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国际青年旅舍在中国经过近二十年的发展,以爆发式的速度递增,目前共有 两百七十余家遍布于大陆的主要城市和乡村。其中江西省有四家,分别是位于上 饶市婺源县的婺源晓庐国际青年旅舍,位于景德镇市的江西景德镇国际青年旅舍 和景德镇晓庐国际青年旅舍,以及位于省会南昌的南昌乐途国际青年。 国际青年旅舍在中国势蓬勃发展的同时,也伴随着本土化融合所带来的问题。 2013年,南昌第一家国际青年旅舍——南昌乐途国际青年旅舍在南昌市西湖区开 业。经过2014年的装修,旅舍初步形成了拥有16间客房的规模,成为海内外背 包旅客在南昌的聚集地,也是辐散南昌及周边景区的根据地。 本文通过对南昌乐途国际青年旅舍的经营现状进行理论分析,从实际考察出 发,提出其在营销策略方面的不足,通过研究营销管理的相关理论,结合南昌乐 途国际青年旅舍的实际情况,提出适用于其发展提升的营销策略,同时也是对国 际旅舍本土化实践的一次理论探讨。 论文在梳理国内外关于国际青年旅舍的研究成果后,结合营销管理的相关理 论对南昌乐途国际青年旅舍营销策略进行分析。根据STP理论,通过市场细分, 在差异化比较中选定目标市场,做出适合自身的市场定位。从7Ps营销策略出发, 具体到以人性化的服务和文化品牌定位的产品策略;成本取向和需求取向相结合 的价格策略;直接营销和间接营销并举的渠道策略;主题化和青年化的促销策略; 兼顾顾客与员工的人员策略;以及有形展示策略和过程策略。 南昌乐途国际青年旅舍的营销策略,是多种策略的复合作用,通过各种策略 的相互配合、协调作用,以期充分发掘南昌乐途其内在的营销价值及市场潜能, 更好地实现青年旅舍与社会效益的共同发展,为青年旅客提供更加舒适的旅行体 验。 关键词:南昌乐途国际青年旅舍;STP;7Ps;营销策略 2 Abstract International youth hostels have been developing in China for nearly two decades, increasing at an explosive rate. Currently, there are more than two hundred and seventy-five major cities and villages throughout the mainland. There are four of Jiangxi province, is located in yiyang Wuyuan county of Wuyuan Xiaolu international youth hostel, located in Jingdezhen international youth hostel to startan and Jingdezhen Xiaolu international youth hostel, and is located in the provincial capital of Nanchang Letu international youth hostel. While the international youth hostel is thriving in China, it is accompanied by the problems caused by localization integration. In 2013, Nanchang international youth hostel, the first international youth hostel in Nanchang, opened in the xihu district of Nanchang city. After the renovation of 2014, the hostel has formed the size of 16 rooms, which is the communication and rest stop for the vast majority of friends who walk on the road. Based on current situation of Nanchang international youth hostel management way of theoretical analysis, starting from the actual investigation, put forward marketing strategies in the aspects of the insufficiency, through the research on the relevant theories of marketing management, combined with the actual situation of Nanchang international youth hostel way of, put forward suitable for the development of the marketing strategy of ascension is also a theory of the localization of international hotel practice of. After reviewing the research results of international youth hostels at home and abroad, this paper analyzes the marketing strategies of Nanchang Letu international youth hostel based on the related theories of marketing management. According to the STP theory, the market is divided into consumers with different needs and purchasing power. From the marketing strategy of 7Ps, it is specific to the product strategy based on humanistic service and cultural brand positioning. Pricing strategy combining cost orientation and demand orientation; Channel strategies for direct marketing and indirect marketing; Thematic and youth promotion strategies; Staff strategy for both customers and employees; And tangible display strategies and process strategies. Nanchang international youth hostel way of marketing strategy, is the composite of a variety of strategies, through a variety of strategies of mutual cooperation, coordination effect, in order to fully tap the Nanchang joy way its internal marketing 3 value and market potential, to better realize the common development of youth hostel and social benefits, for young travelers to provide more comfortable travel experience.。。。。。。以下内容略

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