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I 摘要 随着社会经济的飞速发展,居民消费水平的进一步提高,无论是商务出行还 是休闲旅游,人们的出行方式发生了一些改变,出行半径也越来越大,极大地推 动了民航运输业的发展。其中,中小机场发展速度较快,远高于整体发展水平, 但运营却异常艰难,受客流量影响,航空主业收入较少,大部分处于经营亏损状 态,如何提高中小机场非航空业务收入及整体竞争力,是亟待解决的问题。 本文以四川KD机场集团非航空业务为研究对象,主要介绍了国内外机场非 航空业务发展现状,分析了目前四川KD机场集团非航空业务发展的现状及存在 问题等,采用了SWOT分析法、波士顿矩阵分析等方法对该集团公司的非航空业 务发展环境进行分析,并根据分析结果提出相应的发展策略和实施保障方案。 四川KD机场集团“一体两翼”战略的有力推进,离不开“两翼”,即旅游板 块和农特产品板块的落地实施,在实施过程中应遵循航空主业和非航辅业协同发 展的原则,总体规划、分步实施、循序渐进原则,线上线下结合、规模化发展原 则,防范风险、降本增效原则和因地制宜、结合实际的原则。针对非航空业务中 存在的几个问题,一是航站楼商业经营模式单一;二是海螺沟水产品及农特产品 市场定位不准,市场占有率低,盈利能力不足;三是旅游板块涉及的酒店、运业、 自驾车租赁、旅游服务公司等资源未充分整合;四是景区建设投入大、周期长, 缺乏专业的营销策划、运营团队等,提出了非航空业务的发展策略:一是发挥三 大机场的核心作用,努力建设以航空业为主、旅游板块、特色产品板块为辅的“一 体两翼”发展模式;二是要建立更加完善的经营管理模式;三是构建高质量机场生 态圈,全面延伸产业链;四是对所有优势资源进行深层次的融合,实现优势互补, 提升盈利水平;五是实现非航空产业的市场化和专业化运营。最后,从组织机构、 人力资源、财务管理和企业文化四个方面实施保障。 本文的研究,对四川KD机场集团非航空业务的发展具有一定指导作用。同 时,本文选择的案例有其自身特殊性,能为国内其他中小机场、高高原机场发展 非航空业务及机场转型升级提供一定参考借鉴。 关键词:KD机场 ,非航空业务,发展策略 ABSTRACT II ABSTRACT With the rapid development of social economy and the further improvement of residents' consumption level, whether it is business travel or leisure tourism, people's travel mode has changed, and the travel radius is also increasing, which greatly promotes the development of civil aviation transportation industry. Small and medium-sized airports are developing at a faster pace than the overall development level, but their operations are extremely difficult, and most of them are operating at a loss due to the impact of passenger traffic. So how to increase the non-aviation revenue and overall competitiveness of small and medium-sized airports is an issue that needs to be addressed. This paper takes Sichuan KD Airport Group's non-aviation business as the research object, mainly introduces the domestic and foreign airport non-aviation business development status, analyzes the current situation and existing problems of Sichuan KD Airport Group's non-aviation business development, and analyzes the development environment of the group's non-aviation business by using SWOT analysis, Boston matrix analysis and other methods, according to the analysis results, the corresponding development strategy and implementation guarantee scheme are put forward. Sichuan KD Airport Group's strategy of "one body with two wings" cannot be vigorously promoted without the implementation of "two wings", i.e. the tourism section and the agricultural and special products section. In the process of implementation, we should follow the principle of collaborative development of the main aviation industry and non-aviation auxiliary industry, the principle of overall planning, step-by-step implementation and gradual progress, the principle of online and offline integration, the principle of scale development, the principle of risk prevention, cost reduction and efficiency improvement, and the principle of local conditions and practicality. At present, there are several problems in the non-aviation business: First, there is a single commercial business model for the terminal building. The second is the inaccurate market positioning of aquatic products and agricultural specialties in Hailuogou, low market share and insufficient profitability. Thirdly, the tourism sector involves hotels, transportation, self-driving car rental, travel service companies and other resources are not fully