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品牌是经济市场不断发展的产物,源于企业之间的竞争。在市场竞争日益激烈、 产品同质化的今天,品牌已成为获取竞争优势的战略性资源。中等职业学校同样作 为社会组织,也面临着相似的环境。为此,将经济活动中的品牌理论迁移应用到中 等职业学校所在的教育环境中,以提升中等职业学校品牌内涵价值,增强其市场核 心竞争力和知名度。 以沧州GM中等职业学校为研究对象,从品牌体系中的品牌识别、品牌支撑两 个方面开展研究。采用了文献研究法,通过大量查阅相关文献,确定课题研究的科 学性、可行性、方向性,概述了国内外有关中高职院校及高校品牌课题研究的现状, 梳理了品牌体系构建相关的理论,为论文研究打下坚实的基础。采用调查研究法, 通过对学校主要领导访谈、对学校办学质量年报等学校发展欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司搜集,对学校办学 现状进行了客观简介。通过研究分析对企业调研的报告,了解到毕业生培养质量的 现状及效果,同时对学校约300名学生开展问卷抽样调查,从而综合客观得到GM 中等职业学校品牌名称、定位、支撑核心要素包括专业建设、师资力量、校园文化、 学生质量和品牌推广的真实现状,进而分析得出其现状与学生需求之间的差距,并 归因总结出GM学校当前品牌发展中存在着品牌名称含糊、定位落后、支撑核心要 素薄弱、传播效率低等问题,最后针对性地从品牌命名策略、品牌定位策略、品牌 支撑策略、品牌推广策略四个方面提出了对策。 通过研究,为GM学校的品牌体系构建提供一些可行的借鉴参考,进而推动学 校提高办学水平、提升品牌价值,从而凸显其在市场中的竞争优势,推动学校实现 健康可持续发展。 关键词 中等职业学校;品牌;策略 III Abstract Brand results from competition among enterprises and is the product of the continuous development of economic market. In today's increasingly fierce market competition and product homogeneity, brand has become a strategic resource to obtain competitive advantages. Secondary vocational schools, as social organizations, are faced with similar circumstances. Therefore, brand theory in economic activities can be transferred and applied to educational context of secondary vocational schools, so as to enhance the connotative value of secondary vocational schools' brand and their core competitiveness and popularity in the market. Taking GM secondary vocational school, located in Cangzhou, as the research object, the research begins with two aspects of the brand system, which are brand recognition and brand support. This paper adopts the literature research method, through a wide research of relative papers, to determine the scientificity, feasibility and directivity of the research, summarizes the status of researches on the brand subject of secondary vocational schools, higher vocational colleges and universities at home and abroad, and sorts out the theories related to the brand system construction, which lays a solid foundation for the research of this paper. By means of investigation and research, this paper collects school development data such as interviews with school leaders and reviews of annual reports of school operation quality, and objectively introduced the status of school operation. Apart from research and analysis on the enterprise surveys report, to understand the status and effect of graduate training quality, the questionnaire sampling survey covering 300 students is carried out, which provides us with a comprehensive and objective presentation of brand name, positioning, core supporting elements including professional construction, faculty, campus culture, students' training quality and the real situation of brand communication of GM secondary vocational school. Further analysis reveals the gap between students' demands and the current situation, which sums up and attributes this status to brand name ambiguity, backward positioning, weakness of core supporting factors and low promotion efficiency. Finally, countermeasures are put forward in four aspects-brand naming strategy, brand positioning strategy, brand supporting strategy and brand promotion strategy. The research provides some feasible reference for the brand system construction of GM school, so as to promote its operation level and brand value, highlights its competitive advantage in the market and realizes its healthy and sustainable development. IV Key words Secondary Vocational School; Brand; Strategy V 目 录 摘要 ········ I Abstract ····· III 第1章 绪 论 ············· 1 1.1 论文的研究背景 ··· 1 1.1.1 选题意义 ······· 1 1.1.2 应用前景 ······· 1 1.2 国内外研究综述 ··· 2 1.2.1 国外研究现状 · 2 1.2.2 国内研究现状 · 3 1.3 研究内容和方法 ··· 4 1.3.1 研究内容 ······· 4 1.3.2 研究方法 ······· 5 1.3.3 技术路线 ······· 5 1.4 本章小结 ············ 6 第2章 中等职业学校品牌相关理论 ···· 7 2.1 品牌的相关理论 ··· 7 2.1.1 品牌的概念 ···· 7 2.1.2 品牌命名原则 · 7 2.1.3 品牌体系架构 · 8 2.2 中等职业学校品牌理论基础 ······ 8 2.2.1 中等职业学校品牌的概念 ···· 8 2.2.2 中等职业学校品牌的特征 ···· 8 2.2.3 中等职业学校品牌定位原则 10 2.2.4 中等职业学校品牌核心支撑要素 ············ 10 2.2.5 中等职业学校品牌推广的内涵及特点 ······ 10 2.3 本章小结 ··········· 11 第3章 GM中等职业学校品牌现状调研 ··············· 13 3.1 GM中等职业学校品牌现状 ······ 13 3.1.1 GM中等职业学校简介 ······ 13 3.1.2 GM中等职业学校品牌名称现状 ············ 13 3.1.3 GM中等职业学校品牌定位现状 ············ 14 VI 3.1.4 GM中等职业学校品牌支撑核心要素现状 · 14 3.1.5 GM中等职业学校品牌推广现状 ············ 19 3.2 品牌支撑要素与推广现状调研 ·· 19 3.2.1 调查问卷的设计 ··············· 19 3.2.2 问卷调查的实施 ··············· 20 3.3 品牌支撑要素与传播的数据分析 ················· 21 3.3.1 在校生对学校品牌的总体评价 ··············· 21 3.3.2 在校生对品牌支撑要素的具体评价 ········· 21 3.3.3 品牌支撑要素与传播现状调研总结 ········· 24 3.4 本章小结 ··········· 26 第4章 GM中等职业学校品牌问题分析 ··············· 27 4.1 品牌名称含义模糊 ················· 27 4.2 品牌定位落后无特色 ·············· 27 4.3 品牌支撑核心要素薄弱 ··········· 28 4.3.1 专业建设质量水平不一 ······ 28 4.3.2 师资队伍建设不完善 ········· 28 4.3.3 校园文化缺乏内涵 ············ 28 4.3.4 学生培养质量有待提高 ······ 29 4.4 品牌推广效率不高 ················· 29 4.4.1 品牌宣传内容方面 ············ 29 4.4.2 品牌推广渠道方面 ············ 29 4.4.3 推广力度方面 29 4.4.4 品牌推广受众方面 ············ 30 4.5 本章小结 ··········· 30 第5章 GM中等职业学校品牌策略制定 ··············· 31 5.1 品牌命名策略 ····· 31 5.2 品牌定位策略 ····· 31 5.2.1 品牌办学定位 31 5.2.2 品牌市场定位 32 5.3 品牌支撑策略 ····· 33 5.3.1 专业建设支撑 33 5.3.2 师资队伍建设支撑 ············ 35 5.3.3 文化建设支撑 36 5.3.4 学生质量支撑 38 VII 5.4 品牌推广策略 ····· 39 5.4.1 明确推广内容 39 5.4.2 寻求推广主体 40 5.4.3 创新推广方式 41 5.4.4 把握推广时机 42 5.5 本章小结 ··········· 43 结 论 ······ 45 附 录 ······ 47 附录A 关于 GM中等职业学校品牌满意度与知名度的调查问卷 ·············· 47。。。。。。以下内容略

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