据挖掘 ................ 6 1.3.5站群管理系统 ......... 7 1.4研究的内容结构和方法.................. 7 1.4.1研究内容结构 ......... 7 1.4.2研究方法 ................ 8 1.5小结 ............... 9 2 相关理论研究 ...... 10 2.1客户分群相关理论 ....................... 10 2.1.1客户分群定义 ....... 10 2.1.2客户分群分析方法 10 V 2.1.3客户画像 .............. 10 2.2客户需求分析相关理论................ 11 2.2.1客户需求的定义 ... 11 2.2.2客户需求分析方法 11 2.2.3客户需求的软件适用 ........................... 13 2.3数据挖掘与客户体验 ................... 13 2.3.1数据挖掘的定义 ... 13 2.3.2数据挖掘与客户体验关系分析 ............. 13 2.3.3数据挖掘的常用方法 ........................... 13 2.4站群系统相关理论 ....................... 14 2.4.1站群系统定义 ....... 14 2.4.2 站群系统应用 ...... 15 2.4.3互联网+服务 ......... 15 2.5小结 ............. 15 3 河南省教育厅站群客户群分析 ............ 17 3.1站群系统面向客户群分析 ............ 17 3.1.1客户群分析 ........... 17 3.1.2客户群体之间的关系分析 .................... 18 3.2站群客户行为分析 ....................... 19 3.2.1客户流量分析 ....... 19 3.2.2客户来源分析 ....... 21 3.2.3访客分析-地区分布 ............................. 22 VI 3.2.4受访分析-受访页面 ............................. 24 3.3站群客户终端分析 ....................... 24 3.3.1客户设备类型分析 24 3.3.2客户终端浏览器分析 ........................... 26 3.3.3客户终端分辨率分析 ........................... 28 3.4站群系统客户画像 ....................... 29 3.4.1客户群画像 ........... 29 3.4.2客户行为画像 ....... 30 3.5小结 ............. 31 4 河南省教育厅站群客户体验需求分析 . 32 4.1站群系统调研分析 ....................... 32 4.1.1站群系统建设情况调研分析 ................. 32 4.1.2门户网站调研分析 32 4.1.3专题子站的调研分析 ........................... 33 4.1.4客户办事服务调研分析 ........................ 33 4.2站群系统客户体验调研分析 ........ 34 4.2.1客户访问网站的主要目的 .................... 34 4.2.2网站信息更新速度 35 4.2.3网站内容质量的评价 ........................... 36 4.2.4在线服务指标的重要程度 .................... 36 4.3客户服务事项分析 ....................... 37 4.3.1客户服务事项面

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