摘要 ....... I ABSTRACT ..................... III 1 导论 .. 1 1.1选题背景及问题提出 1 1.2研究目的及意义 ........ 2 1.2.1研究目的 ............. 2 1.2.2研究意义 ............. 2 1.3研究方法与内容 ........ 3 1.3.1研究方法 ............. 3 1.3.2研究内容 ............. 3 1.4文献综述 .................... 4 2 相关概念与理论基础 ..... 7 2.1瓦楞原纸的概念 ........ 7 2.2战略管理相关理论 .... 7 2.2.1战略管理理论的发展 ........................ 7 2.2.2战略管理的层次 . 9 2.2.3竞争战略的类型 .............................. 10 2.3研究工具介绍 .......... 11 2.3.1PEST分析 .......... 11 2.3.2五力模型 ........... 12 2.3.3 SWOT分析 ....... 13 2.3.4QSPM矩阵分析 . 13 3 LM公司外部环境分析 . 15 3.1宏观环境分析 .......... 15 3.1.1政治环境分析 ... 15 3.1.2经济环境分析 ... 16 3.1.3社会环境分析 ... 17 3.1.4技术环境分析 ... 18 3.2瓦楞原纸欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司环境分析 ......................... 20 3.2.1现有竞争者分析 20 3.2.2潜在竞争者进入的能力 ................... 22 3.2.3替代品的替代能力 ........................... 23 3.2.4客户的议价能力 23 3.2.5供应商的议价能力 ........................... 23 3.3 外部机会与威胁 ...... 24 3.3.1外部环境带来的机会 ....................... 24 3.3.2外部环境带来的威胁 ....................... 26 3.3.3外部环境因素评价矩阵 ................... 27 4 LM公司内部环境分析 . 29 4.1 LM公司简介 ............ 29 4.2 LM公司的资源 ........ 30 4.2.1财务状况分析 .... 30 4.2.2主要产品分析 .... 30 4.2.3人力资源分析 .... 31 4.2.4创新资源分析 .... 33 4.3 LM公司的能力资源分析 ....................... 34 4.3.1市场营销能力 .... 34 4.3.2生产能力分析 .... 35 4.3.3技术研发能力分析 ........................... 35 4.4LM公司内部优势与劣势 ........................ 36 4.4.1内部优势 ............ 36 4.4.2内部劣势 ............ 36 4.4.3内部环境因素评价矩阵 ................... 37 5 LM公司瓦楞原纸业务竞争战略选择 ........ 39 5.1LM公司SWOT分析 .............................. 39 5.2LM公司竞争战略的选择 ....................... 41 5.3LM公司愿景和使命 43 5.3.1LM公司的愿景 .. 43 5.3.2LM公司的使命 .. 43 6 LM公司竞争战略的实施与保障 ................ 45 6.1 LM公司竞争战略的实施 ...................... 45 6.1.1建设原料基地,降低原料及采购成本 ......................... 45 6.1.2加强人力资源管理 .......................... 45 6.1.3降低生产管理成本,扩大盈利空间 ............................. 46 6.1.4实施“互联网+” .. 46 6.2竞争战略实施的保障 ............................. 47 6.2.1组织保障 ........... 47 6.2.2人才保障 ........... 47 6.2.3注重技术创新 ... 48 6.2.4资本保障 ........... 49 7 结论 51 参考文献 ........................... 53 致谢 .... 57 摘要 I 摘要 造纸工业是国民经济重要的基础原材料产业,涉及工业、生活、文化、教育、 科技、国民经济的许多领域,它与国民经济紧密相联同步发展,对我国的经济基础 水平有着重要的影响,同时纸及和纸板的人均消费量也是衡量国民经济发展水平 的重要指标。中国造纸工业经过多年的发展,已经成为全球重要的纸生产国和消 费国。瓦楞纸是包装工业应用最广泛的包装材料,用于包装工业产品和各类民用 商品等,而且随着国际市场对货物木质包装检疫的限制,在很多情况下取代了木 箱和金属箱。瓦楞原纸作为瓦楞纸的基础材料,根据其特性和不同用途可将不同 楞型进行组合,加工制造成不同的包装制品,用以包装不同重量、类型、等级的 产品。由于成本相对更为节约而且更为环保,被广泛应用于工业及日常生活。瓦 楞纸产品易回收、再生利用,是理想的“绿色包装”材料,符合日益深入人心的环保 理念。近年来,国际形势复杂多变,新一轮国际产业链变革正在进行,全球范围 内产业结构和国际分工正在进行调整,全球造纸产业格局正在发生变化,造纸工 业作为制造业配套的基础原材料制造业,在新一轮的国际竞争中将面临严峻的挑 战。另外,保护碧水蓝天的 “环保风暴”,及有关部委2017年提出的禁止洋垃圾进 口,2018年采用废纸配给制等,导致原材料对外依赖度较高的造纸欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司面临着更 大的压力。同时,供给侧结构性改革、“一带一路”战略以及“互联网+”也为造纸行 业带来了新的机遇。 本文以LM公司为研究对象,首先对研究背景及对象、研究目的及意义、研究 内容及方法进行论述。其次,阐述了有关战略管理的相关概念和理论基础及研究 工具的介绍,通过PEST分析法、波特五力模型分析法进行外部环境分析,采用 SWOT分析法对LM公司内部环境,包括LM公司资源及能力资源进行详细分析。通 过对SWOT综合矩阵分析,最终将其优势、劣势、机会、威胁进行综合归纳分析, 利用QSPM矩阵对三种备选竞争战略进行比较分析,采用发挥优势,利用机会,弱 化劣势,规避威胁的原则,提出LM公司当前适宜采取低成本竞争战略:建设原料 基地,而在保障原材料供应的同时降低原料采购成本;加强人力资源建设,提高组 织和管理效能,实施人才队伍建设;实施“互联网+”,优化生产要素、更新业务体 系等实现产业升级,同时顺应大数据时代的要求,提高企业竞争力。在日趋激烈 的竞争中保持稳健发展的同时,不断提高其市场竞争力。文章希望通过本文的研 西南大学工商管理硕士学位论文 II 究也可以为同欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司的其他企业在进行战略选择和战略制定时提供借鉴和参考。 