2014年以来,国家层面制定出台大量支持政策,持续推进“大众创业万众 创新”活动开展,促进我国经济发展。新创企业如雨后春笋般涌现。然而,创业 环境动态变化速度快,我国的总体创业失败率始终居高不下。创业学习被视为新 创企业获得竞争优势、提升新创企业绩效的重要途径。家族第二代自主创业者, 具备着天然的创业优势,是成功创业群体中的重要力量。家族第二代自主创业者 比家族一代创业者面临着更加残酷的市场环境,也要面对更巨大的信息量。相对 于草根创业者,他们能接受更为复杂的系统化的教育,知识结构更加丰富。家族 企业为其提供的经验,家族的社会网络传承和他们个人的社会网络资源等都成为 可以为其提供知识从而进行创业学习,这是其区别于草根创业者的重要资源。家 族第二代自主创业者的创业动机、创业学习过程、创业成功因素,值得我们去深 入探究。 案例正文以故事叙述的方式,客观描述了家族第二代自主创业者王栋的创业 学习过程中的重要事件。他从小跟随父母外出商务考察,在商业氛围中耳濡目染, 出国留学回来后便进入家族企业从事管理工作。在此期间,王栋认识了首次创业 的合伙人后便放弃相对轻松的管理工作,开始第一次自主创业,主营智能马桶的 销售。但由于合伙人人心涣散,企业经营问题频出,首次创业失败。之后王栋快 速调整,深耕智能马桶欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司,转做制造公司,走品牌发展之路。目前二次创业公 司运营规范,已初具规模。 案例分析部分主要分析了王栋具备创业者外倾性强、情绪稳定性强、随和性 低、责任心强、经验开放性高的特质。家族第二代自主创业者与草根创业者在创 业动机和创业环境上存在不同。王栋首次创业失败主要原因是创业团队不和,但 王栋的非物质追求的创业动机和家庭给予的资金支持,让他快速调整,开始第二 次创业。二次创业时,他采取单一股东形式替代合伙人形式、线上线下一体化替 代单一线上销售模式、自主制造替代贴牌产品销售、做品牌替代做销售模式等新 做法。王栋在创业学习过程中获得了适应变化、寻找关系网络等方面的能力。王 栋的创业学习能取得成效的影响因素主要有环境、经验和能力三大要素。基于对 王栋创业学习过程各个阶段变化的分析,提出提升创业者学习成功率的建议。 关键词:创业管理;创业学习;家族第二代自主创业者;成功要素 II Abstract Since 2014, the state has formulated a large number of supportive policies to continuously promote the activities of "mass entrepreneurship and innovation" and promote China's economic development. New businesses are springing up like mushrooms. However, in the context of dynamic changes in the entrepreneurial environment, the entrepreneurial failure rate of Chinese enterprises is always high. Entrepreneurial learning is regarded as an important way for new ventures to gain competitive advantages and improve their performance. The second generation of entrepreneurs of family business has natural entrepreneurial advantages and is an important force in successful entrepreneurial groups. Compared with grassroots entrepreneurs, the second generation of family entrepreneurs are faced with a more brutal market environment and a huge amount of information. Compared with grassroots entrepreneurs, their knowledge structure is richer and they have a more complex and systematic education. The experience provided by the family business, the family's social network inheritance and their personal social network resources have all become important resources that can provide them with knowledge and entrepreneurial learning, which are different from grassroots entrepreneurs. The entrepreneurial motivation, entrepreneurial learning process and entrepreneurial success factors of the second generation of entrepreneurs in the family are worth exploring in depth. The main body of the case objectively describes the important events in the entrepreneurial learning process of Wang Dong, the second-generation entrepreneur of the family business, in the way of story narration. Since his childhood, he has followed his parents to go out for business investigation, so he was influenced by the business atmosphere. After studying abroad, he entered the family business and engaged in management work. During this period, Wang Dong met the first venture partner and gave up the relatively easy management work, began the first venture, selling intelligent toilets. However, because the partners' morale is lax, the business management problems occur frequently, the first business failure. After that, Wang Dong quickly adjusted, carrying on the intelligent toilet industry.He established a manufacturing company, and took the road of brand development. At present, the company’s operation is standard, and has taken shape. The case analysis part mainly analyzes the characteristics of Wang Dong, such as strong extroversion, strong emotional stability, low easygoing, strong sense of III responsibility and high openness of experience. The second generation entrepreneurs of family business are different from those of grassroots entrepreneurs in entrepreneurial motivation and entrepreneurial environment. the main reason of Wang Dong’s first business failure is the entrepreneurial team.Because of Wang Dong's non-material pursuit and family financial support, so that he could quickly adjust, start the second business. In his second venture, he adopted new methods such as single shareholder instead of partnership, online and offline integration instead of a single online sales model, independent manufacturing instead of OEM product sales, and brand development instead of sales model. In the process of learning entrepreneurship, Wang Dong has acquired the ability to adapt to changes and find relationships networks. The factors that influence the success of Wang Dong's entrepreneur learning mainly include three factors: environment, experience and ability. Based on the analysis of the changes in each stage of Wang Dong's entrepreneurial learning process, this paper puts forward some suggestions to improve the success rate of entrepreneurs' learning. Key words: entrepreneurial management;entrepreneurial learning; second-generation entrepreneur;factors of success 1 目 录 摘要 ........................................................................................................................ I Abstract ..........................................................................................................................II 目 录 ....................................................................................................................... 1 1 引言 ........................................................................................................................... 1 1.1 研究意义及目的 ........................................................................................... 1 1.2案例欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司收集方法 ........................................................................................ 2 1.3案例内容结构与安排 .................................................................................... 2 2 案例正文 ................................................................................................................... 4 2.1 引言 ................................................................................................................ 4 2.2创业前积累(2010-2015年) ..................................................................... 4 2.2.1教育经历:独立的学生时代(2010年-2014年) ......... 4 2.2.2家族企业工作经历:初涉家居欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司(2014-2015年) ...... 5 2.3首次创业,在失败中学习(2015年-2017年) ....................................... 7 2.3.1抓住创业机会,组建合伙团队 ......................... 7 2.3.2经营问题暴露,股东人心涣散 ......................... 8 2.3.3首创企业失败,创业者坠入困境 ....................... 9 2.4重振旗鼓,在学习中成长(2018年至今) ............................................. 9 2.4.1再出发,深耕智马欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司 ............................... 9 2.4.2有勇有谋,单枪匹马做实体 .......................... 11 2.4.3软硬件基础扎实,管理逐渐精细化 .................... 12 2.4.4保运营增利润,市场拓展成关键 ...................... 13 2.5 创业学习,一直在路上 ............................................................................. 15 3 案例分析 ................................................................................................................. 16 3.1 研究问题 ...............................