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I 摘要 当前世界经济一体化、全球化进程不断加深,随着“一带一路”倡议的提出,我国 企业走向世界的脚步逐渐加快,其中的承包商是不容忽视的重要组成部分。我国国际工 程承包商在海外实施工程建设等项目时,往往由于对当地法律、政治、文化、自然环境 条件等方面认识不够充分,加上在国内的一些思维,导致企业在海外相关社会责任存在 许多问题,对项目及企业造成不可挽回经济损失和企业形象的不良影响。当前对我国国 际工程承包商在海外社会责任的相关研究少而散,缺少对企业本身社会责任评价的相关 研究。基于此,本文从利益相关者视角出发,通过相关文献及社会责任报告的研究构建 我国国际工程承包商海外社会责任指标体系;运用ANP确定指标权重后,通过基于中 心点的三角白化权函数的灰评估法对指标进行评价,从而对我国国际工程承包商海外社 会责任的履行情况进行评价,为我国国际工程承包商在海外拓展业务时提供社会责任履 行方面的建议。 首先,本文对国内外关于企业社会责任评价问题的相关研究进行了梳理,进一步对 我国建筑施工企业国内和海外的社会责任评价相关研究进行梳理,明确了关于我国国际 工程承包商海外社会责任评价相关研究的空白,确定了本文的研究目的和研究意义;同 时介绍了本文的主要研究内容、创新点、研究方法和技术路线。 其次,本文阐述了研究所依据的基础理论和方法,包括社会责任理论、利益相关者 理论、网络层次分析法(ANP)和基于中心点三角白化权函数的灰评估法;通过对相关 文献统计和ENR国际承包商250强前100名中的中国企业的社会责任报告的阅读分析, 结合ABC分类法对我国国际工程承包商在海外市场的利益相关者进行了界定;根据已 确定的利益相关者,依据社会责任理论对我国国际工程承包商在海外市场的社会责任进 行了界定,为下一步的研究奠定基础。 再次,在分析我国建设工程承包商在国内外社会责任的区别和联系后,对我国国际 工程承包商在海外市场执行项目时的问题进行分析,总结了承包商在海外市场容易出现 的问题,并对问题出现的原因进行探讨。 第四,依据现有文献、ENR国际承包商250强前100名中的中国企业的社会责任报 告、我国关于企业社会责任的相关指南或标准,结合本文界定的承包商社会责任,对评 价指标进行选取。进一步通过运用ANP的方法建立ANP网络结构模型,分析指标间的 相互影响关系,邀请专家及相关从业人员通过重要度判断矩阵确定指标相对重要程度, 将判断结果输入SD软件后输出各指标权重结果;选择基于中心点的三角白化权函数的 灰评估法作为该指标体系的评价方法,并阐述了评价步骤。 最后,选择中国电建集团国际工程有限公司作为实证分析的对象,邀请专家及相关 从业者通过对其相关报告进行阅读分析,依据第四章所建立的评价指标体系对该公司的 摘要 II 海外社会责任履行情况进行评价。根据最终的评价结果对我国国际工程承包商在海外市 场社会责任方面的问题提出对策与建议,帮助企业在海外市场更好地进行经营活动。 关键词:国际工程承包商;海外社会责任评价;利益相关者 Abstract III Abstract At present, the process of world economic integration and globalization is deepening. With the proposal of "One Belt And One Road", Chinese enterprises are gradually accelerating their steps towards the world. Among them, construction contractors are an important part that cannot be ignored. China's international engineering contractors in overseas engineering construction projects, such as often as a result of the local law, politics, culture, natural environment conditions, know enough, plus some thinking in the domestic, lead to enterprise in overseas related the lack of social responsibility, to the project and enterprise cause irreparable economic loss and the bad influence of the corporate image. At present, the research on the overseas social responsibility of Chinese international engineering contractors is few and far between. Based on this, this paper, from the perspective of stakeholders, constructs the overseas social responsibility index system of Chinese international engineering contractors through the research of relevant literature and social responsibility reports. After the index weight is determined by ANP, the index is evaluated by the grey evaluation method based on the triangle whitening weight function of the center, so as to evaluate the performance of overseas social responsibility of Chinese international engineering contractors, and provide Suggestions on social responsibility performance for Chinese international engineering contractors when they expand their business overseas. First of all, on the issue of corporate social responsibility evaluation at home and abroad in this paper, the paper analyzes research, further to our country construction enterprise social responsibility evaluation studies in domestic and overseas to comb, clear about China's international engineering contractors overseas blank in the research of relevant social responsibility evaluation, determine the purpose of this study and the research significance; At the same time, the main research contents, innovation points, research methods and technical route are introduced. Secondly, this paper expounds the basic theories and methods based on the research, including social responsibility theory, stakeholder theory, network analytic hierarchy process (ANP) and grey evaluation method based on the weight function of central point triangulation. Through the relevant literature statistics and the reading and analysis of the social responsibility reports of Chinese enterprises in the top 100 of ENR top 250 international contractors, this paper defines the stakeholders of Chinese international engineering contractors in overseas markets by combining with ABC classification. According to the established stakeholders and the social responsibility theory, this paper defines the social responsibility of Chinese international engineering contractors in the overseas market, which lays a foundation for the next research. Thirdly, after analyzing the differences and connections between Chinese construction contractors' social responsibilities at home and abroad, this paper analyzes the problems of Chinese international construction contractors' project execution in overseas market, summarizes the problems that contractors tend to have in overseas market, and discusses the Abstract IV causes of the problems. Fourth, according to the existing literature, the social responsibility report of Chinese enterprises in the top 100 of ENR international contractors top 250, the relevant guidelines or standards on corporate social responsibility in China, and the contractor social responsibility defined in this paper, the evaluation index is selected. Furthermore, ANP network structure model was established by using ANP method to analyze the interaction between indicators. Experts and relevant practitioners were invited to determine the relative importance degree of indicators through the importance judgment matrix. After the judgment results were input into SD software, the weight results of each indicator were output. The grey evaluation method based on triangle whiteness weight function is selected as the evaluation method of the index system. Finally, China power construction group international engineering co., ltd. was selected as the object of empirical analysis, experts and relevant practitioners were invited to read and analyze the relevant reports, and the company's overseas social responsibility performance was evaluated according to the evaluation index system established in chapter 4. According to the final evaluation results, countermeasures and Suggestions are put forward for the social responsibility problems of Chinese international engineering contractors in the overseas market, so as to help enterprises better conduct business activities in the overseas market. Keywords: international engineering contractor;overseas social responsibility evaluation; stakeholder 目 录 V 目 录 北京建筑大学硕士学位论文原创性声明 北京建筑大学硕士学位论文使用授权书 摘要 ........... I Abstract .......... III 目 录 .............. V 第1章 绪 论 .. 1 1.1 研究背景、目的与意义 ...................... 1 1.1.1 研究背景 ..... 1 1.1.2 研究目的 ..... 3 1.1.3 研究意义 ..... 3 1.2 相关领域国内外研究现状 .................. 4 1.2.1 企业社会责任评价研究现状 .... 4 1.2.2 我国施工企业海外社会责任相关研究现状 ............ 6 1.2.3 相关领域研究现状述评 ............ 6 1.3 主要研究内容与创新点 ...................... 7 1.3.1 主要研究内容 ......

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