关键词:LM公司;瓦楞原纸;竞争战略; Abstract III Abstract Paper industry is the foundation of the national economy important industry raw materials, industrial, life, culture, education, science and technology, many fields of national economy, it is closely related with the national economy of synchronous development, basic level has an important influence on our country's economy, the per capita consumption of paper and board at the same time is also the important indicators of the national economy level of development. After years of development, China's paper industry has become an important producer and consumer of paper in the world. With the rapid development of the e-commerce industry and the deepening of the concept of environmental protection, corrugated base paper as the basic material of paper packaging box paperboard is becoming more and more important. In recent years, the international situation is complicated, change a new round of international industry chain is ongoing, global and international division of labor is to adjust industrial structure, the pattern of global papermaking industry is changing, papermaking industry as the basis of form a complete set of manufacturing raw materials manufacturing, will face severe challenges in the new round of international competition. In addition, the "environmental storm" to protect the clear water and blue sky, as well as the ban on foreign garbage import proposed by relevant ministries and commissions in 2017, and the adoption of waste paper rationing system in 2018, have led to greater pressure on the paper-making industry with high dependence on external raw materials. Meanwhile, the supply-side structural reform, "One Belt And One Road" strategy and "Internet +" have also brought new opportunities for the paper making industry. Based on LM company as the research object, this paper first expounds the related concepts about strategic management and an introduction to the theoretical basis and research tools, through the PEST analysis, porter five model analysis method to analyze the macro environment, using the SWOT matrix analysis method for LM carry out specific analysis on the company's internal environment, at the same time, combining with the relevant national policies and regulations and industry development trend, puts forward the following development strategy on LM paper company: recycling of waste 西南大学工商管理硕士学位论文 IV paper in order to in the form of joint venture, enterprise, construction has a certain scale and level of renewable resources and processing base, so as to ensure raw material supply and reduce raw material cost; Reduce the rate of capacity expansion, reduce investment spending, ease the financial pressure, thus ensuring liquidity; Strengthen the organizational and management efficiency, implement the talent team construction, ensure the company's healthy and stable operation; The implementation of "Internet plus" complies with the requirements of the era of big data, and at the same time improves the competitiveness of enterprises. In the increasingly fierce competition to maintain steady development at the same time, constantly improve the market competitiveness. It is hoped that the study of this paper can also provide reference for other enterprises in the same industry to make strategic choices and strategies