integrated. Fourth, the construction of scenic spots has a ABSTRACT III large investment and long cycle, and lacks professional marketing planning and operation team. To address these issues, this paper proposes strategies for the development of non-aviation business: first, to give full play to the core role of the three major airports, and strive to build an "integrated two-wing" development model with aviation, tourism and specialty products as the mainstay; second, to establish a more complete management model; third, to build a high-quality airport ecosystem, and to comprehensively develop the aviation industry. The fourth is to integrate all advantageous resources at a deeper level to realize complementary advantages and improve profitability; the fifth is to realize marketization and professional operation of non-aviation industries. Lastly, we will guarantee it in four aspects: organization, human resources, financial management and corporate culture. The research in this paper has a guiding effect on the development of non-aviation business of Sichuan KD Airport Group. At the same time, the case study selected in this paper is unique and can provide some reference for other small and medium-sized airports and plateau airports in China to develop their non-aviation business and airport transformation and upgrading. Keywords: KD Airport, non-aviation business, development strategic 目录 IV 目录 第一章 绪论 ....................... 1 1.1 研究背景与意义 ... 1 1.1.1 研究背景 ... 1 1.1.2 研究意义 ... 2 1.2 研究的主要内容与方法 ...................... 3 1.2.1 研究的主要内容 ...................... 3 1.2.2 研究的主要方法 ...................... 4 1.3 国内外研究现状 ... 4 1.3.1 国外相关研究文献综述 .......... 4 1.3.2 国内相关研究文献综述 .......... 6 1.3.3 文献简评 ... 7 1.4 相关理论综述 ....... 8 1.4.1 企业战略管理理论 .................. 8 1.4.2 服务管理理论 .......................... 8 第二章 国内外机场非航空业务发展概况 .... 10 2.1 国外机场非航空业务发展概况 ........ 10 2.1.1 法国戴高乐机场 .................... 10 2.1.2 新加坡樟宜机场 ..................... 11 2.2 国内机场非航空业务发展概况 ........ 12 2.2.1 北京首都国际机场 ................ 14 2.2.2 上海浦东国际机场 ................ 16 2.2.3 广州白云国际机场 ................ 17 2.3 国内高高原支线机场非航空业务发展概况 ................... 19 2.3.1 林芝米林机场 ........................ 19 2.4 四川KD机场非航业务周边环境分析 ........................... 21 2.4.1 政治环境分析 ........................ 21 2.4.2 经济环境分析 ........................ 22 2.4.3 社会环境分析 ........................ 24 2.4.4 技术环境分析 ........................ 27 2.5 经验总结 ............. 27 目录 V 第三章 四川KD机场集团非航空业务发展现状及问题分析 ... 29 3.1 四川KD机场集团概况 .................... 29 3.1.1 组织结构 . 29 3.1.2 财务状况 . 30 3.1.3 航空业务运营数据统计 ........ 31 3.2 非航空业务发展现状 ........................ 32 3.2.1 航站楼商业 ............................ 32 3.2.2 景区建设 . 33 3.2.3 空港物流园建设 .................... 34 3.2.4 酒店 ......... 34 3.2.5 运业和自驾车租赁 ................ 35 3.2.6 逸途旅游 . 35 3.2.7 水产品和农特产品 ................ 36 3.3 波士顿矩阵分析 . 37 3.3.1 明星型产品 ............................ 37 3.3.2 现金牛型产品 ........................ 37 3.3.3 问题型产品 ............................ 37 3.3.4 瘦狗型产品 ............................ 37 3.4 非航空业务发展面临问题分析 ........ 38 3.4.1 航站楼商业经营问题 ............ 38 3.4.2 水产品、农特产品及旅游板块发展问题 ........... 39 3.4.3 景区经营问题 ........................ 40 3.4.4 资源分散问题 ........................ 40 3.5 非航空业务的SWOT分析 .............. 40 3.5.1 发展非航空业务的优势 ........ 40 3.5.2 发展非航空业务的劣势 ........ 41 3.5.3 非航空业务面临的机遇 ........ 43 3.5.4 非航空业务面临的威

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